James Welz, Barefoot Hoofcare

James Welz, Barefoot Hoofcare James Welz, Equine Barefoot Hoofcare trimming services for Happy Hooves! Serving the Phoenix AZ area. His entire focus is on creating the healthy hoof.

Based in the Phoenix area (Queen Creek), James Welz currently has clients throughout the state of Arizona, and offers his wealth of experience and education to barefoot horse owners. Many client horses have been trimmed by James for up to 15 years. The horses he trims include trail horses, pleasure horses, barrel racers, cutting horses, dressage horses, hunter/jumpers and endurance horses. His spe

cial interest is performance horses, though he enjoys helping all horses achieve better hoof health. James has been a hoofcare professional (barefoot trimmer) since 2000. He was one of the first in this country to receive a higher education in barefoot trimming, and one of the first to begin a full-time career as a barefoot-only professional. James was, in his "former life," a technical wizard and computer systems administrator until his wife's mare foundered in 1999, and changed the course of their lives forever. In a desperate attempt to save this horse, they immersed themselves in the new barefoot movement, which had only just begun. James immediately began hands-on training with the only educated barefoot hoofcare specialist in North America at that time, Sabine Kells of British Columbia, Canada. In May 2000, he attended the controversial German Veterinarian Dr. Hiltrud Strasser’s first U.S. clinic tour, and promptly enrolled in her one-year course, the first holistic barefoot educational program ever offered in this country. After studies in both Canada and Germany, James graduated in May 2001 in Tuebingen, Germany, with a certificate from the European School of Hoof Orthopedics (ESHOP). James had been trimming about 100 horses professionally while attending school, but upon graduation in 2001, began trimming full time, soon more than doubling the number of horses. He has maintained a consistent client base of about 200 horses per month since then. During this time, he concentrated on learning from the horses, and developing a system that could merge theory with practical reality. His studies included wild horse hooves, Jaime Jackson's research, and Dr. Robert Bowker's research. His most important studies were conducted upon his own horses: seeing the cause and effect of every trim decision, month after month, year after year, upon the same horses. Without that experience, he never could have developed the system as it exists today. Many of his theories about the hoof are unique: building upon information from prior sources, but combined in a way that can only come from a truly mechanical mind (see HoofHelpOnline.com for more info). James is a 2001 graduate of the European School of Hoof Orthopedics (ESHOP) in Tuebingen, Germany.


🀠 Dr. Robert Bowker on Bone Loss in the Equine Foot 🀠 British Showjumping has Banned Hoof Boots 🀠 Tips for Slow Hay Feeding 🀠 Hoof Boots Highlight Beyoncé Halftime Show for 27 million Netflix Viewers! 🀠 Barefoot "Black Stallion" Dream Horse 🀠 Power of the Pony Book for Young Horselovers 🀠 And more! The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News January 2025 is released! Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy New Year 2025!

Happy New Year 2025!

Photo taken on this beautiful, peaceful Christmas morning of my 4 merry mares! Wishing you a wonderful time with your fr...

Photo taken on this beautiful, peaceful Christmas morning of my 4 merry mares! Wishing you a wonderful time with your friends, family, horses and animal friends.


From my experience in managing horses naturally for 20+ years, and caring for horses generally for 35+ years: I honestly think that one of the biggest problems we horseowners face is our tendency to throw "treatments," "remedies," and products at a horse's hoof and/or health issue. Whether they are natural or traditional remedies/ supplements/therapies, it's really all the same - treating the symptoms. I don't mean there is not a place for these products - both natural and traditional medicines. Of course they need to be utilized! But natural horse care is about analyzing the root cause, and that cause is typically too simple for us to wrap our minds around.

For example, a lot of serious thrush is caused by horses' hooves being exposed daily to urine and f***s. Even horses kept out of stalls can still end up standing around in wet manure piles. In the photo example here, this was a Haflinger with lovely hooves, yet he developed bad thrush in his frogs due to poor living conditions. The owner remedied the inadequate environment, and the problem went away. No diet change nor topical chemicals were needed in this case.

Natural horsekeeping for our domestic horses is indeed a challenge! Most people can never do it perfectly, and that's okay. But when we have a health problem, the first thing we should do is analyze how far we have deviated from what is truly the BEST equine management: freedom of movement 24 hours per day in a herd on breed appropriate terrain, low sugar forage free fed as much as possible, regulated exercise as needed to provide enough daily miles, and hooves trimmed and maintained frequently to simulate natural wear and healthy equine hoof shape. Putting these elements firmly into practice can produce transformative results. We ALL come up short of doing it perfectly, but carry on!

