Cutting up an 8”x10” lite into three 4”x6” pieces for the Naja in Sedona Arizona. #handmadeintheusa #thenaja #sedona #sedonaaz🏜🌵 #sedonaarizona🌵 #sedonashopping
Working Late Again Tonight,, Delivering These to Coyote Corner Joshua Tree Tomorrow! #joshuatree #handmadeintheusa #shopsmallbusiness #etsysellersofinstagram #coyotecorner #coyotecornergiftshop #visit_joshuatree #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #coyotecornergiftshop
Airbrushing Violet onto Night Lights for COYOTE CORNER Gift Shop, Joshua Tree! Almost There,,,, #joshuatree #visit_joshuatree #coyotecorner #coyotecornergroup #coyotecornergiftshop #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness
Another Night of Painting Night Lights for Coyote Corner Joshua Tree! #etsyartistsofinstagram #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #coyotecorner #coyotecornergiftshop #etsysellersoninstagram #coyotecornergroup #visitjoshuatree #visitjoshuatreenationalpark #joshuatree #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness
Testing Bulbs and Switches! #etsysellersofinstagram #handmadeintheusa #shopsmall #shopporthole #shopsmallbusiness #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #coyotecorner #catsofinstagram #coyotecornergiftshop
Sanding down custom coasters for Coyote Corner Joshua Tree! #coyotecorner #coyotecornergiftshop #coyotecornergroup #joshuatreenationalpark #etseyselletersofinstagram #handadeintheusa #shopsmall
Making a Heart Shaped Coaster Mold!
#etsysellersofinstagram #shopsmall #handmadeintheusa #shopsmallbusiness #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #heart #heart❤️ #heartart #heartshape #heartandsoul
This is me,, quietly painting my Butterfly and Dragonfly Drink Coasters,, #shopsmall #handmadeintheusa #etsysellersofinstagram #shopsmallbusiness #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #dragonfly #dragonfliesofinstagram
Sanding down small Tree Frog night lights! Frogs are some of my Favorite Creatures! #etsysellersofinstagram #handmadeintheusa #coqui #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #treefrogsofinstagram #poisonarrowfrog #frogs
Making Dust, Sanding Down an Octopus Design! #etsysellersofinstagram #handmadeintheusa #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #handmadeintheusa🇺🇸 #octopus #octopusart #kraken
Last Day for YMCA Redlands Holiday Boutique.
YMCA REDLANDS HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 9:00- 4:00 Today and Tomorrow,,,