Tribute Page for Bandit, Big Black Dog

Tribute Page for Bandit, Big Black Dog I'm an author & my Mom & I have published our first book & it's selling like HOTCAKES! Look for it on Amazon, B&N or

It's "BANDIT, Big Black Dog Who Stole My Heart" by Carol Bradshaw (and me!) I'm also a Therapy Dog & Service Dog!


I know, I's been ages since I've made contact. I'm very sorry, but since getting my angel wings, I am kept very busy. My list of humans to watch over grows. My greeting duties at the Bridge are special to me because I calm the fears of the newbies and seeing the immediate positive changes is especially exciting...sudden good health, energy, laughter, and knowing all pain, fear and dread are gone forever. Then there is the special time I spend with loved ones already here. It all keeps this big black dog busy. But never so busy that I forget those I left behind. Every once in awhile I leave signs so you know I was there...a tennis ball in an unusual place, a tuft of black fur seen on the clean floor, a thud sound you used to hear when I would plop down, a dark shadow where there should be none, a black butterfly or a ladybug landing nearby...all signs that I'm still nearby. It seems the world is going a little crazy nowdays, so I simply ask that you try to be a little more tolerant, hug a little more, criticize a little less, and always, always love the animals. And don't forget, our seniors, children, veterans, and military must be respected and cared for. Just remember I love you always, I miss you terribly and I am forever by your side. That's all for now, must go to greet at the Bridge. Take care of yourselves and each other. Always, your best buddy...BANDIT!


Hi friends. I felt alot of you thinking of me this week, especially today. Gosh, these two years have passed in the blink of an eye. Me, along with all my pals here, stay very busy. We have our guardian angel duties, naps, playtime, and greeting new arrivals, as well as comforting those who face their final journey. I know mom and dad were a little sad recently, but today I heard their laughter, as they only thought of happy, funny memories. And I picked a real comedian for them...Shadow. He cracks them up all the time and he is such a happy fellow. I think I deserve a gold star for my wise pick for them. I just want all my friends to know I'm ok...better than ok. I'm thriving, happy, healthy, fit as a fiddle, chasing balls, playing with all my pals here. There are no clocks here, so time doesn't matter. We all know someday we'll be reunited with all our loved ones, and it doesn't matter when, because it will be like we were never apart. Thank you for loving my family since I'm no longer physically there, but I'm only a thought or memory away. I will be visiting when you need it most...listen for a faint thump of a tail, or paw prints across the floor, a wisp of breeze upon your face, a butterfly or ladybug appearing from nowhere, or that shadow just around the corner. Sending much love from heaven and the bridge, keep happy memories of me in your heart. This ol' boy loves you from afar, and will see you one day on the other side. Big black dog hugs to each and every one!


Bandit here...sorry I've been away so long. I've been so busy that time escapes me. Since I'm ageless here, I have boundless energy. With Mothers Day Weekend, I'm visiting all the special moms that I know. Tops on my list is Virginia, Mom's Mom, and Joyce, Dad's Mom. I see them often, and we laugh alot. Sometimes Virginia makes me laugh so hard, I snort! LOL. Then there are the Grandmas, Aunts, cousins from my family. But there are also special mom friends over the years that now have come home to Heaven. There's BJ, Peanut and Joelle's Mom. She and Virginia have become great friends, just like my Mom knew they would. I could go on and on, but we could be here all day. Mom has been sending prayers about Lani, Dad's brother's wife. She is getting ready to come home to Heaven, and although she leaves some sadness behind, she will soon be with William and her Mom, and others. I will make sure the transition is easy for her. Neverending happiness awaits her. I'm not only busy here, I make long distance visits to many still on earth. They sense my presence, and are comforted through sadness, worry and anxiety. That's my job now, and Mom and Dad trained me well. But don't think I don't stop to smell the flowers, catch the ball, run with my Pack up here. There's time for everything here. Don't ask me how, it just is! Mom told me I'm in a new book "Postcards from Forrest", and that makes me happy to continue to leave my mark there. That's 3 books I'm in now, and Mom has two more ready to go to a publisher, and I think 7 or 8 newspaper articles. Not bad for a big, black dog, huh? And Forrest and I have become great pals, and we love catching those tennis balls. So just want everyone to know that even though I've been gone almost 2 years, I never forget a minute of our time spent together. I miss each and everyone one of my friends and family, but knowing we'll be together in the end makes everything easier to carry on. Happy Mother's Day weekend to everyone. Love and hug those around you, and just remember, always love the animals. Your pal, Bandit. (I still steal hearts!)


