Neptune Aquatics

Neptune Aquatics Specializing in Saltwater Reef & Planted Tanks. We carry a large assortment of corals, saltwater fis Be sure to come visit us when you are in the area!

Neptune Aquatics was established in 1999 and has been serving the aquatic hobbyist community in the California Bay Area with high quality corals, tropical fishes, aquatic plants and supporting equipment. Our core belief has been to anticipate our hobbyist needs and lead the way with fresh and innovative ideas while maintaining the same high quality customer service that they have come to expect fr

om us. We have always valued quality over quantity and prefer to do things the right way the first time around. You’ll notice our store always carry the latest line of products from the industry's leading-edge manufacturers. Our new spacious facility in San Jose now gives our customer a one-stop shop for all there aquatic needs including a wide selection of complete aquarium setups, popular frozen foods, aquatic tools, and an extensive selection of products for a freshwater or marine aquarium. We offer full end-to-end custom aquarium design and expert consultation catered to your specific needs with our service extending to customized high-end cabinets, sumps, and professional pre-plumbing hookups. With our in-house wood-shop, we can customize your cabinet to any specification you desire. If you need more information about this, we’re always an email away!

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow  #5….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow #5….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow  #4….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow #4….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow  #3…

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow #3…

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow  #2….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow #2….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow  #1….

New WYSIWYG corals arriving tomorrow #1….

these congo puffers have small bodies but some big personalities 💗💗📷taken in store_______________________________       ...

these congo puffers have small bodies but some big personalities 💗💗

📷taken in store

Arrives after 5PMArrives WED 1/15 after 5PM:Apisto C**a. Orange FlashApisto C**a. Super RedApisto PanduroCory Aeneus Bro...

Arrives after 5PM

Arrives WED 1/15 after 5PM:

Apisto C**a. Orange Flash
Apisto C**a. Super Red
Apisto Panduro
Cory Aeneus Bronze
Venezuelanus Cory
Purple Kuhli Loach *seasonal*
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Diamond Head Neon Tetra
Rummynose Tetras
Leopard Danio Frankei
Narrow Wedge Rasbora
Neon Blue Sundadanio Goblinus
Pygmy Spotted Rasbora
Siamese Algae Eater
Gold White Clouds
Plakat Alien Green Male Betta
Plakat Alien Copper Violet Male Bettas
Plakat Crowntail Male Betta
Crowntail Black Orchid King Male Betta
Half Moon Male Betta
Half Moon Candy Male Betta
Half Moon Double Tail Male Betta
Half Moon Koi Male Betta
Plakat Black Samurai Male Betta
Plakat Galaxy Koi Male Betta
Plakat Koi Male Betta
Plakat Super Black Male Betta
Half Moon Candy Females
Half Moon Koi Female Bettas
Green Lace Male Guppies
Leopard Tail Male Guppies
Red Snakeskin Male Guppies
Red Tail Black Guppies
Yellow Tail Guppies
Chocolate Australe Killi
Gold Australe Killi
Blue Miyuki Medaka Ricefish
Platinum Miyuki Medaka Ricefish
Rachovii Killi Pairs
Toxotes Blythe Clouded Freshwater Archer Fish **COOL*
Blue Cobalt Stiphodon Semoni Goby
Ornate Rainbow Stiphodon Ornatus Goby
Peacock Gudgeon
Red Lizard Whiptail Cat
Apisto Agassizii Double Red
Apisto Agassizi Fire Red
Apisto C**atuoides Gold Orange

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

peekaboo!📷taken in store_______________________________


📷taken in store

Arrives MON 1/13 after 5PMArrives MON 1/13 after 5PM: (More Fish Arrives later in the week)Hygro Lancea AraguaiaLimno Ar...

Arrives MON 1/13 after 5PM

Arrives MON 1/13 after 5PM: (More Fish Arrives later in the week)
Hygro Lancea Araguaia
Limno Aromatica
Ludwigia Arcuata
Rotala Macrandra
Rotala Wallichii
Ludwigia Palustris Red
Ludwigia Palustris Super Red
Ludwigia Gunea Senagalensis
Proserpinaca Palustris
Rotala Macrandra Mini Pink
Rotala sp Nanjenshan
Nesea Triflora
Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice
Rotala Rotundifolia Red
Limnophila Aromatica Red Belem
Rotala Hra
Rotala Fujian
Rotala Blood Red
Rotala Mexicana Bangladesh
Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf
Anubias Barteri Var Barteri
Anubias Barteri Var Nana
Crypt Beckettii
Crypt Walkeri
Crypt Wendtii Brown
Crypt Wendtii Mioya
Crypt Undulatus
Anubias Barteri Var Glabra
Corydora Venezuela
Red & Black Fancy Oranda Goldfish LG

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

We can’t seem to keep enough of UNS stuff in stock!

