Meet Pudge the wonder cat!!! Pudge was seen at NEST recently with a presenting complaint of difficulty walking, falling over, and episodes of rigidity. An MRI showed a large tumor on the surface of his brain with severe swelling in the surrounding brain tissue. His intracranial pressure was markedly elevated, causing the contents of his brain to herniate into other compartments of the skull and through the foramen magnum (push out through the opening in the back of the skull). Pudge was treated with diuretics and steroids to decrease the swelling. He then returned for a craniotomy (removal of a window of bone in the skull) and a majority of the tumor was removed. The MRI shows the extent of the tumor. At Pudge's recheck last week he was able to perform all of his "commands"!!! Sit, paw, high-5, roll over, sit pretty, jump over, and bang/play dead! He literally put on a "clinic"! We are BEYOND happy with his recovery and think he is one amazing (and handsome) kitty 💙.