With a heart of gratitude, I want to take the time and thank everyone for their support along the way. Our journey of the year has ended with a litter of combination of my two favorite breeds. Pictures are the litters we had from the establishment of the rabbitry to the end breeding. Originally, breeding started for me as a covid hobby which has developed into one of the most marvelous experiences in my youth. The lessons I learned along the way are more valuable than any of the theories I learned in books. The rabbitry was my first step to the society and my first ponder of putting passions into business. This shall not be the end but be a pause for me to transform the rabbitry to a different system due to my leave to college. I’ll spend the summer to plan the transformation. The location of our rabbitry will likely stay in CA or in Boston/New York depending on which college I go to. Stay tuned for our new journey!