Neptune Aquatics

Neptune Aquatics Specializing in Saltwater Reef & Planted Tanks. We carry a large assortment of corals, saltwater fis Be sure to come visit us when you are in the area!

Neptune Aquatics was established in 1999 and has been serving the aquatic hobbyist community in the California Bay Area with high quality corals, tropical fishes, aquatic plants and supporting equipment. Our core belief has been to anticipate our hobbyist needs and lead the way with fresh and innovative ideas while maintaining the same high quality customer service that they have come to expect fr

om us. We have always valued quality over quantity and prefer to do things the right way the first time around. You’ll notice our store always carry the latest line of products from the industry's leading-edge manufacturers. Our new spacious facility in San Jose now gives our customer a one-stop shop for all there aquatic needs including a wide selection of complete aquarium setups, popular frozen foods, aquatic tools, and an extensive selection of products for a freshwater or marine aquarium. We offer full end-to-end custom aquarium design and expert consultation catered to your specific needs with our service extending to customized high-end cabinets, sumps, and professional pre-plumbing hookups. With our in-house wood-shop, we can customize your cabinet to any specification you desire. If you need more information about this, we’re always an email away!

The only space invader you should let in your tank 👽🛸•Lighting:  AP9x•📷Taken in store (Sony Rx100 Vii)__________________...

The only space invader you should let in your tank 👽🛸

Lighting: AP9x

📷Taken in store (Sony Rx100 Vii)

Who else’s kryptonite are these candy cane corals 😍💚•Lighting:  AP9x•📷Taken in store (Sony Rx100 Vii)___________________...

Who else’s kryptonite are these candy cane corals 😍💚

Lighting: AP9x

📷Taken in store (Sony Rx100 Vii)

Monti-tude on point•Lighting:  AP9x•📷Taken in store (Sony RX100 Vii)_______________________________                     ...

Monti-tude on point

Lighting: AP9x

📷Taken in store (Sony RX100 Vii)

Multiple shipmentsUpdate for this week. We have a shipment that's arrived today Monday 2/17 and another shipment arrivin...

Multiple shipments

Update for this week. We have a shipment that's arrived today Monday 2/17 and another shipment arriving WED 2/19.

Arrived MON 2/17:
Panda Loach **seasonal**
Celestial Pearl Danios
Red Onion Nerite Snails
Ember Tetras
Ghost Shrimps

Alternanthera Lilacina
Ludwigia Peruensis Diamond
Samolus Parviflorus
Alternanthera Reineckii Rosanervig
Limno Aromatica Red Belem
Anubias Barteri Ovalis
Anubias Barteri Tropica
Crypt Walkeri
Echinodorus Ascherianus
Sagittaria Pusilla
Anubias Wrinkle Leaf
Anubias Nana Golden
Crypt Wendi Green Gecko
Anubias Barteri Round gold Coin
Crypt Wendi Brown
Echinodorus Devil Eeye
Echinodorus Red Devil
Echinodorus Red Phoenix
Microsorum Pteropus Bent Wing Fern

Fish Arriving WED 2/19: Stay tuned for List
Thursday: More Plants arriving

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

When your Valentini Puffer waves but you’re not sure if it’s saying hello or demanding food! ✨🐡•📷Taken in store (Sony RX...

When your Valentini Puffer waves but you’re not sure if it’s saying hello or demanding food! ✨🐡

📷Taken in store (Sony RX100 Vii)

Feast your eyes on this stunning Indophyllia! ✨ With its vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns, this showstopper is th...

Feast your eyes on this stunning Indophyllia! ✨ With its vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns, this showstopper is the crown jewel of any reef tank. Who else loves these beauties? 😉

> AP9X

📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)

Arriving next weekWe have very limited Natural Wood Stands arriving from Ultum next week. 40C (Fits 40A and 40C Tanks) 1...

Arriving next week

We have very limited Natural Wood Stands arriving from Ultum next week.