We can’t seem to keep enough of UNS stuff in stock!

Arrived!!Arrived WED 1/8:Blenny Red Spotted Blenniella chrysospilosBlenny Algae Lawnmower Salarias FasciatusChromis Blue...


Arrived WED 1/8:

Blenny Red Spotted Blenniella chrysospilos
Blenny Algae Lawnmower Salarias Fasciatus
Chromis Blue Green (Chromis Viridis)
Damsels Azure Chrysiptera Hemicyanea
Damsels Talbot
Damsels Three Stripe White Tail Dascyllus Aruanus
Dottyback Magenta Dottyback Pictichromis Porphyreus
Filefish Aiptasia Eating Filefish (SM) Acreichthys tomentosus
Goatfish Yellow Goatfish Parupeneus Cyclostoma
Goatfish Bicolor Parupeneus Barberinoides
Goby Saltwater Orange Spotted Prawn Goby
Goby Saltwater Yellow Watchman Cryptocentrus Cinctus
Tilefish Purple Purpureus LG
Firefish Red
Jawfish Mustache Black Cap Jawfish
Goby Saltwater Priolepis Nocturna Black Barred Convict Bondable
Puffer Fish Saltwater Valentini Saddleback Toby Puffer
Tangs Powder Blue Maldives MD
Tangs Blue Tang, SM
Tangs Yellow Belly Blue Tang
Wrasses Yellow Banded Possum
Crabs & Lobsters Pom Pom Crab
Red Gracilaria Parvispora golfball portion
Red Gracilaria Hayi Golfball
Clam And Scallop Flame Scallop
Shrimps Saltwater Coral Banded Shrimp
Starfish Green Brittle Incrassata
Urchin Short Spine White Ring
Urchin Tuxedo Urchin Red
Urchin Tuxedo Urchin Blue
Urchin Salmacis Bicolor

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

Totem pole of Netite Snails 🤣

Totem pole of Netite Snails 🤣

Arrives after 5PMArrives TUES 1/7 after 5PM:German Blue RamPanday CoryCory PaleatusCory PygmaeusAncistrus Green Dragon B...

Arrives after 5PM

Arrives TUES 1/7 after 5PM:

German Blue Ram
Panday Cory
Cory Paleatus
Cory Pygmaeus
Ancistrus Green Dragon Bushynose
Farlowella Vittata Twig Catfish
Bunocephalus Coracoideus Banjo Cat
Hara Filamentosa Filament Moth Cat
Kryptopterus Vitreous Glass Cat
Vanmanenia Crassicauda Cloud Leopard Loach *NICE*
Pangio Shelfordii Hair Band Kuhli Loach ***SO NICE***
Schistura Ataranensis Tiger Sumo Loach
Cardinal Tetras
Ember Tetras
Glowlight Tetras
Rummynose Tetras
Gold Dwarf Pencilfish Nannostomus Marginatus
Celestial Pearl Danios
Chili Rasboras
Harlequin Rasboras
Sundadanio Goblinus Neon Blue Rasbora
Phoenix Rasbora Boraras Merah
Red Tail Black Shark Epalzeorphynchos Bicolor
White Cloud Regular
Scarlet Badis
Red Flame Dwarf Gourami
Royal Blue Dwarf Gourami
Fire Honey Dwarf Gourami
Black Tail Guppies
Dragon Head Guppies
Flamingo Guppies
Green Lace Guppy
Red Snakeskin Guppy
Assorted Female Guppies
Melanotaenia Lacustris Turquoise Rainbowfish
Clown Killi
Gardner's Killi
Norman's Killi
Singapore Bamboo Shrimp

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!


Dwarf Frogs just swimming around…


Important Reminder: Holiday Hours

The shop will be closed on New Year's Day, January 1st, 2025.

We will resume our regular business hours on January 2nd, 2025.

Wishing you a happy and safe New Year!

Arrives after 2PMArrives TUES 12/31 after 2PM:Loaches Dwarf ChainPlecos Dekeyseria sp. L052 Atabapo PictaRainbowfish Pse...

