The Pooch Coach

The Pooch Coach Expert private dog training and behavior modification. Please see our website for details of our work

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Please like and follow our active business page , SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for free tips and advic...

Please like and follow our active business page , SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for free tips and advice, like this:

It's foxtail plant season - beware... and HELP!

We posted about the beginning of foxtail season several weeks ago. But this post is to ask people to pleeeease pull the weeds when you can.

When we are walking on the streets of San Francisco, we constantly see big & little patches of foxtails everywhere we go. Musik is pictured here with just one of the many large beds we see on our walks. 🥺

If people all do their part and keep the area and the area in front of their houses clean, we can save a lot of suffering and even deaths of our pets. It’s especially scary right now when there is a shortage of vets and emergency vet services.


Here is more info on foxtails:

These little spawns of Satan have taken over San Francisco once again. They are in every park, sidewalk, and beach. And they are very dangerous for dogs.

Foxtails get into dogs' fur, and then under their skin where they get infected. They get in dogs' noses and "private parts". And, two years ago, one got into my dog's eye!

It's hard to avoid them, but you should try. You're at risk even if you walk anywhere near them since the seeds blow onto sidewalks & paths where dogs sniff.

I suggest stopping frequently and checking to see if anything is on your dog’s face, paws or body. They come off pretty easily if you catch them right away. If your dog starts sneezing excessively, that could be a sign that one got up their nose, so take them to the vet right away!

Here is some more info and the story of how we discovered a foxtail in my dog’s eye:

And here is a video post we created to help remind people to touch their dog all over every day to insure no health or safety issues go unnoticed:

Follow the pup!

Make sure you’re following our active page for up-to-date info and tips!SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Traininght...

Make sure you’re following our active page for up-to-date info and tips!
SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

and its emotional and physical aftermath.

And... What is the responsibility of Dog Rescue organizations and new dog adopters?

For those of you who have not heard, my beloved Musik was brutally attacked at the dog park on Saturday. The picture above shows only half of her wounds, and one of the 2 drains that were inserted. All the dark, non-pink skin is solid bruising.

It was an ON leash dog park, but people who adopted a huge husky mix two days earlier decided to let it off leash at this park. It trotted across a huge open field to come over to me and my dog - I thought to say hello. Musik was casually sniffing in the grass, and I was standing just a couple feet away. (The owners were calling the dog, but it was ignoring them. I see that often enough to not make that a major concern). The other dog didn’t make an intense beeline like dogs who want to act aggressively do. Instead, looking back, I realize that it was hunting. She was walking slowly and casually so that she could sneak up on her prey.

Once the dog got up to Musik, she leaned over attacked, and grabbed her by her back, picked her up, and immediately began violently shaking her. The dog shook and shook my poor little Musik while she flew back and forth through the air screaming helplessly. (Which is now the only thing I see over & over when I close my eyes). I finally dove on the dog and wrestled it to the ground and tried to pry its mouth open while yelling for its owners. The owners eventually got there and helped to get their dog removed from my dog.

My dog then ran away out of sheer panic and adrenaline. I chased her down and eventually found her almost all the way back to our house. Another very dangerous situation.

I then rushed her to the ER where she underwent surgery and had to stay overnight. She received multiple severe lacerations, has two drains in her body and is covered with stitches as well. Even on two types of painkillers, she is in such intense pain that I can barely lift her up and, if I do it incorrectly, she screams in pain. It is heartbreaking.

But she’s alive.

But where is the Husky mix? We don’t know. The new adopted owners immediately returned her to the rescue’s shelter after the incident. The rescue has not returned any one’s emails (including 3 of mine) or attempts to reach them. And, even though they were told about the incident, they have not reached out to try to contact me. They don’t even have a phone number listed on their website or page! (Note: Don’t adopt from an agency that doesn’t have a phone number). So we are now suspecting they are just going to adopt the dog out to another unsuspecting couple, and this time the next victim might not make it out alive.

Up to now, I have not named this rescue publicly, but I’m going to name them now: Family Dog Rescue . They have had their chance to respond to us privately, but they are forcing our hand now.

If anyone knows anyone there, or has an idea where this dog might be, please let us know. Here is a link to the page with the dog’s picture:

Hopefully FDR will do the right thing and keep this dog from hurting any other dogs in the future. It is a violent, intentional killer, and should not be someone’s pet.