Happy Super Bowl Sunday. This was always one of my favorite days with mom and dad. We are all football fanatics. Especially when our Broncos are in the big game. I see Shadow is a big fan, too, wearing his Bronco sweater, and football closeby. There are always yummy treats, too. I sure miss all my family and friends, but we stay pretty busy up here...being your guardian angels, being there to welcome everyone across the bridge, and taking care of each other. Oh, and did I mention walks, playtime, naps and laughter? I wish all my friends and family a joyous day, and a happy life filled with hugs. I"m still there with you, you just don't have to feed me anymore, or do p**p patrol. Haha. I try to stop by to visit everyone, and especially everyone who has a heavy heart. You may not see me, but you'll know I was there. Take care of yourself, and each other. All your loved ones here send their love and hugs. Keep the faith, and be happy. I love you, BANDIT


MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone. I'm sorry I've been absent, it's been a busy year, and especially during the holidays. But I've been near, and visiting many, from Nova Scotia to Scotland and the UK, from Ohio to Chicago, and even to Israel and downunder. Tonight I hitched a ride in Santa's sleigh and headed to see Mom in her dreams. She's finally asleep, and I want to make sure she knows I was there. I want to try out Shadow's new bed...I may leave a ball behind. My Christmas wish for everyone is peace, calm, love, joy and all the hugs you wish for. I saw a tear in Mom's eye today as she looked through old photos and memories, and I know she needs a visit. She knows I come by often, and always watching, but my gift to her will be a Christmas hug, and to lick away the tears. You could find me in a soft breeze or gentle nudge, a shadow at the corner of your eye, or a familiar scent. Open your heart and know I was there. We have magical powers and able to be there for all who need us. My wish for all at Christmas and through the New Year is peace, calm, joy, love and more hugs than you'll ever need. God bless everyone. I will always be your special boy. Love and hugs from afar...Bandit

Hi my friends and family. I just want to remind everyone that I am in a good place, actually, a heavenly place, and that...

Hi my friends and family. I just want to remind everyone that I am in a good place, actually, a heavenly place, and that no one should be sad. We are nearing my first anniversary of being away from you, the 23rd, and I see Mom and Dad flooded with memories, and so many of my friends, too. Just know I am ok, and keeping watch over all that I care about. Mom and Dad have my gift, Shadow, to help them through this weekend, so I know despite their sadness, they will be ok too. And have smiles laughter remembering the countless good times. But keep them in your prayers, just to make things a little easier. I try to visit all of you in one way or another, whether you know it or not. A friend of Bandit, is a friend forever. Thank you for thinking of me on this 1st anniversary. Know you are loved from afar. You are always in my heart. Love, hugs, and wet nose smooches from your forever pal, Bandit!

Happy 4th of July to all my family and friends. Be safe, have fun, and celebrate the true meaning of the holiday.  In he...

Happy 4th of July to all my family and friends. Be safe, have fun, and celebrate the true meaning of the holiday. In heaven, we don't really follow calendars, because every day is whatever day we care about. But because we watch over our loved ones, we know the dates that are meaningful to them. Our fireworks today are a little diffetent than yours...they are shooting stars, flashing meteors, sun and moon shine reflecting off the clouds, and rainbows. So many of us had fear of the loud noises, that heavenly fireworks are full of the soothing sounds of nature, and make a special form of music, a celebration symphony. We always are watching over you, and wait til the day to be with you again. Loving hugs from heaven to all my family and friends.

Happy first day of Summer. Mom says it's so hot in San Bernardino, she could fry eggs on the sidewalk. Well, I don't mis...

