James Welz, Barefoot Hoofcare

James Welz, Barefoot Hoofcare James Welz, Equine Barefoot Hoofcare trimming services for Happy Hooves! Serving the Phoenix AZ area. His entire focus is on creating the healthy hoof.

Based in the Phoenix area (Queen Creek), James Welz currently has clients throughout the state of Arizona, and offers his wealth of experience and education to barefoot horse owners. Many client horses have been trimmed by James for up to 15 years. The horses he trims include trail horses, pleasure horses, barrel racers, cutting horses, dressage horses, hunter/jumpers and endurance horses. His spe

cial interest is performance horses, though he enjoys helping all horses achieve better hoof health. James has been a hoofcare professional (barefoot trimmer) since 2000. He was one of the first in this country to receive a higher education in barefoot trimming, and one of the first to begin a full-time career as a barefoot-only professional. James was, in his "former life," a technical wizard and computer systems administrator until his wife's mare foundered in 1999, and changed the course of their lives forever. In a desperate attempt to save this horse, they immersed themselves in the new barefoot movement, which had only just begun. James immediately began hands-on training with the only educated barefoot hoofcare specialist in North America at that time, Sabine Kells of British Columbia, Canada. In May 2000, he attended the controversial German Veterinarian Dr. Hiltrud Strasser’s first U.S. clinic tour, and promptly enrolled in her one-year course, the first holistic barefoot educational program ever offered in this country. After studies in both Canada and Germany, James graduated in May 2001 in Tuebingen, Germany, with a certificate from the European School of Hoof Orthopedics (ESHOP). James had been trimming about 100 horses professionally while attending school, but upon graduation in 2001, began trimming full time, soon more than doubling the number of horses. He has maintained a consistent client base of about 200 horses per month since then. During this time, he concentrated on learning from the horses, and developing a system that could merge theory with practical reality. His studies included wild horse hooves, Jaime Jackson's research, and Dr. Robert Bowker's research. His most important studies were conducted upon his own horses: seeing the cause and effect of every trim decision, month after month, year after year, upon the same horses. Without that experience, he never could have developed the system as it exists today. Many of his theories about the hoof are unique: building upon information from prior sources, but combined in a way that can only come from a truly mechanical mind (see HoofHelpOnline.com for more info). James is a 2001 graduate of the European School of Hoof Orthopedics (ESHOP) in Tuebingen, Germany.

Here’s my own very generic answer to the question, what is a barefoot trim:“A barefoot trim starts with the end goal of ...

Here’s my own very generic answer to the question, what is a barefoot trim:
“A barefoot trim starts with the end goal of a healthy hoof form, which we’ve been able to define from the observation of healthy wild horse hooves, and healthy naturally-worn hooves. Most barefoot trims have low heels with the frogs on the ground, and short toes. This shape is very different than the current standard of veterinary/farrier care, shod or barefoot. The goal of traditional hoof care is suppression of hoof sensation if that will provide soundness, while the goal of barefoot hoof care is to develop a superior hoof, because when the hoof is healthy, it is sound.”

Do you agree, or disagree!

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Here are a few good questions:
1) Did "nature" prepare the equine hoof for the conditions of domesticated life?
2) Did "nature" provide for a horse with sick, damaged hooves to be "rehabilitated" or undergo a long, slow process of healing?
3) Is "nature" always positive and always working in a constructive way towards healing?
4) Do mankind's sometimes dramatic attempts to interfere with natural processes help, or hinder? (consider: drugs, surgeries, emergency medical care).

These are important questions to consider as we keep evolving barefoot hoof care procedures.
Pryor Mountains Mustangs photo courtesy of Erin Phillips, Mustang Mission: www.mustangmission.blogspot.com

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Is There a New Trim for Laminitic Horses?
No, not really "new" - though maybe news to newcomers! It's the same exact trim taught to the barefoot world for Laminitic horses back in 1999-2000. Credit should be given to Jaime Jackson, who formulated and popularized this trim with his books and publications at that time. Many people have been trimming this way for decades now.