And now my innocent puppy and I are left with the emotional and physical scars that we will undoubtedly carry the rest of our lives. I am in fact considering ending my career at this point. As I take time off to nurse Musik back to health, I will be reconsidering my ability to serve this community in the future.

But, knowing that (and having directly worked with) many others who’ve had to go through similar situations (of varying degrees of injury and harm, to the point of death), I’ve decided that I’m going to try to chronicle our recovery together as best I can so people will have somewhere to turn to learn and get some tips and not feel so alone.

I also hope, for anyone who has a dog, especially a large dog, and especially a newly adopted dog, who does not have perfect recall, and who you are not 100% sure that they are gentle and unaggressive with other dogs, that you understand that your dog should never ever ever ever EVER be off leash - unless it’s in a private enclosure with no other dogs.

A note to my clients: I am having to shut down my business for a few weeks to take care of Musik.

First, she requires 24 x 7 care since she can barely move or walk, is in so much pain that she often screams when touched or picked up -even while on a bed - and she will be on severe motion restrictions for at least two weeks. Also, I obviously cannot welcome dogs into my home when I have a dog here who was recently traumatized by a vicious attack. Until Musik is emotionally and physically healed, my commitment is to her, and not to my work. I hope you all understand. But if you don’t, you are welcome to stop working with me as your behaviorist. Otherwise, I am willing to do phone consultations in the meantime to give advice and keep programs moving along. And I promise to have face-to-face meetings again as soon as possible.

More to come…

Please like our active page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for free dog tips like this:https://www.faceb...

Please like our active page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for free dog tips like this:

Foxtail plant season has come early in the SF Bay Area - Beware!

Usually these plants don't show up until rainy season is long over. But they are already coming out (and Musik Ulbrich is extremely distraught!) 😫

If you are not familiar with these plants and have an (outdoor) cat or dog, READ THIS!

These little spawns of Satan have taken over San Francisco. They are in every park, sidewalk, and beach. And they are very dangerous for pets.

Foxtails get into dogs' fur, and then under their skin where they get infected. They get in dogs' noses and "private parts". And, two years ago, one got into my dog's eye!

It's hard to avoid them, but you should try. You're at risk even if you walk anywhere near them since the seeds blow onto sidewalks & paths where dogs sniff.

I suggest stopping frequently and checking to see if anything is on your dog’s face, paws or body. They come off pretty easily if you catch them right away. If your dog starts sneezing excessively, that could be a sign that one got up their nose, so take them to the vet right away!

Here is some more info and the story of how we discovered a foxtail in my dog’s eye:


Please like our active page, SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for regular free tips, like this one:


Dogs can get protective over an infinite amount of things. I've seen: homes, cars, newly pregnant owners, couches, beds, babies, siblings (dog, cat, or human), and even water bottles to name a few. And of course many less surprising items like bones, toys, and food.

This cute little 10-month-old frenchie protects his mom's office space from the other dogs in the office. He walks and plays with them wonderfully outside, but wants to control the interior environment, and has tried to pick fights with a few of the other office dogs.

Dogs often pick different jobs to do. Many protect their homes from the postman every day, for instance. After they bark ferociously, the postman leaves. Job well done! They saved the house again!

Tightening up training and your relationship with your dog is an important first step, and then we need to be creative and consistent in giving our dogs the right kind of work to do to keep them out of trouble.

For more info & tips on giving your dog constructive "jobs" to do, see "Ongoing Training is Key" on this page:

For more info dog resource guarding, see:


Please visit our active page for DAILY tips & pics like this!


Chewie has a fairly common issue we deal with... He doesn't like being woken up. If he's sleeping and you try to pick him up, he will snap and sometimes bite.

There are many reasons why dogs have this issue. It's usually found in rescue dogs who had to be on high alert all the time in their previous lives. But there are several other reasons for this as well. The important thing is that we need to allow our dogs to feel relaxed, safe & secure and not feel the need to be in a defensive mode.

If the behavior is severe, you should contact a professional. But, if it's a mild case - just a mild growl or an occasional slight snap, you might be able to solve it yourself.

See our blog for tips for mild cases:

Or, if your dog is biting, please call a professional. We're here to help!


Please like our ACTIVE PAGE SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for more great posts like this.

OLDEST DOG in San Francisco?
I recently met Daphne during our daily walk. Her original owner rescued her at approximately 3 years old and then, when Daphne's owner passed a couple years later (in 1999), her daughter adopted her.

So, she could even be older than 21 !!