Check out Hoof Help Online 🐴 Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News November 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? πŸ¦ƒ Give Thanks for the Wild Horses! πŸ¦ƒ PHCP 2024 Conference Takeaways, Part 2 πŸ¦ƒ Comprehensive Equine Discomfort Ethogram πŸ¦ƒ Dr. Sue Dyson on Horse Hoof Health πŸ¦ƒ An Intelligent Hoof Boot?! πŸ¦ƒ Hoof Help Online - for Hoof Heretics! πŸ¦ƒ and more!


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News October 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? πŸŽƒ Pumpkin Spice Hooves πŸŽƒ PHCP 2024 Conference Takeaways, Part 1 πŸŽƒ Barefoot Trimming for Donkeys πŸŽƒ Scholarships Available for Hard Workers πŸŽƒ Fast and Easy Hoof Trimming with a Grinder πŸŽƒ Halloween Cavallo Boot Giveaway πŸŽƒ A Lifetime of Soundness - for Horse and Human Alike πŸŽƒ and more!


A Lifetime of Soundness - for Horse and Human Alike?

25 years ago, I learned a different paradigm for healthcare, directly because of natural hoof care. Learning from Naturopathic Veterinarians, I found out that food and toxins were the major contributors to disease, along with living conditions that are extremely unnatural. The modern horse in the modern lifestyle - stabled 20+ hours per day in isolated stalls, fed "meals" 3 times per day, exercised in a 1 hour intense session, with metal nailed to its feet - was set up for hoof and health failure.

The myriad of problems in the HUMAN healthcare system is finally at the forefront of people's minds right now. Humans are equally set up for failure - it's like they ARE the horses locked into stalls, eating unnatural fake processed food, with almost no exercise all day long, surrounded by a stew of environmental toxins. No one can be healthy like that!

How about we all get healthy together - horses and humans? There is nothing better than fresh air, sunshine, clean food, and freedom for horse and for owner. We can get more exercise by walking and playing at liberty with horses, or enjoy long trail rides or other fun activities. Horses need to live outdoors in herds, and we humans need to spend as much time as possible outdoors with them!!!

Check out Hoof Help Online 🐴 Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz

2024 Mustang Mission Fall Fundraiser Auction!Erin Phillips: "I have been very excited about this auction, as we have so ...

2024 Mustang Mission Fall Fundraiser Auction!

Erin Phillips: "I have been very excited about this auction, as we have so many different items available (art, gift bundles, decor, jewelry, and more!). This is by far the biggest auction we’ve had so far, and there’s a lot to choose from. I hope you find something you love!

This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and greatly benefits our work to save wild horses and burros."



The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News September 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? 🐎 The Power of Frequent Trimming! 🐎 Wild Mustangs and Heel Height 🐎 Barefoot Quote of the Month: Dr. Robert Bowker 🐎 Do you have a Metabolic Horse? 🐎 2024 PHCP Conference Raffle Prizes 🐎 Hoof Boots versus Metal Shoes 🐎 Horse Photos for Research! 🐎 and more!


This is a USA high desert Mustang hoof. I LOVE looking at feral horse hooves. It is important to realize that cadaver hooves will never appear the same as the living hoof (they shrink and change). Also, Mustangs will never be directly comparable to our domestic horses, due to their drastic lifestyle differences, for good and bad (not all wild horses have perfect lives). Nonetheless, feral equine hooves provide VALUABLE information that any student of the hoof should readily absorb.

Is the hoof form relevant to the trimming of domestic horses? There can be many arguments for and against. Keep in mind, the heels of an equine with a robust digital cushion can appear to be very low, and yet be incredibly strong. Most domestic horses have weak digital cushions and cannot have heels this low without discomfort. What is natural - low heels, mid range heels, or higher heels? That remains a subject of debate. Dr. Robert Bowker argues that all hooved mammals walk on the pads of their feet; why would the horse be any different?

Check out Hoof Help Online 🐴 Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Pre-Rehab facility?
There is great power in preventative hoofcare. Barefoot used not as rehab therapy, but as a way to ensure future long term health and soundness. A way to change the future of horsekeeping.

There is still a need for rehab facilitiesβ€”but what about a PRE-rehab facility?! Can you imagine if there were well-respected equine centers across the country (or world) where horses were raised from birth in natural, ideal conditions and their hooves kept carefully shaped for perfect soundness? Centers could each cater to different disciplines, such as dressage, or western performance, or endurance, etc. Enlightened performance riders could visit these facilities to purchase horses with unbeatable hooves.

These centers could also focus on education, bringing in a steady stream of visitors and students to teach natural horse and hoof care, and the correct shape of a healthy hoof. These locations would be ideal for trimming certification courses, internships, and mentorships, while professionals could visit these centers for advanced studies. Such centers would be ideal locations for the study of horse behavior, as well as providing large numbers of easily accessible barefoot equines for new and better hoof studies. Right now, this is just a dream, but who knows what the future will bring?