This Laminitis trim: Wall horn trimmed down to the hard sole plane (resulting in close to ground-parallel coffin bone); bars trimmed to be passive and tapered, toe wall horn left intact to have contact with the ground (toe not shortened), small mustang roll (bevel) applied to outer edge only, combined with improved lifestyle: horses kept off all grass and fed hay instead, free exercise in a herd, preferably in a "paddock paradise." This was taught by Jaime Jackson in 1999, and this is what we personally did with my own horse suffering with severe, life-threatening laminitis that year. A series of photos of my laminitic horse were even featured as the examples of "The Natural Trim at work" on page 73 of Jaime Jackson's 2001 red cover book, "Founder, Prevention & Cure the Natural Way." Sadly, the rest of the story is that she was not able to recover. Her case was complex. Laminitis and founder are often complicated by a myriad of circumstances.

There were wonderful success stories, and many horses that got a new lease on life. However, this simple trim - even combined with the most perfect diet and lifestyle - is not the panacea for EVERY horse with laminitis and founder. That's why people began experimenting with various trimming techniques in the mid 2000's - because it was complicated. Many horses did not survive, no matter what was done. There were heartbreaking stories from people trying their best. Nothing was ever clear cut, or 100% guaranteed, or the magical solution.

There have been very few studies done on the treatment - especially barefoot treatment - of laminitic horses, but an important one is Dr. Debra Taylor's study: "Clinical Outcome of 14 Obese, Laminitic Horses Managed with the Same Rehabilitation Protocol"
Read it here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0737080613006370

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News June 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? ☀️ There is NO Single "Correct Way" to Barefoot Trim ☀️ Barefoot Hoof Study Conference Presentation ☀️ Barefoot Quote of the Month: Jaime Jackson ☀️ Controversial Barefoot-oriented Podcast ☀️ We Are Herd - Equus Interdependence Day ☀️ Feeding Forage Free-Choice ☀️ Liberty Festival Clinicians ☀️ June Cavallo Boot Giveaway ☀️ and more!


Controversy in the Barefoot World?
Been there, done that. Nothing is really new? What goes around, comes around. Cycles repeat. Photo: Jaime Jackson and Dr. Hiltrud Strasser at her "Hufklinik" in Germany, November 1999. The explosive spark that created the birth of the barefoot hoofcare movement.

Does it really matter who is "right" and who is "wrong"? Me, personally, I hate controversy, but that's because I am a peacemaker. By nature, I'm an agreeable person. That's simply who I am. So it's a tough "online" world right now.

Confusing barefoot world? The smart thing to do is learn from history. Keep asking questions. Put the horses first. Put other PEOPLE first. Bite your tongue as frequently as you can. You don't have to "win" arguments. Most of the time, there is no need to argue at all. Study the wild horses. Study all the ideas put forth by those brave, few barefoot researchers. Analyze and ponder the trimming decisions of those who have been trimming for a long time, with a body of work. Study different terrains and environments and situations than your own. Have compassions for others, and their challenges.

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Yes, you might win FREE Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots 🥳 just for signing up for Barefoot News!
SIGN UP HERE! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/thh50b

On June 30, 2024, we will draw a random winner from The Horse’s Hoof email list and give away yet another pair of super cool hoof boots! (valid for USA & Canada mailing addresses only) All you have to do is sign up for The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News. For free! Besides lots of great prize offerings, you stay informed about the latest barefoot hoof care news from all over the world. Be sure to continue your subscription, as we will have frequent contests for great prizes!


De-stress Your Horse’s Life

I now think that the greatest gift we can give our horses is to take whatever steps we can to minimize the effects of stress upon their lives. Many look at a herd of happily grazing horses and wonder, what stress? They just sit around eating and pooping! But just living as a domestic horse in this modern world carries with it a plethora of unexpected stressors – each of them a potential health hazard.

I urge you to examine for hidden causes of stress for your horses, and study as much as you can about natural equine behavior and the biologically correct lifestyle. While we can’t really duplicate wild living conditions, we can imitate... to the great benefit of our domestic horses.

Here are a few of the typical stressors that many people don’t consider:
• Confinement and/or isolation.
• Moving location.
• Changing herd members.
• Chemical and/or medical stresses.
• Restricted food and/or water supply.
• Dogs, predators, and wildlife.
• Separation from the herd.
• Incompatible horses.
• Early weaning of foals.