She is still out walking and enjoying the smells of the dog park. It was great to witness!

This shows that with a good diet, exercise, & plenty of love, dogs can stay healthy so much longer than they used to. So, make sure you keep walking your pup & keep him on a good healthy diet!

You never know how many more years - or even days - you have with any loved one, so appreciate the time you have with them every day, and make sure they know you love them!


Please see our active page, SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for DAILY tips & pics!


Don't miss this important info!

PET E.R. & VET GUIDE - Help preparing yourself & your pet for the best & safest experience.

Almost everyone with a pet is going to have at least one Emergency Vet visit during their pet's life. It's a time when you're minimally very stressed and, more likely, you're panicked. You're not going to be thinking your clearest, and you don't want anyone taking advantage of you in your time of need! Being prepared in advance is imperative to having the best experience and best outcome for your precious furry family member.

Today's blog is about preparing pet owners for the ER (and vets). I share my experience & expertise of regularly using the Bay Area's Pet ER's for over 20 years (with both my dogs and other people's pets) and, in particular, my most recent experience with Kompis employing 6 vets in 5 practices.

Hopefully this guide will not only help you choose the best ER for you, but will also help you be better prepared and look for characteristics and features that you want for your fur baby no matter where you are located. And, most importantly, it will remind you to stand up for yourself and trust your instincts when it comes to your pet's care.

Please share so more pet owners can benefit from my experience!

Here are the vets who helped this round with Kompis:
Blue Sparrow Holistic Veterinary House Calls
Seven Hills Veterinary Hospital
Sue Robb
Nor Cal Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Sage - Centers for Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Care
Betsey Carpenter

Here are some of the vets who have seen her in the past:
The San Francisco SPCA (formerly Pets Unlimited)
Animal Internal Medicine and Specialty Services - AIMSS


Good info about why some dogs need to be neutered...

Please like our ACTIVE page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for daily tips.

Zeppo is aggressive. He is 4 years old and still intact. One of the first things I ask people with unneutered male dogs who are exhibiting aggression is why they aren't neutered.

The most common and the most unacceptable response I get is that they want to possibly breed their dog.

DO NOT BREED A DOG WHO IS AGGRESSIVE. Get them out of the gene pool, please!!

I don't want to argue the health benefits of neutering vs not - I'm not a vet. But I will argue the behavior benefits. Unneutered males tend to be more assertive (if not aggressive) and more high strung. They are raging with hormones, after all.

If your dog is unneutered and is sweet as pie and never hurt a fly, I'm not talking to you... So please do not get defensive.

But if your dog is fearful or aggressive in the least... Please look at these statistics below showing that well over 90% of fatal dog attacks were done by unneutered males. This is fact.

Please take note and consider helping your dog calm down by neutering him AND getting him some training to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.



National Canine Research Foundation Data on Fatal Dog Attacks:

From Jan. 1, 1965 through Jun.30, 2005 there have been at least 513 fatal dog attacks in the United States.
Often times, when the subject of fatal dog attacks is addressed, the breed of dog is viewed as the primary driving force behind these incidents and little recognition is given to other factors that directly contributed to these tragic events.
Investigation into 513 fatal attacks in the United States from Jan.1965 through Jun. 2005 reveal the following circumstances and situations to figure predominantly in fatal dog attacks:

S*x of dog -
Though not possible to determine the s*x of all the dogs involved in fatalities from 1965, a survey of the s*x of the dogs involved in the last 6 years (Jun.30 1999- Jun.30, 2005) reveal that overwhelmingly the dogs involved in fatal attacks are males. Of the 134 fatal attacks from Jun.30, 1999 - Jun. 30, 2005, in over 92% of these cases a male dog was involved, (i.e. either a single male dog or a male dog accompanied by other males and/or female dogs).

Reproductive status of dog (intact vs. altered)-
As with the s*x of the dog, it was not possible to determine the reproductive status of all the dogs involved in fatal attacks dating back to 1965, but an examination of the dogs involved in fatal attacks (Jun. 30, 1999 - Jun. 30, 2005) reveal that the overwhelming majority of dogs involved were unaltered. Of the 134 fatalities in the past 6 years, 94% of the dogs involved were unaltered.



Great event!

Doggie Cinco De Mayo (+1) Celebration!
SoMa StrEat Food Park - Friday, May 6th
You can party on the 5th and then celebrate with your pup the next day.

