Glass Pipes - Facebook Post.mp4
Glass outflow pipes make a nice upgrade to any planted tank. They give a minimalist look that almost disappears, allowing you to enjoy your aquarium without the clutter. Various types create different outflows that accommodate your aquarium size, shape and setup.
See the article in the educational blog.
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Natural ways to lower PH include Alder cones, Cholla Wood and Indian Almond leaves. All release beneficial tannins that have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Pre-soak them to reduce the yellow-brown murky water which also helps them sink.
Rummynose Tetras make great schooling fish! They're mid-dwellers with red noses, silver bodies and striped tails that create a pleasant flutter. Read about other schooling fish here:
Sparking Gouramis are colorful and easy to keep fish! Also known as Pygmy Gourami, they can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, and their tiny mouths make them safe tank mates with shrimp.
It's easy to confuse the flashy two, but Blue Bolts and Blue Dreams are different dwarf shrimp species! One is a hardy Neocaridina species; the other is a softwater Caridina that is sensitive to water changes. Compare the two for your next tank mates.