These are just a few of the many possible sources of stress in your horse’s life. Remember, we all need some stress! Just not too much. And when a horse is ill or has problems, work harder to identify and eliminate the sources of stress. Peaceful horses are happy horses! A good book on the subject that I often recommend is "Horses and Stress" by Joe Camp.

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Don't succumb to those who use fear as a selling tool. This actually applies to EVERY area of life, but in this case - to horses with hoof catastrophes.

Laminitis and founder are scary. When they happen to YOUR horse, as the caregiver, you are in a very vulnerable situation.

I should know. 25 years ago, my heart horse had a severe hoof catastrophe (see photo), and that's why I'm here today. I navigated what at that time was a new frontier, was sold a bunch of falsehoods along the way (I could go on and on!), but through much time and effort, managed to w**d out some truths. However, laminitis and founder are still gray areas; the more we learn, the more we realize HOW MUCH we still do not know! We, as in the entire horse world.

For those experienced and/or pros - when people have good results with different techniques, even those opposite your own, pay attention. However, realize, that each case is so specific and individual. Step back and look at the big picture. What DOES work? It is always positive to try to identify and remove possible causes, improve a horse's living conditions, provide safe pain relief, improve a horse's diet and nutrition, and maintain the hooves frequently through trimming that removes excess growth. I think we can all agree on that. Beyond those things - we need to be communicating effectively and openly with each other, and this is greatly impacted by negative social media campaigns. It is my hope that people can grow up - and become adults. And then we can move on with helping horses.

Check out Hoof Help Online, for open discussion between people who are genuinely open-minded! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News May 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? 🌸 Barefoot Horses Sweep the FEI Jumping World Cup!!! 🌸 Barefoot and doing Grand Prix! 🌸 Barefoot Jumping with Susannah Jones 🌸 Barefoot Quote of the Month: Julien Epaillard 🌸 Must-Listen Podcast: Lockie Phillips interviews Becks Nairn 🌸 2023 National Equine Economic Impact Study Results 🌸 Barefoot in Chile! 🌸 Liberty Festival 🌸 and more!


What is YOUR paradigm of the hoof?

A paradigm is “a philosophical or theoretical framework,” and it basically represents the viewpoint from where to begin. This is our paradigm of the horse’s hoof.

1. The hoof is a living part of the horse’s body.
2. In order to have genuinely healthy hooves, a horse really does need to be barefoot.
3. The wild horse hoof remains the inspiration.
4. Correct hoof form and a good living situation are the answer.

Those are just the key points! We have a full article explaining the details and providing references: "Welz Theory - Paradigm of the Hoof".

Check out Hoof Help Online, for more detailed information. 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Congratulations to our winner!!! On April 30th, 2024, we drew a random winner from The Horse’s Hoof email list for one free pair of Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots 🖤💚 💜 - our winner is Cathy Mitchell! For great prizes like this - please join The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News. You'll have a chance to win one of our frequent giveaways, plus receive a fabulous FREE barefoot hoof newsletter! SIGN UP HERE! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/thh50b

Would you like to win FREE Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots? 🥳SIGN UP HERE! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/thh50b On April 30, ...

Would you like to win FREE Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots? 🥳
SIGN UP HERE! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/thh50b
On April 30, 2024, we will draw a random winner from The Horse’s Hoof email list and give away yet another pair of super cool hoof boots! (valid for USA & Canada mailing addresses only) All you have to do is sign up for The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News. For free! Besides lots of great prize offerings, you stay informed about the latest barefoot hoof care news from all over the world. Be sure to continue your subscription, as we will have frequent contests for great prizes!


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News April 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? 🌼 Happy 1 Year Anniversary! 🌼 Thank you, Joe Camp ❤️ 🌼 New Barefoot Hoof Study Published 🌼 Barefoot Quote of the Month: Nick Hill 🌼 Hay Net Study for Dental Health and Bodyweight 🌼 The Study of the Equine Hoof 🌼 Cavallo Hoof Boots at Equine Affaire & April Boot Giveaway! 🌼 and more!


