Buddy has a high prey drive and would chase anything that moved before training. He's now learning more impulse control to not immediately zone out or run off chasing things. This is needed for safety.
Are you seeking distractions to build control, or are you avoiding distractions because you don't have control?
If you would like more control, freedom and respect from your dog contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Anything can be used a training opportunity. Buddy is ready to go I'm the pen and play with his friends but he's learning that he has to work before play. Simple things like making your dog wait longer than they want to, hold different commands or just change up routines help your dog understand that they aren't in control and everything comes through you when you're ready.
If you would like more control freedom And respect from your dogs contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Buddy showing that he can control himself and hold commands around new distractions. This allows him to meet more people and have more fun. Control Equals Freedom
If you would like more control, freedom and respect with your dog contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Buddy has a high prey drive and wants to chase anything that moves. Hyper fixating and ignoring dad is one of the reasons he's here for training...
Attention is key to staying in control. If your dog is allowed to ignore you to do what they want to do, you'll never have the control when major distractions come around. Seeking distractions and showing your dog that they don't have a choice but to comply, builds muscle memory and respect.
If you would like more control, freedom and respect with your dog, contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Onyx's pup - Lyra (11wks old)
It's never too early to start training. Especially with working dogs and breeds that want to learn.
We still have a few pups left (Border Collies). Let me know if you've ever owned or thought about owning the breed that always comes in #1 on smartest dog breed lists 😁
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Onyx's pup - Lyra (11wks old)
It's never too early to start training. Especially with working dogs and breeds that want to learn.
We still have a few pups left (Border Collies). Let me know if you've ever owned or thought about owning the breed that always comes in #1 on smartest dog breed lists 😁
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Buddy came for training to help with severe separation anxiety along with other things. PLACE will be a key component in teaching impulse control, teaching self confidence when left alone, teaching how to stay calm when visitors come over as well as many other things.
If you aren't using Place on a regular basis and your dog still jumps on visitors, has separation anxiety, doesn't know when to calm down in the house, how to sit still, you're not maximizing it's potential.
If you would like more control, freedom and respect from your dogs, contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
2 min training session working on Holding a sit, Not jumping on me when he gets excited, and not pulling on the leash. This can easily be done multiple times a day along with other daily rules and boundaries to have a respectful dog.
If you would like to learn more about how to have more control, freedom and respect with your dog, contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issues THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Daniff Puppies
Time to start finding homes for puppies
3 females, 1 male
Let me know if you're interested
Pack Walks
The weather is cooling off and the dogs are loving it!
What better way to bond with your pack or dog, while getting physical exercise and being able to just be a dog.
If you would like more freedom and control to be able to let your dog run and enjoy life off leash, contact us to set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? No matter the Age, Breed or Issue THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
Herding -
This little guy's confidence has come full circle!
Herding is awesome for physical exercise but when used correctly, it will help build control and recall when your dog is in prey or chase mode
If you would like to learn more about how herding can help your relationship and bond with your dog, contact us at [email protected] and set up your FREE EVALUATION. Why wait? Any Age, breed or issue THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE!!!
#Hopedogtraining #theresalwayshope
FAITH - Junk Removal
Another successful removal 💪🏾
Help support us by reposting and telling others about our services. Anything you'd like removed from your home or property. Big or small, we'll move it all.