Moonshine Stables and Riding Academy

Moonshine Stables and Riding Academy Moonshine Stables & Riding Academy offers horseback riding lesssons, boarding,training, & Horse showing. Specializing in building strong confident riders.

Moonshine Stables and Riding Academy is located in the Corpus Christi, tx area. We specialize in training and lessons for youth and amateur rider and their horses. Owner/trainer/instructor Jacquelyn Kral has experience working with many different breeds and disciplines over her 25 plus years in the horse business. Wether you’re looking to try something new or become a skilled compitition rider we can help you build on your love and passion for horses.


❄️🐴 How Do Horses Stay Warm in Winter? 🌨️

Horses are naturally equipped to handle cold weather with unique adaptations that help them conserve heat and stay cozy. From their hair coat to their digestive system, they’ve got tools to help them thrive in winter conditions.🐎❄️

While they’re built for the cold, extra care—like proper forage, shelter, and monitoring—can help support them all winter long.✨

Want to learn more about how horses stay warm and how to support them during the colder months? Visit our article:



Comparative neurobiology of horse and human.

Horses and humans are both mammals.
Our brains may not be the same size, but they are almost identical in their structure and function.

Why can our brains look so similar but our behaviours and sensitivity to the world look so different?

The area in the picture highlighted is the prefrontal cortex or the (PFC). Its job in humans, horses, dogs, dolphins, elephants, cats, mice, rats, all mammals, and even birds is to carry out "higher executive functions" such as:

🧠 problem solving
🧠 decision making
🧠 reasoning
🧠 risk assessment
🧠 forward planning
🧠 impulse control
🧠 intention

Obviously, these executive functions are more advanced in humans than in other species of mammals, but this part of the brain plays a pivotal role in higher levels of learning beyond primal behaviours and learning survival skills.

So why aren't we seeing these higher executive functioning skills and behaviours in horses as much as what we see them in dogs, dolphins, elephants and even birds?

Ultimately it comes down to safety!

The latest neuroscience research suggests that when the brain feels unsafe it causes the body to produce stress response hormones and these stress response hormones cause the PFC to go "offline".
This means that subcortical regions of the brain (deeper parts of the brain) such as the primal brain (AKA limbic system, survival brain, flight/fight brain) completely take over to increase the chances of survival.

Feeling unsafe causes the feeling of fear and it is fear that gets this party started.

So behaviours come from two areas:

1. The PFC, carrying out problem solving skills, reasoning, impulse control, forward planning etc. that may be interpreted as "obedience" and "partnership".

2. The primal brain, carrying out reactive survival behaviours. This brain does NOT carry out impulse control, forward planning, problem solving, etc. It just reacts to the world. This brain heavily relies on patterns and consistency. This brain will cause freeze/flight/fight behaviours such as shutting down, bolting, biting, rearing, bucking, kicking, barging, etc.

Which brain is the domesticated horse spending most of it's time in?
It's primal brain!

This is why we don't get to see their full intellectual and cognitive potential because most of the time, domesticated horses are perceiving their world in a fearful way to some degree.

We can help our horses with this!

Feeling fearful is the OPPOSITE to feeling calm.
If we want to help our horses access their PFC then we MUST do whatever it takes to help them feel calm.

☝️ ONLY when a brain feels calm can it slow down enough to develop TRUE confidence. Only when the brain feels confident will it access TRUE cognition (PFC).

☝️ We first need to understand that when we get "bad behaviour" from our horses, it's not intentional or naughty or rude. What you are seeing is either a horse that is just reacting to the fear they feel or they are carrying out their "coping mechanism" in response to their anticipation of feeling fear.

☝️ Try to remove expectations that your horse should "know better".
"Knowing better" implies that all behaviours are coming from the PFC and there should be some impulse control and reasoning. Unless your horse feels calm, they can't access the PFC to "know better".


You need to be consciously aware if YOU feel calm first. If you feel calm, your horse will have a better chance at feeling calm. Expecting them to feel calm when you don't is unfair.

The best way to create calmness is to intentionally be SLOW!!!
SLOW EVERYTHING you do down.
SLOW your movement down.
SLOW your talking down.
SLOW your walking down.
SLOW your breathing down.
SLOW your horse down.
If you feel too slow, then you're going slow enough.

Calmness is slow, not fast.

This will help you and your horse to connect and feel safe together.
When the brain feels stressed, the stress response hormones cause the body to speed up.

Stress = speed

We can reverse engineer this process and create a calm mind through slow intentional movement and a relaxed posture.

The by-product of a calm brain is confidence and cognition (PFC access).

Happy brain training 🧠
Charlotte 😊

Photo: Credit: Adult horse (equine) brain, sagittal section. Michael Frank, Royal Veterinary College. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)


Horses are a lot like 4th graders.

I know this because my wife, Bridget, is a school teacher, and over the years, I’ve gained a pretty good understanding of what it takes to make a great student-teacher relationship... and I’ve come to realize, in many ways, it’s not that much different from the horse-trainer relationship.