Enjoy visiting with some of our doggie vendors (more to come):
SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training
Paw Patch Pastries
Axiom Hotel
Happy Hounds Massage
Rocket Dog Rescue
Wag Hotels - San Francisco
Soulful Pet Photography

For more info & to join us, click here:


Check it out!! Fun was had by all at SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training Meetup!

It was a beautiful warm day on Saturday, and over 30 people and their pups came out to play & learn.

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training covered how to properly allow your dog to greet other dogs on leash, as well as gave out lots of 1-1 advice & treats to attendees.

Relaxing Rex Canine Massage helped sooth some doggies and taught people about the benefits of canine massage.

Tara Firma Farms spoke about their dog friendly, sustainable farm and gave out awesome bones to everyone.

Soulful Pet Photography took all of these amazing pictures!!! Thanks!!

Look for our next park Meetup in June, and see other upcoming fun dog events here:


Kompis finished her taxes. Did you ?

Happy(?) Tax Day


Hope to see you there!

DOG MEETUP! Free if you sign up in advance.
Next Saturday, April 16th @ 12 noon

Click below for more info & to sign up for the Meetup with:
- Dog training tips from SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training,
- Dog massage with Relaxing Rex Canine Massage,
- Pro photos from Soulful Pet Photography, and
- Pawsome bones from Tara Firma Farms

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Check out this cute PSA with SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training's dog!

Kompis is! A month before she got sick, she landed a lead role in a TV commercial. Here is the finished work from Thinkmojo.

Did you know that The Pooch Coach casts & trains dogs for TV & film? If you think your dog has what it takes, drop us a line with a photo and let us know any special tricks your dog can do. An upcoming project just requires some dogs who like to play! So, sometimes, no special skills are required - other than being adorable! You can reach us at [email protected]

For more info on the awesome company who did the filming & editing, check out Thinkmojo @

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Help for dealing with sick pets.

Kompis is hanging in there, but is still not wanting to eat much. If she's not improved by tomorrow, she will have to be hospitalized.

So, please keep your thoughts & prayers coming.

While she was lying on my lap, I put together this brief video (with one hand!) to share some of our journey together. I hope it helps prepare you in case you have to deal with a very sick dog, or helps you feel better to know that this is hard to do, even for professionals like me.

There are some good tips in here, so please share with anyone you know who is struggling with a sick furbaby.

Here's to healing....



HE'S ALMOST PERFECT... Let us help you with that last 5%.
Any Dog. Any Problem.
Expert private dog behaviorist serving the SF Bay Area for over 13 years.


Don't forget to like our ACTIVE page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training for free daily tips

Bentli's mom wrote:
"I have a one year old American Pitbull named Bentli. It wasn't until recently that he started becoming very, very fearful of strangers and protective of me. He will not let strangers get close to me or him without growling at them, tucking his tail in his legs, and putting his ears back. If someone continues to come to him he will snap at them trying to bite.
I really want to help him so that I feel comfortable going out with him and having new people around without fearing he will be too scared. "

This is a common situation The Pooch Coach deals with. When a dog isn't given enough training & leadership, they often become insecure as they try to figure out how to take care of things themselves. Often, one of the jobs they create for themselves is to be their owner's bodyguard. A cycle then gets created as the owner gets more nervous about their dog's potential reaction, causing the dog to step up to be even more protective.

Learn more about fear and dog's need for leadership here and here

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Important stuff


Please sign & SHARE this petition to help protect the precious little off-leash area we have in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (less than 1% !!).
The public input process for the GGNRA dog plan has been a sham. It's time for our federal representatives to take a stand.

Click below and take 2 mins to help the cause.

For a great overview of the issue, and how thousands of dog owners' & lovers' opinions & needs continued to be ignored, see this article in from Sunday's SF Examiner:

More info @ and Save Off-Leash Dog Walking Areas in the SF Bay Area
Including rally @ SF City Hall on Tuesday Mar 2nd @ noon


More great info on our ACTIVE page, SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training. Learn about canine massage!

Kompis has been a bit stiff lately. She sometimes has trouble getting up, walks slowly uphill on some days, and has trouble going up stairs. I decided it was time to get her some bodywork.

At first, Kompis was skeptical. She's had vets make house calls before... and they have needles.

But she started settling in pretty quickly. Anastasia from Relaxing Rex Canine Massage was very gentle and took her time with Kompis to ensure she was comfortable.