Arrives after 2PM

Arrives TUES 12/31 after 2PM:

Loaches Dwarf Chain
Plecos Dekeyseria sp. L052 Atabapo Picta
Rainbowfish Pseudomugil Gertrudae REG
Protomelas Taeniolatus Red Empress, 4"
Acara - Electric Blue Andinoacara sp.
Angelfish Blue Pinoy
Angelfish Leopard
Cichlid – Apistogramma C**a. Gold Orange
Cichlid – Apistogramma C**a. Gold Red
Cichlid – Apistogramma C**a. Gold Red
Cichlid – Apistogramma Macmasteri Red Neck Gold Form
Discus 2" Piegon Snakeskin
Discus 2" Snow White
Discus 2" Tiger Turquoise
Discus 2" White Tiger Turquoise
Discus 2" Yellow Melon
Cichlid – Rams Bolivian
Corydoras Schultzei Black Cory
Corydoras Panda
Corydoras Pygmaeus
Plecos Gold Nugget L018
Plecos Gold Nugget L 177 Iriri
Otocinclus Common Oto
Plecos Slate Pseudancistrus Genisetiger
Catfish & Whiptail Hara Jerdoni Dwarf Anchor
Loaches Borneo Sucker Gastromyzon
Loaches Hillstream- Black Lizard Zollingeri
Loaches Hillstream Reticulated
Loaches Hillstream - Saddled breviventralis
Loaches Hillstream- Spotted SEW 01
Loaches Hillstream - Spotted Lizard Pseudohomaloptera sexmaculata
Loaches Kuhli Regular
Loaches Kuhli - Hair Band Shelfordii
Loaches Kuhli Purple
Loaches Kuhli Zipper Cuneovirgata
Tetras Cardinal Tetras
Tetras Ember
Tetras Jelly Bean
Tetras Neon Tetra
Tetras Diamond Head Neon Innesi
Tetras Rummynose Tetras
Tetras Serpae Tetra
Danios Celestial Pearl CPD
Rasboras Erythromicron Dwarf Emerald
Danios Glowlight Danio
Rasboras Chili Boraras Brigittae
Rasboras Sundadanio - Neon Blue Goblinus
Rasboras Phoenix Boraras Merah
Rasboras Pork Chop Espei
Rasboras Pygmy Spotted Maculatus
Panda Garra Regular
White Cloud Regular
Gouramis Sparkling Pygmy Trichopsis Pumila, MD
Rainbowfish Pseudomugil Furcatus
Rainbowfish Pseudomugil Luminatus
Kilifish Norman's Porpanchax Lampeye

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!


Arrives MON 12/23

Arrives MON 12/23 after 1PM: (Last chance to get Aquatic Plants before Christmas arrives). Take note we are CLOSED TUES 12/24 and WED 12/25 this week.

Happy Holidays To All!

Ludwigia Arcuata
Ludwigia Repens
Ludwigia Peruensis
Rotala Indica
Rotala Macrandra
Rotala Wallichii
Vallisneria Spiralis
Rotala Indica Green
Ludwigia Peruensis Diamond
Ludwigia Palustris Green
Ludwigia Palustris Super Red
Rotala Macrandra Mini Pink
Alternanthera Reineckii Rosanervig
Alternanthera Bettzickiana Red
Alternanthera Reineckii Red Broad
Rotala Ceylon
Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice
Rotala Rotundifolia Red
Rotala H’RA
Rotala Red Cross
Rotala Fujian
Rotala Blood Red
Ammania Sulawesi
Rotala Rotundifolia Reddish Vietnam
Barclaya longifolia Red Bulb
Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf
Anubias Barteri Striped
Crypt Wendtii Green Gecko
Crypt Parva
Anubias Barteri V. Nana Thick Leaf
Anubias Barteri Round Gold Coin
Anubias Barteri V. Glabra
Anubias Barteri Petite Round

E-Gift Cards

Don’t know what to get your friends or family members? Gift them an eGift card so that they can purchase whatever they need for their aquarium needs!

Click here for an update from Neptune Aquatics, Inc.!

New Corals Arrived!- Holy Grail Torch- Rasta Torch- Cotten Candy Torch- Green Torch- Mini Button Scoly- Aussie Pink Goni...

New Corals Arrived!

- Holy Grail Torch
- Rasta Torch
- Cotten Candy Torch
- Green Torch
- Mini Button Scoly
- Aussie Pink Goniopora
- Aussie Pink Alveopora
- Ultra Indo Acans
- Turbo Snail

We are also getting another 4-6 boxes of Indo corals tomorrow.


1238 N 5th Street
San Jose, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm


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