The party in the middle is usually the one who gets attacked the most 🤣 But we've been there for 2 decades, and I'm going to dig my heels in and keep stating our position. We encourage moderation and common sense. A middle ground.

Step back from the edge of extremism and listen to ALL sides. Don't throw babies out with the bathwater. There is a place in the middle where you can pull the useful techniques from everyone who has been developing barefoot trimming over the past 20-30 years. There is a time and place for nearly any technique to be used productively.

I honestly do not believe anyone is out there trying to hurt horses deliberately. Everyone is trying to help horses go barefoot successfully, in a quest to make their lives healthier, longer, and more productive. It is really that simple.

Different terrains and eductional programs introduce different focuses and techniques. That's where it gets complicated. Not everyone has the same goals; some focus only on immediate soundness; others are going for long term improvement over time.

Listen to the people who have been trimming productively, with long term clients going back a dozen or 2 dozen years. I'm sure they have valuable things to say. Appreciate them. This work is not easy, and often far from rewarding, except for the intrinsic rewards.

Check out Hoof Help Online, where we welcome free discussion of hoof ideas! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a free monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Always and never are NOT useful words for trimming hooves!
There is a time and a place for just about any technique to be used productively in moderation. Every horse should be trimmed slightly differently - even each single hoof on each horse is different.

I still find it strange that those who advocate for barefoot trimming are often each other's worst enemies. Those who are finding good results should abundantly share their techniques and help others - in a positive way. Rehabbing hooves is a very difficult path, and multiple options can never be tried simultaneously. Anyone showing good results over time should be applauded. Their exact techniques might not apply to all horses or situations, but that doesn't matter. Barefoot trimming, whether for healthy hooves or to rehab pathological hooves, is always a long term process.

Check out Hoof Help Online, where we welcome free discussion of hoof ideas! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a free monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


April 2024 marks the one year anniversary of The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News! We began this free monthly e-newsletter in April 2023, as a new media metamorphosis of The Horse's Hoof Magazine (which was in publication from 2000-2020).

No catch, it's just fun and free for all barefoot horse owners! We even give away free prizes!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Also check out Hoof Help Online, where you can find all 80 back issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Would you like to win FREE Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots? 🖤💚 💜
SIGN UP HERE! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/thh50b
On April 30, 2024, we will draw a random winner from The Horse’s Hoof email list and give away yet another pair of super cool hoof boots! (valid for USA & Canada mailing addresses only) All you have to do is sign up for The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News. For free! Besides lots of great prize offerings, you stay informed about the latest barefoot hoof care news from all over the world. Be sure to continue your subscription, as we will have frequent contests for great prizes!


Are your trimming techniques HELPING or HURTING your horse?
Finding the answer is, unfortunately, not simple. When horse owners have a hoof crisis, they tend to "kitchen sink" it. They change multiple things at all at once. Barefoot practitioners encourage this - as we want the diet & lifestyle improved, etc. That makes it more complicated. Here's the problem - if the horse gets better along with improved diet and lifestyle, did the trim help or hinder? Did the horse simply heal in spite of a trim that did not really contribute much?

We can't do double blind studies with our horse's trims. We can never duplicate the exact situation at the EXACT TIME with the same circumstances! Sometimes healing takes place in spite of things not being optimal. Sometimes hooves fail to heal in spite of things being nearly perfect. Every horse is a unique individual, so we truly can't compare. Not only that, but people have different standards; for some, the goal is only soundness (not limping). For others, it healthy hoof form, and that can also mean different things to different people.

With a bird's eye view of the barefoot hoof care movement over the past 25 years, I can tell you that there are countless examples of barefoot success with trims that are polar opposites. How can that be? Most likely there IS an optimal way, still undefined, but horses can heal in spite of the details of their trims. The longer you trim, the more humble you will become (if you're honest).

In our opinion, it's not worth fighting and slaying each other over - we should be listening and reflecting. And paying closer attention to each individual horse.

