Another successful boy bonding! Lots of boy antics but then settled to agree they wanted to go home together. Update: all continues to go well .Wee Companions prides itself on its bonding expertise. If you have a lonely guinea pig who needs a cage mate please reach out and apply for an adoption appointment at A counselor will respond to you.❤️🍓❤️🍓❤️
Let’s start the year off right!
Wee recommends nail trims for your guinea pigs every 4 to 6 weeks.
At this time you need to check for “ spurs” ( benign growths attached to the front paws) and any signs of bumblefoot( swelling, redness, pain or discoloration in the foot pad). These findings need to be addressed.
Wee Companions offers this service during our open store hours. No appointment times, walk ins only and donation based( this service finishes half hour before closing).
Overgrown nails can cause discomfort, walking problems, calluses and joint issues if left unattended.
Come see us, Wee can help you and your guineas!!
Thank you to everyone who sends us supplies for our animals and shelter.
Wee loves you!!
Wee would like to answer a question as to why we did not spay the females from this large rescue rather than let them have their pups.
Any type of surgery to guinea pigs is risky and should be done by experienced exotic vets ONLY ( limited availability and funds)
A pregnant guinea pig is EXTREMELY high risk due to increased blood flow to the uterus ( Wee will not take that risk)
Guinea pigs that have been neglected, are malnourished or possibly have scurvy( lack of Vit C) would stand a very poor chance of surviving any type of invaisive surgery such as spaying.
Wee allows pregnant guinea pigs to have their babies and during their pregnancy we give top nutrition and extra Vit C.
All the pregnant sows have had their babies now.
Now our work begins to get them adopted
Chinchillas are intelligent creatures.
They can be “ trained” and need alot of enrichment to keep them stimulated and interactive.
They love it!!!
They are a long commitment but the rewards are huge!!!
Toughest rescue of the year. Some scenes may be disturbing. The is rescue reality at its most raw. These animals are safe, well and now up for adoption.
Just a couple more days for our goal to be fulfilled to find our senior single boy Soul Rebel his own personal human by the New Year. Can Wee do it? Only you can make that miracle happen . Apply to adopt through Alumni adopters, you already have our rat lead’s number #ratadoption #petadoption #maleart#sandiego
A few glimpses of life after. adoption. These wee ones are some of the lucky ones. Please share your “ safe at home” adoption photos in comments for all to enjoy