Happy first day of Summer. Mom says it's so hot in San Bernardino, she could fry eggs on the sidewalk. Well, I don't miss those hot days, but I miss all my family and friends. Can you believe I've been gone almost a year? Me either! I've been traveling a lot lately...I've been home, of course, but also to Santa Monica and Cherry Valley, Fremont and Nova Scotia, Chicago, Scotland, and Israel. With many more stops in between. I keep watch over all my friends and family who believe. You never know when you'll see me, feel me, hear me, or just sense that comfortable feeling you get when someone you love is nearby. Have a safe summer, and remember to give hugs. I'll check in next month on my anniversary of being an angel. Can't wait to go running with my Pack, and to the beach with mom, dad and Shadow. Remember, this ol' dog loves you. HUGS!

Happy Memorial Weekend, everybody.  Up here in heaven, I'm surrounded by so many heroes, and this is a special holiday, ...

Happy Memorial Weekend, everybody. Up here in heaven, I'm surrounded by so many heroes, and this is a special holiday, as everyone sees and feels all the honor and respect and love from family, friends and strangers. Mom and I spent so much time with veterans as a therapy dog team, and lost alot of those special friends due to war related conditions...and I've caught up with them here. And those who never came home from wars. The word hero is not taken lightly here. No one here personally boasts that word, but others recognize it in others. That's how heaven is. Celebrate your holiday safely, have fun, but take time to remember all the sacrifice of those lost to war! I sure miss my friends and family, and will always watch over all I care about. I'm there, you just can't see me. Love and hugs, Bandit

Today I honor my Dad, my hero, as a Vietnam veteran, and to all those who have served in every war, and throughout peace times! Thank you, from the bottom of this ol' dog's heart!


Hi my family and friends. It's me, Bandit, checking in from heaven. I know today was hard for mom and dad, because the time flies by, and I"ve now been gone 10 months. But I'm never really far away. Mom keeps posting my pictures so people won't forget me, and I keep watch over all those in my circle of care. I want to thank everyone who keep my memory alive. I tried to be the best dog I could be, and I think I did pretty good by spreading joy and black fur hugs when volunteering, and always being there to help Dad through dark days. I"m so proud of him for letting Shadow take care of him now. I miss you all, but it's different here. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, and everything is as it should be. That may seem harsh and unsympathetic to those I left behind, but, you see, I haven't really left anyone, I'm always there. One day, you'll all know exactly what I mean. Until then, I'm there, just out of sight. I'm in the gentle breeze, I"m laying in the grass in the sun, or enjoying a warm blaze in the fireplace, laying at your feet, licking your hand, and always watching over you. It's ok to be sad, but remember to live. I'm always nearby, and love you to heaven and back. Hugs, Bandit!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Wish I was there to spend it with you. But, I'm here in heaven, so instead I'm going to spend t...

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Wish I was there to spend it with you. But, I'm here in heaven, so instead I'm going to spend the day with your Mom, Grandma Virginia. We'll be watching over you, and she promised to throw me tennis balls and take me swimming. Just want you to know even though we are a lifetime away from you, we rememember...we remember everything, and we miss you, but find comfort in each other, knowing one day we will be celebrating "forever", together. I'm glad Shadow is such a good boy, and makes you smile. That's what was meant to be. Thank you for being my Mom. You made everything special, and together we made life a little brighter for so many. Forever hugs, and love for always. Your Bandit


Hi everyone! Checking in from Heaven. Want to let my protege', Shadow know I'm proud of him for being such a good co pilot on mom and dad's trip to the beach. He took really great care of them, mostly dad, making him comfortable to join in the fun. Good job Shadow. I'm up here with alot of friends, and sometimes we like to stir things up a bit. Yesterday, when they met Auntie Pat and Auntie Mary, their boy Murphy and I decided to let them know we were joining in the fun. They were eating breakfast outdoors on the patio, on a really warm day, when we decided to shake things up a bit, to let them know we were there. Out of nowhere, we brought in the clouds, and a COLD wind, and blew everything all about. Auntie Pat said after all these years living there, she never saw it blow in so quickly. Mom said she thought the boys had something to do with it. One minute they had the patio umbrellas adjusted to give them shade on the hot day, and the next minute, we almost blew the umbrellas over. Haha. Yep, we were being mischievious. All in good fun, but we had to let them know we were there, sharing in their nice visit together. You see, you never know when we'll show up or how, but just know we are there, and always love you from afar. Wonder how we rustled up that wind? ...Wagging black Lab tails are fierce, haha! Love ya from heaven, to the ends of the earth. Hugs

Happy birthday to me, and Happy St. Patrick's Day! This is my first birthday since arriving in heaven, and it's a little...