See our blog today for more pics of Kompis' massage and some great info on the benefits of dog massage.

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

This silly video is very popular!

Kompis explains why dogs feel the need to bark at postal workers.
You might be surprised to find that it's perfectly logical. (See video below)

Did you know that The Pooch Coach is the official canine trainer for the US Post Office? Last year, she spoke to several groups of postal workers on how to prevent dog bites. See one of her talks here:


SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training


We had a great time last night at Babies"R"Us
Like our active page for free daily tips! SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

The Pooch Coach loves to see new parents working to keep their dogs as an important part of their family, rather than thinking that a new baby means it's time to get rid of the dog.

We had a wonderful group of expectant parents last night @ Babies"R"Us! All of the attendees have dogs already and had tons of questions on how to help their dogs adjust to their new human sibling. It was a fun night with many laughs and great information exchange!


Learn stuff every day on our active page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Pookie is a 9-week old field lab... bred to work!

The most important things for puppies to learn about are:
-Being alone

Get more details on each of these areas of focus on our puppy training page:

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Great tips on our active page SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

It's easy to teach your dog to get into a crate or bed on command.... or even to teach them to settle on any other object you want them to.

Watch this new video to learn how.

Our February newsletter includes more tips on this topic. Sign up here to ensure you don't miss any great tips or announcements in the future.

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

More great info on our active page, SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

The Pooch Coach often gets asked to perform evaluations of dogs.
The 4 most common reasons are:
1. Shelter dog about to be put down - can the rescue group save him and safely place him into a foster home?
2. Person wants to adopt a new dog (or just adopted a dog) and wants professional opinion
3. Dog owner is trying to rent an apartment and landlord wants to ensure the dog is not dangerous in any way
4. Court case needs proof that a dog is or is not dangerous in the situation being discussed in the case

This recent case had a bicyclist claim that this person's dog attacked him as he rode by at Fort Mason.

What really happened is that the dog was excited to get off leash and took off running and ran into the back wheel of the bike, accidentally knocking the rider off. The dog stumbled as well after the little collision.

The cyclist had no bite marks, or medical records, but claimed he was bitten.

The Pooch Coach was hired to prove that the dog does not attack bikes or bicyclists. In addition to a full hands on eval, we also saw about 2 dozen bikes go by all at different speeds, and the dog was fine and not reactive at all. The dog had no interest in biting anyone.

If possible, I try to get a quick video to use as further evidence along with my formal written eval. Here's the video I did for these owners that most closely replicated the situation they had.

If you or someone you know is in need of professional evaluation, here is more info on how it all works


In Dog We Trust

In Dog We Trust.

Do you trust your dog?
Will he listen 100% of the time?

If not, see today's blog post to get some tips on how to increase that percentage!

SF Dog Connect by The Pooch Coach Dog Training

Great inspiration for the New year! Dogs *can* be rehabilitated with a little work!

Hachi started training in June when he was just newly adopted and super high strung around other dogs. He would whine, pull, and focus on other dogs so intently that nothing could get his attention, not even his favorite treat.

Fast forward 5 months and, after several lessons and great work from his dad, he's a star!

Here is a short video of his graduation day with us... His dad & I are at a small fenced in dog park with about a dozen dogs running around. He puts Hachi in a stay in the middle of it all and Hachi remains focused on his dad and doesn't move. Check out the brief clip here.

His dad writes in his Facebook review:
Raising a dog is almost like raising a kid. It can be quite difficult. Beverly not only helped my strong, loving Pitbull to become more obedient, but she got down to the root to help him with his confidence around other dogs. If you're just looking for someone to just simply train your dog without you doing anything, this isn't the right place. Beverly masterfully sets up a plan for you and your dog's success, and with hard work and proven methods, it's no wonder why Beverly is absolutely the right choice for any dog, any breed, and any temperament. This is a no B.S kind of training and requires time on your part, which is necessary anyway. All in all, Beverly has my highest of recommendations. 5 wolfs!


One of the reasons I love my job... I get to meet & help some really great people!

The Pooch Coach got to work with Golden State Warriors star Klay Thompson yesterday!! Klay needed some help with his bulldog Rocco,so they filmed Beverly working with him for Bleacher Report with Ric Bucher The show will air in January, but we were given permission to show some pictures now.

Klay was a super nice guy, and he was eager to learn more about being a good dog parent.

Check out more pictures of Klay, and learn what he needed some help with in our blog:


San Francisco, CA


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