Horses, like students, may not always remember exactly what you taught them on a given day, but they remember how you made them feel.

They remember whether or not you encouraged them and made them feel confident about the things they have learned.

They remember if you took time to listen to them and to build a relationship with them.

They recognize our attitudes and behaviors, and they are easily influenced by the energy we put off—both positively and negatively.

Horses, like students, need space to make mistakes.

They don’t need to be micromanaged.

They don’t need to be harshly criticized when they get the wrong answer.

Instead, they need you to guide them in the right direction and be rewarded when they find the right answer.

Horses, like students, need us to take the time to help them develop their skills.

They need us to show patience and kindness.

They need us to have understanding and excellent communication.

They need us to be committed to their growth, no matter how slow or fast it may be.

Horses, like students, need us to understand that progress is not an overnight process, but rather a lifelong journey. And, while it may be a long journey, it sure is a rewarding one.


Now carrying select products from Standlee - call the store if you have any questions about availability or pricing!


Share Your Horse's Photo for Research Get a $10 store credit for Mad Barn and help us collect 10,000 horse photos for a research study with the University of Guelph! We're using machine learning to predict equine body condition score from photos. We're working with Dr. Dan Tulpan, PhD and Dr. Saeed....


I had a client say to me once; "I don't lunge horses and I don't want one around that I have to."

I was like, well then you miss out on a lot of great horses that just need a bit of foreplay before you climb on and ride.

Blunt, but I think I made my point. 🤷

Lunging your uncomfortable, defensive or simply 'feeling bitchy horse,' before you ride them has absolutely nothing to do with whether they are a bronc or not. I often call it a systems check, or warming up their want to. And some horses need that extra attention paid to them, that gesture of respect and understanding, to smooth over the rough edges of their worry. To re-awaken their trust in even the most familiar situation or handler. It's kind of the equine version of, "Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee."

I've been training horses for a very long time, and the one thing I've learned is that my fragile human ego is not allowed to lay down any ground rules when it comes to vibing well with a multitude of equine partners. I have learned that it is easier on everyone, both horse and human, if I meet them where they are, not where I expect they should be. If that takes a few minutes of moving their feet around and settling their mind, then no harm, no foul.

Have a good day folks! 😊

Pictured below; Hombre, the horse that has most taught me the benefits of lunging...he really doesn't like to be spoken to before coffee! 😉



𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚔𝚎 🍰🧁🎂


Difficult horses expose you for the rider and trainer that you are.

They highlight your inadequacies and showcase them for everyone to see.

They get louder if you refuse to listen.

They will embarrass you, humble, you, infuriate you but, also, they will teach you. If you let them.

Horses who refuse to succumb to forceful pressures and instead fight back often aren’t the most liked horses.

How we respond to these horses exposes a lot about us and where we are in our horsemanship journey.

If we let our ego run the show, we can quickly resort to toxic attitudes that blame the horse and cause us to respond in anger.

We may stereotype the horse off of their breed, color, s*x, or whatever trait we can grasp to try to blame. ie: “she’s such a chestnut thoroughbred mare, that’s why she’s being such a witch!”

While this may provide temporary relief and it takes the focus off of how we are creating negative behaviour in the Horse, it stunts our growth.

And it soothes our ego at the expense of the horse.

It’s easy to like horses who do what we want.

Who are simple, uncomplicated, easy to push and get the answer we want.

But, how we respond to the horses who won’t do that perhaps says the most about us as a human.

The empathy and compassion with which we can approach the difficult horse speaks volumes about our own ability to emotionally regulate and how we show up as a rider and/or trainer.

One of the most telling things about a trainer may just be how they behave when things don’t go their way.

How do they treat the horses who don’t respond well to their methods?

Do they get angry and try harder to force a result?

Or do they pause, recalibrate and find a new approach?


Join our pumpkin decorating contest! 🎃

Now through Sunday, October 27th, show us your best Bluebonnet, nutrition, or horse-themed pumpkin design for a chance to be in the final four and win $100 in online Bluebonnet supplement credits!

The top 4️⃣ pumpkin designs from this post's comments based on reactions will be posted on Monday, October 28th for voting by you and your friends to determine the ultimate winner!

COMMENT with your photo below, TAG a friend, and SHARE this post to enter!

Stay tuned for the final round! 👻
*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must enter by October 27, 2024, 11:59 PM CST. Limit one (1) entry per person. Void where prohibited. Winner will receive $100 in supplement credits. Other terms and conditions apply.


“A horse will cross any bridge you build as long as the first one is from him to you.” - Unknown

As a coach and trainer, I often hear, “he won’t do this or he won’t do that.” More often than not, it takes us looking within ourselves to figure out where the communication is misfiring. Horses aren’t like people. They don’t have a hidden agenda. They genuinely try to please us and do enjoy doing “it” right because they feel better in their body.

