Looking for something new, different for your Furry Ones. Dog Walk With a Photo Shoot is just the answer, and checks happiness off the list for you, and your dog, in so many ways . Don't have a dog. Stun em with a new gift idea that dog owners love to recieve, and are regularly impressed when they do.
I am well stacked in pet care services experience. A part of my business comes from one of the top apps dog owners use for walks, drop ins, and sittings. In that app alone, I have over 1000 services, 650 plus reviews, and am boasting a 4.96 out of 5 star rating. In a nutshell that means the dogs I take care of are safe, instructions are followed to a T, so I'm meeting your dogs needs, and they have an awesome time.
Since I started really integrating photos with dog walks I've become super focused on the dogs, far more engaged, playing, exercising, and making sure all dogs are taking care of business. Anyone watching would hardly know I just took 100 to 200 photos in a 60 minute timeframe. The overall experience for the dogs has greatly improved, where there was little room for Improvement, and the experience for me has become unbelievable.
Once the walk is done, dogs are returned, safe, and sound. I go through the photos, first stage passes, then first pass editing, then onto final editing. Typically a client will wind up with anywhere from 15 to 25 quality photos, following final edit. They'll also get all the photos from first pass edit as well. I would guarantee 10 quality photos, and if I was unable to hit that mark (never missed it yet) I would humbly schedule another walk, at my expense. All photos would be shared through Google Photo Albums
I am in Sunnyvale for a 12 days dog sitting, starting Thursday May 16th. I want to take the opportunity to offer my services to the good folks of Sunnyvale, and the surrounding cities. I'm offering an extended promo of $75 for 1 hour, and $50 for 30 minutes.
I know, I'm not supposed to just give out pricing. I am so busy with dogs and photos, i figured i wouldI just eliminated that step for all of us. Special requests are absolutely considered, with the possibility of added fees. Open for discussion.
If you have any questions feel free to call text or reach me through my page. I hope to talk to, and meet, as many of you as I can, very soon.
Please enjoy the attached photos. I hope you'll notice I play in different styles of photos, and am interested in focusing on what you desire.
If you have a really good pet owners eye, you'll see a lot of these pictures are without leash. That has only happened with my dog, friends dogs where they were the present responsible human looking after their dog., and where owner instructions were so, and I checked of the situation as safe. All other missing leashes were removed when applicable, in photo editing. Never during the walk. Leash stays on dog, hand stays on leash.