Check out Hoof Help Online 🐴 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News August 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? 🐴 Equine Welfare & Natural Horse Care 🐴 Taking Barefoot into Top Level Competition! 🐴 2024 PHCP Conference 🐴 Barefoot Quote of the Month: Sarah Albanozzo 🐴 Dr. Robert Bowker Video Series 🐴 End of Summer Hoof Woes? 🐴 August Cavallo Boot Giveaway! 🐴 Congratulations to Mustang Mission! 🐴 Hay Feeder Height and our Horses 🐴 Beyond the Barn Podcast

Here’s my own very generic answer to the question, what is a barefoot trim:β€œA barefoot trim starts with the end goal of ...

Here’s my own very generic answer to the question, what is a barefoot trim:
β€œA barefoot trim starts with the end goal of a healthy hoof form, which we’ve been able to define from the observation of healthy wild horse hooves, and healthy naturally-worn hooves. Most barefoot trims have low heels with the frogs on the ground, and short toes. This shape is very different than the current standard of veterinary/farrier care, shod or barefoot. The goal of traditional hoof care is suppression of hoof sensation if that will provide soundness, while the goal of barefoot hoof care is to develop a superior hoof, because when the hoof is healthy, it is sound.”

Do you agree, or disagree!

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Here are a few good questions:
1) Did "nature" prepare the equine hoof for the conditions of domesticated life?
2) Did "nature" provide for a horse with sick, damaged hooves to be "rehabilitated" or undergo a long, slow process of healing?
3) Is "nature" always positive and always working in a constructive way towards healing?
4) Do mankind's sometimes dramatic attempts to interfere with natural processes help, or hinder? (consider: drugs, surgeries, emergency medical care).

These are important questions to consider as we keep evolving barefoot hoof care procedures.
Pryor Mountains Mustangs photo courtesy of Erin Phillips, Mustang Mission: www.mustangmission.blogspot.com

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


Is There a New Trim for Laminitic Horses?
No, not really "new" - though maybe news to newcomers! It's the same exact trim taught to the barefoot world for Laminitic horses back in 1999-2000. Credit should be given to Jaime Jackson, who formulated and popularized this trim with his books and publications at that time. Many people have been trimming this way for decades now.

This Laminitis trim: Wall horn trimmed down to the hard sole plane (resulting in close to ground-parallel coffin bone); bars trimmed to be passive and tapered, toe wall horn left intact to have contact with the ground (toe not shortened), small mustang roll (bevel) applied to outer edge only, combined with improved lifestyle: horses kept off all grass and fed hay instead, free exercise in a herd, preferably in a "paddock paradise." This was taught by Jaime Jackson in 1999, and this is what we personally did with my own horse suffering with severe, life-threatening laminitis that year. A series of photos of my laminitic horse were even featured as the examples of "The Natural Trim at work" on page 73 of Jaime Jackson's 2001 red cover book, "Founder, Prevention & Cure the Natural Way." Sadly, the rest of the story is that she was not able to recover. Her case was complex. Laminitis and founder are often complicated by a myriad of circumstances.

There were wonderful success stories, and many horses that got a new lease on life. However, this simple trim - even combined with the most perfect diet and lifestyle - is not the panacea for EVERY horse with laminitis and founder. That's why people began experimenting with various trimming techniques in the mid 2000's - because it was complicated. Many horses did not survive, no matter what was done. There were heartbreaking stories from people trying their best. Nothing was ever clear cut, or 100% guaranteed, or the magical solution.

There have been very few studies done on the treatment - especially barefoot treatment - of laminitic horses, but an important one is Dr. Debra Taylor's study: "Clinical Outcome of 14 Obese, Laminitic Horses Managed with the Same Rehabilitation Protocol"
Read it here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0737080613006370

Check out Hoof Help Online, for wonderful discussion between people who are open-minded - and a great place for "Feral Trimmers"! 😁 A unique platform for learning: You receive exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, plus a barefoot trimming course, community access, recorded livestream video events, 80 issues of The Horse's Hoof Magazine, 1000's of photos, 100's of articles, 70+ videos, FREE App and more! Learn more at: https://members.hoofhelponline.com/

The Horse's Hoof offers a FREE monthly barefoot horse care e-newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway

Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz


The Horse's Hoof Barefoot News June 2024 is released!
Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/thehorseshoof/50-giveaway
What's in this issue? β˜€οΈ There is NO Single "Correct Way" to Barefoot Trim β˜€οΈ Barefoot Hoof Study Conference Presentation β˜€οΈ Barefoot Quote of the Month: Jaime Jackson β˜€οΈ Controversial Barefoot-oriented Podcast β˜€οΈ We Are Herd - Equus Interdependence Day β˜€οΈ Feeding Forage Free-Choice β˜€οΈ Liberty Festival Clinicians β˜€οΈ June Cavallo Boot Giveaway β˜€οΈ and more!


San Tan Valley, AZ




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