I have named him Sammy, Sammy was under the under the euthanasia list at the San Bernardino Shelter, after many tags and no one willing to step up for this sweet little Shepherd I decided to come forward and drive myself up to SB just to get him because the deadline for his was today, from what I can see he is struggling to walks and shakes his head back and forth, could be neurological but I have to wait until we see the vet.
This is his freedom picture for those who wonder where he went, he is with Pokie & Friends Rescue 501c3 nonprofit and will be seeing a vet soon. To honor your pledges for him please do so directly to the links below.
Thank you everyone for your kind support, puppy A575115
Has been rescued by our organization
I will leave you the links here for your pledges.
Pookie & Friends Rescue Team - Welcome
Thank you for your support of kindness for this little one.