40C (Fits 40A and 40C Tanks) 15.75 x 15.75 x 31.5"
45U (Fits 45U, 45T, 45S, 45A, 45E Paludarium) 17.71 x 11.02 x 31.5"
60U (Fits 60U, 60T, 60S, 60A, 60E Paludarium & Foresta) 23.62 x 14.17 x 31.5"

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

Small but mighty! 🌈✨ Zoas bring a pop of color and endless variety to any reef tank. Watch them glow under the right lig...

Small but mighty! 🌈✨ Zoas bring a pop of color and endless variety to any reef tank. Watch them glow under the right light! 🔥🌊

📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)


New Live Food!

Get ready to elevate your aquatic experience with our exciting new live food options, including our newest addition of baby brine shrimp that your fish will love!

At Neptune Aquatics, we believe that a varied diet is key to maintaining the health and vibrancy of your aquatic friends! Feeding live food not only stimulates natural hunting behaviors but also provides essential nutrients that can be lacking in standard fish foods. By incorporating different food sources, you can enhance your fish's color, resilience, and overall well-being, making for a happier and healthier aquarium!

Live Food Options We Offer:

Black Worms- 1oz portion & 0.5oz portion
- Great for general high protein feeding
- Triggers predatory instincts

Adult Brine Shrimp- 1/2 tbs portion
- Provides calcium
- Triggers predatory instincts

Baby Brine Shrimp (NEW!)- 1 tsp portion
- Great for baby fish
- Packed with protein

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

Every ridge, every polyp, every tiny detail—up close, corals are pure magic. 🔍✨•📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)________...

Every ridge, every polyp, every tiny detail—up close, corals are pure magic. 🔍✨

📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)

Up close and personal! 🔍✨ This macro shot of a Yuma Mushroom Coral shows off its insane texture and vibrant colors. A tr...

Up close and personal! 🔍✨ This macro shot of a Yuma Mushroom Coral shows off its insane texture and vibrant colors. A true gem for any reef tank! 🌊🌿

📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)


We just unloaded 7 boxes of Bali fish today (Saturday)!

- Bali Full Black Percula Clownfish (wild)
- Bali Half Black Percula Clownfish (wild)
- Pink Skunk Clownfish
- Powder Blue Tang
- Powder Brown Tang
- Heniochus Bannerfish
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- Bi-Color Angelfish
- Naso Tang
- Blond Naso Tang
- Yellow Coris Wrasse
- Green Mandarin Goby
- Spotted Mandarin Goby
- Desjardini Sailfin Tang
- Six Bar Angelfish
- Foxface
- Green Chromis
- Fire Shrimp
- Majestic Angelfish
- Blue Tang
- Six Line Wrasse
- Yellow Tail Tamarin
- Purple Queen Anthias
- Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse
- Purple Blotch Square Back Anthias
- Copper Band Butterly
- Royal Dottyback
- Bi-Color Cleaner Wrasse
- Long Fin Flasher Wrasse
- Checkerboard Wrasse
- Algae Benny
- Yellow Belly Damselfish
- Cleaner Shrimp

Thank You and have a great weekend!

Several ShipmentsWe have 2 saltwater Fish shipments back to back this week:Arrives WED 2/5 after 4PM:Angelfish SW Coral ...

Several Shipments

We have 2 saltwater Fish shipments back to back this week:

Arrives WED 2/5 after 4PM:
Angelfish SW Coral Beauty (non Fiji)
Angelfish SW Yellow Heraldi
Anthias Carberryi Goldie Threadfin Anthias
Anthias Goldie Resplendent Female
Dragonets Goby Mandarin (Green)
Dragonets Goby Mandarin (Red)
Filefish Aiptasia Eating Filefish (SM) Acreichthys tomentosus
Goatfish Bicolor Parupeneus Barberinoides
Firefish Exquisite Purple Yellow
Firefish REG. Purple
Jawfish Pearly Yellowhead Jawfish
Hogfish Bodianus Diplotaenia Mexican Hogfish
MISC. FISH Golden Trevally, SM Gnathanodon Speciocus
Molly Saltwater Converted Sailfin
Fox Face & Rabbitfish Rabbitfish Doliatus Spinefoot Two Bar
Tangs White Tail Bristletooth Flavicauda
Triggerfish Bursa Black Belly Trigger
Boxfish And Cowfish Reticulated Boxfish Solarensis
Wrasses Lucasanum Rock Mexican Rainbow
Crabs & Lobsters Pom Pom Crab
Macro Algae & Mangroves Red Graci Parvispora golfball portion
Snails Banded Trochus
Starfish Green Brittle Incrassata
Urchin Tuxedo Urchin
Urchin Tuxedo Urchin

