As you can see, the puppies are all feeling fine after their well check and vaccines today.
Sandy is the biggest.
Violet is the smallest followed by Aqua.
Everyone else is suuuuper close to the same size as each other.
Everyone got a clean bill of health from our vet and is ready to start going home next weekend!
They also tried dry kibble for the first time today and did really well with it.
All these final preparations to send them on their way are making me sad and are great reminders for me to soak them up while I still have them, as tired as I am of cleaning up 9 puppies worth of poop 💩😅
I'm available!!!
Rusty is on the calmer side of the puppies but remember- all puppies are going to be play hard/nap hard. He is a super sweet heart.
Rusty will be around 40-45lb full grown with a curly coat.
#labradoodlepuppy #labradoodles #multigenerationallabradoodles #multigenerationdoodle #rusty #puppygram #puppylove #sweetheart #cutepuppies #adorableanimalsofinstagram #cutie #curlycutie #curlydogs #allergyfriendly #allergyfriendlydogs #noshed #crawforddoodlesaz #Crawfordcolordoodles #crawforddoodles
I'm available!
Barbie was our 2nd choice to keep back as a breeder. This spotted sweetie is the perfect mix of fun-loving and easy-going. She will be about 35 pounds full grown and have a curly coat.
#labradoodlepuppy #puppy #puppygram #spots #takemehome #bestfriends #Barbie #barbiegirl #barbiedog #multigenerationallabradoodles #multigendoodle #fun-loving #easygoing #family #friendsforlife #spotted #dogsandpuppies #Crawfordcolordoodles #crawforddoodlesaz #crawforddoodles
I'm available!
Aqua is so fun and independent! She will be about 35 lb full grown. She is the fairest of them all. We just love this little angel!
#labradoodlepuppy #aqua #colors #labradoodles #labradoodle #puppies #puppylove #puppygram #puppyoftheday #doodlesofinstagram #crawforddoodlesaz #doodlepup #doodlelove #azbreeder #multigenerationdoodle
Where are my dog people at? 🙋♀️🙋♂️
#dogperson #dogpeople #dogsrule #dogs #dog #dogsofig #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #puppies #dogsandpuppies #puppiesforsale #labradoodlepuppy #labradoodles #labradoodle #doodledogs #fyp #cute #cutedogs #cuties #curlydogs
Man's best friend~ intertwining souls
#crawforddoodles #Crawfordcolordoodles #labradoodles #labradoodlepuppy #puppylove #mansbestfriend #dog #dogs #puppy #puppies #Doodle #doodlepup #doddlepuppy #curls #hypoallergenicdogs #pethairbegone #nonsheddingdogs #puppiesforsale
We hired Andrew as a Crawford Doodles employee this year.
He is helping weigh the puppies, change their collars as they grow, change the bedding, ect.
He is loving the extra responsibility and puppy cuddles.
I'm loving the one on one time with him.
Crawford has always been about families 💚🐾
#crawforddoodles #labradoodles #Doodles #dogsofinsta #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #breeder #dogbreeder #AustralianLabradoodles #multigenerational #multigenerationallabradoodles #nonshedding #hypoallergenic #hypoallergenicdogs #furbabies #dogmom
Need a dog that is going to be comfortable around your kids?
We've got you covered! Our puppies are around our kids from the day they are born.
That DOES NOT mean that you won't have to teach your kids how to respect dogs and their boundaries.
She's as obsessed with them as they are with her.
#Crawford #crawforddoodles #Doodles #crawforddoodle #doodle #forsale #puppy #puppies #dog #doggy #dogs #furbaby #furbabies #breeder #az #Arizona #azbreeder #Arizonabreeder #labradoodle #labradoodles #multigenerational #multigenerationalaustralianlabradoodle #multigenerationalaustralianlabradoodles #sweet #puppylove #healthtesteddogs #mansbestfriend #precious #cute #curly