Check out Hoof Help Online! Where we welcome free discussion of hoof ideas! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a free monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


I am heartbroken to hear the news that Joe Camp has passed away! 💔 How fitting that he was our "Barefoot Quote of the Month" for March, before I heard about this. He shined a spotlight right on to barefoot and natural horse care at just the perfect time, and brought so many horseowners into a new way of thinking. God bless you, Joe! I know you're enjoying all the horses in heaven.


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News March 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? 🍀 Why There's No Such Thing as a "Natural Trim" 🍀 PHCP Conference 🍀 Barefoot Quote of the Month: Joe Camp 🍀 Navicular Guide from The Humble Hoof 🍀 A Bit of a Problem in Equine Welfare 🍀 J&S Hex Hack - Bitless 🍀 Barefoot Resource: Equinextion 🍀 and more!


Have we convinced you yet of the tremendous benefits of shortening the toes of domestic horses (which are typically grossly too long)?

For more detailed information, please read the articles in The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News:

• January 2024, "Bowker on Blood Flow through the Equine Foot"

• February 2024: "Dr. Bowker: The long toe is the #1 problem with the horse's foot!"

Sign up for The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News, it's free! https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Are you worried about HOW to get your horse's toes shortened in a practical way? It is in the horse’s best interest to go ahead and get the toes shortened all at once. However, don’t be afraid to go slowly with a very overgrown toe if it makes you more comfortable; in this case, a good rule of thumb is to figure out how much needs to come off, and remove half of that the first day. Come back in a week or two, and repeat (remove half of what is needed). Next time, remove half again! And so on and so on, until the toes are correct. Eventually, you get there!

James Welz says, "Until they see it done, many trimmers are afraid to back up the toes enough. There is a strange myth out there, even perpetuated by otherwise qualified people, that rasping into the white line will cause all kinds of “horrible” problems. This is simply false, as backed up (no pun intended) by the thousands of horses I’ve trimmed, and thousands more that I’ve observed. If all my guidelines are followed, backing up the toes will create immediate positive benefits that you will be able to observe in your horse’s feet even before the next trim takes place. Backing up the toes makes mechanical sense."

We provide lots of helpful advice for shortening toes and improving hoof health on Hoof Help Online. A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz

Dr. Robert Bowker says that the majority of horses have a LONG TOE and a narrow frog. Long toes are considered "normal"!...

Dr. Robert Bowker says that the majority of horses have a LONG TOE and a narrow frog. Long toes are considered "normal"! From the apex of the frog to the hoof breakover, a measurement of 40-50mm is TOO LONG!

If you see a long toe - get the toe SHORTER! With a shorter toe, the central sulcus returns back to the bottom of the hoof (instead of on the rear of the foot). The position of the frog's central sulcus is a very simple way to know if the frog is beginning to function properly. The frog is the most important component of the horse's foot, and shortening the toe will allow the frog to begin to function.

Read MORE about this in the February issue of The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News! Sign up for this free monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Check out Hoof Help Online! We provide helpful advice for shortening toes and improving hoof health. A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Information from Dr. Robert Bowker: Osteoporosis of the Coffin Bone? That's right! The bone creep of long toes causes Osteoporosis. The coffin bone will develop large cavities and thinner bone. X-rays will show fuzzy edges, and coffin bones that are grayish on x-ray and not white. You want DENSE - VERY WHITE - bone on the x-rays, which indicates a healthy bone.

Photo here is from Dr. Bowker ("Osteoporotic Coffin Bones", The Horse's Hoof issue 35, 2009) - a 4 year old already showing signs of bone loss., and likely to have clinical problems later on. "Osteoporosis is a common but unrecognized occurrence in the general horse population." "...by preferentially loading the solar surface, rather than loading the foot more peripherally via the hoof, more and more bone will be deposited within the coffin bone (or, more conservatively, will not be lost)."

Is there an age limit to remodel back to a dense coffin bone? Bowker says, no! However, it will take longer when the horse is older. Unload the wall more and more, and the bone WILL get denser! (By loading the wall, bone is lost from the coffin bone, the mechanics of which was explained in detail to Bowker by engineers).

Remember, Good - Better - Best!

Check out Hoof Help Online! Where we welcome free discussion of hoof ideas! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a free monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz



San Tan Valley, AZ




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