Arrives THUR 2/6 after 2PM:
Derasa Clams 2-3"

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

Huge Shipment ArrivingWe are having a sale on our Tanganyikans and Smaller Malawi Mbunas. They are 30% off clearance sal...

Huge Shipment Arriving

We are having a sale on our Tanganyikans and Smaller Malawi Mbunas. They are 30% off clearance sale. So come get them while we still have them in stock! - Black Widow Frontons, sand sifters, shell dwellers, cyprichromis...

Freshwater Fish arriving WED 2/5 after 2PM:
Koi Angelfish
Seal Point Angelfish
Apisto Agassizii Fire Red
Apisto Borelli Blue
Apisto Cacatuoides Super Red
Guianacara Geayi Bandit Cichlid *NEW*
Guianacara Dacyra Bandit Cichlid *NEW*
Red Snakeskin Discus 2"
Red Turquoise Discus 2"
Tiger Turquoise Discus 2"
Yellow Melon Discus 2"
Bolivian Ram
Adolfoi's Cory
Aeneus Albino Cory
Ioxozonus Cory
False Bandit Melini Cory
Peppered Paleatus Cory
Reticulated Julii Cory
Sterbai Cory
WEitzmani Two Saddled Cory
Similis Violet Cory
Ancistrus Long Fin Bushynose Pleco
Ancistrus Albino Long Fin Bushynose Pleco
Flat Flyer Pleco L235
Gold Nugget Pleco L018
Grey Leopracanthicus Joselimai L265 Pleco 2"
Hará Jerdoni Dwarf Anchor Catfish
Dwarf Chain Loach
Red Fin Hillstream Loach Myersi
Cardinal Tetras
Ember Tetras
Black Emperor Tetras
Neon Tetras
Neon Gold Blue Eye Neon Tetra
Green Neon Tetra
Rummynose Tetra
White Fin HY511 Tetra
Chili Rasboras
Harlequin Rasboras
Neon Green Rasbora Kubotai
Phoenix Rasbora Merah
Strawberry Rasbora Naevus
Yellow Polkadot Rasbora Micros
Siamese Algae Eatrs
Crowntail Male Betta
Halfmoon Koi Female Bettas
Chocolate Gourami
Vaillant Gourami
Black Tail Guppies
Blue Neon Guppies
Koi Tuxedo Guppies
Red Picta Guppies
Yellow Melanzona Guppies
Assorted Female Guppies
Pseudomugil Furcatus
Madagascar Rainbowfish
Pseudomugil Laminatus Red Neon
Neon Dwarf Rainbow Praecox
Gold Australe Killi
Red Striped Striatum Killi
Rubripinnis Killi
Assassin Snails
Blue Cobalt Goby Semoni Stiphodon
Blue Neon Goby Stiphodon
Ornate Rainbow Goby Stiphodon
Tiger Goby Schismatogobius Ampluvinculus

Some very cool Endlers arriving:
Campoma No. 33 Endlers
Cumana Green Hornet Endler
Super Red Yellow Top Sword Endless

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

WYSIWYG Thursday Jan. 30th arrivals… #3

WYSIWYG Thursday Jan. 30th arrivals… #3

can’t get enough of these maxima clams !! •📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)_______________________________              ...

can’t get enough of these maxima clams !!

📷taken in store (sony rx100 vii)


1238 N 5th Street
San Jose, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm


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