Happy birthday to me, and Happy St. Patrick's Day! This is my first birthday since arriving in heaven, and it's a little bittersweet. I know my family and friends miss me, and still have a lttle grief in their hearts, but I want you to remember me with a smile. I always remember Mom telling Dad how I made her laugh. You see birthdays are a little different here. One doesn't get older, we get better! We can pick whatever age we were at our absolute best, and simply live!!! We keep busy playing, and napping, but mostly watching over our loved ones, and when we get our angel wings, come for quiet overnight visits. So eat cake, smile and laugh, give lots of hugs today, my birthday, and St. Patty's Day. Love you all...BANDIT, EVERYONE'S BIG BLACK DOG!!

Hi everybody. Sorry I've been out of touch for awhile, but being a guardian angel keeps me pretty busy.  I sure miss all...

Hi everybody. Sorry I've been out of touch for awhile, but being a guardian angel keeps me pretty busy. I sure miss all my friends and family, but I have alot of friends and family here, too. All our memories keep us smiling! I"m so glad that bringing Shadow into Mom and Dad's lives is working out perfectly. Yea! Sometimes Big Black Dogs know best! Sharing a new print Mom had made of me. She has me watching over them, and all they have to do is look on the wall, and there I am, right there with them. Listen for my breathing, or a black shadow out of the corner of your eye, or a faint footstep across the floor...I"m there. Hugs from your pal in heaven!!


Happy New Year's to all my friends, coming from heaven. Because I am where I am, it's probably obvious that 2015, was NOT my favorite year, but it really wasn't all bad. Especially because of where I ended up. I miss so many of you, but at the same time I'm surrounded by those I had missed. I am strong, healthy, happy and those are my wishes for you. Never be sad for those you lose, because we're fine, staying busy, until we meet again. It's hard to explain, but God has made everything just right. You'll understand when you get here. I know mom and dad are doing much better with Shadow in their lives, and mom is cutting back on her Bandit memories. It's all good, because I'll always be in the hearts of my friends and loved ones. I am at peace, thriving in heaven, taking care of you from afar! I even hear firecrackers in the distance, and I am no longer scared or nervous. How cool is that? Have a really wonderful new year, I'll touch base now and then. You are all, always in my heart, and just a thought away. Look for me, I'll leave you signs. Hugs from your Bandit!

Hi everyone, Bandit here.  This is my Christmas message for 2015. It's a little different this year, because it comes to...

Hi everyone, Bandit here. This is my Christmas message for 2015. It's a little different this year, because it comes to you long distance...really, really long distance, from heaven. This is my first Christmas in a long time that I'm away from my mom and dad. My heart is filled with memories. They always made my life so special. And I tried to make things special for everyone I met. I just want to assure everyone I'm ok, surrounded by so many friends and family here in heaven, well taken care of. There is nothing to be afraid of here, everything is just right! I've earned my angel wings and will come visit when I'm needed. My Christmas message is filled with hugs, and hoping your new year is filled with laughter, love, hugs, peace and good health. And mostly that you take care of each other, and especially the animals. Be their voice, their advocate, their rescuer, and their family. I miss so many of you, but you must know I'm happy here. There are so many loved ones here, with two legs and four, and somehow, we are all together, and wait patiently to see you again. Here are few holiday pics to make you smile. Have a Hohoho, Merry Christmas. Love you to the heavens and back. Hugs, Bandit


Bandit says Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. Another first without him, in a very long time. We are going to the VA today, wish you were coming with us. Shadow is a big comfort, though. I am having another eye injection, and he will take care of Jack while I'm in with the doctor. Especially missing you as we approach the holidays. They won't be the same this year. Love you, sweet boy.


Hi Bandit. Mom's going to be ok, I knew you were with me yesterday at the doctor appt. Now I"m like you and have had eye injections like you did when you had your eye tumor removed. But I don't have to wear a cone around my neck like you did. We miss you, but starting to feel your presence with us. Shadow is beginning to like your ball toys. Keep stopping by. We love and miss you always. Hugs


San Bernardino, CA

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Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm





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