We have to learn to be both mindful of ourselves and humble enough to listen and learn from the horse. They are the real teachers.

🌻 Cara

📸 Sister


"New Home Syndrome"🤓

I am coining this term to bring recognition, respect, and understanding to what happens to horses when they move homes. This situation involves removing them from an environment and set of routines they have become familiar with, and placing them somewhere completely different with new people and different ways of doing things.

Why call it a syndrome?

Well, really it is! A syndrome is a term used to describe a set of symptoms that consistently occur together and can be tied to certain factors such as infections, genetic predispositions, conditions, or environmental influences. It is also used when the exact cause of the symptoms is not fully understood or when it is not connected with a well-defined disease. In this case, "New Home Syndrome" is connected to a horse being placed in a new home where its entire world changes, leading to psychological and physiological impacts. While it might be transient, the ramifications can be significant for both the horse and anyone handling or riding it.

Let me explain...

Think about how good it feels to get home after a busy day. How comfortable your favourite clothes are, how well you sleep in your own bed compared to a strange bed, and how you can really relax at home. This is because home is safe and familiar. At home, the part of you that keeps an eye out for potential danger turns down to a low setting. It does this because home is your safe place (and if it is not, this blog will also explain why a lack of a safe place is detrimental).

Therefore, the first symptom of horses experiencing "New Home Syndrome" is being unsettled, prone to anxiety, or difficult behaviour. If you have owned them before you moved them, you struggle to recognise your horse, feeling as if your horse has been replaced by a frustrating version. If the horse is new to you, you might wonder if you were conned, if the horse was drugged when you rode it, or if you were lied to about the horse's true nature.

A horse with "New Home Syndrome" will be a stressed version of itself, on high alert, with a drastically reduced ability to cope. Horses don't handle change like humans do. If you appreciate the comfort of your own home and how you can relax there, you should be able to understand what the horse is experiencing.

Respecting that horses interpret and process their environments differently from us helps in understanding why your horse is being frustrating and recognising that there is a good chance you were not lied to or that the horse was not drugged.

Horses have survived through evolution by being highly aware of their environments. Change is a significant challenge for them because they notice the slightest differences, not just visually but also through sound, smell, feel, and other senses. Humans generalise and categorise, making it easy for us to navigate familiar environments like shopping centres. Horses do not generalise in the same way; everything new is different to them, and they need proof of safety before they can habituate and feel secure. When their entire world changes, it is deeply stressful.

They struggle to sleep until they feel safe, leading to sleep deprivation and increased difficulty.

But there is more...

Not only do you find comfort in your home environment and your nervous system downregulates, but you also find comfort in routines. Routines are habits, and habits are easy. When a routine changes or something has to be navigated differently, things get difficult. For example, my local supermarket is undergoing renovations. After four years of shopping there, it is extremely frustrating to have to work out where everything is now. Every day it gets moved due to the store being refitted section by section. This annoyance is shared by other shoppers and even the staff.

So, consider the horse. Not only are they confronted with the challenge of figuring out whether they are safe in all aspects of their new home while being sleep deprived, but every single routine and encounter is different. Then, their owner or new owner starts getting critical and concerned because the horse suddenly seems untrained or difficult. The horse they thought they owned or bought is not meeting their expectations, leading to conflict, resistance, explosiveness, hypersensitivity, and frustration.

The horse acts as if it knows little because it is stressed and because the routines and habits it has learned have disappeared. If you are a new human for the horse, you feel, move, and communicate differently from what it is used to. The way you hold the reins, your body movements in the saddle, the position of your leg – every single routine of communication between horse and person is now different. I explain to people that when you get a new horse, you have to imprint yourself and your way of communicating onto the horse. You have to introduce yourself and take the time to spell out your cues so that they get to know you.

Therefore, when you move a horse to a new home or get a new horse, your horse will go through a phase called "New Home Syndrome," and it will be significant for them. Appreciating this helps them get through it because they are incredible and can succeed. The more you understand and help the horse learn it is safe in its new environment and navigate the new routines and habits you introduce, the faster "New Home Syndrome" will pass.
"New Home Syndrome" will be prevalent in a horse’s life until they have learned to trust the safety of the environment (and all that entails) and the humans they meet and interact with. With strategic and understanding approaches, this may take weeks, and their nervous systems will start downgrading their high alert status. However, for some horses, it can take a couple of years to fully feel at ease in their new home.

So, next time you move your horse or acquire a new horse and it starts behaving erratically or being difficult, it is not being "stupid", you might not have been lied to or the horse "drugged" - your horse is just experiencing an episode of understandable "New Home Syndrome." And you can help this.❤

I would be grateful if you could please share, this reality for horses needs to be better appreciated ❤
‼️When I say SHARE that does not mean plagiarise my work…it is seriously not cool to copy and paste these words and make out you have written it yourself‼️


Though natural born talent can provide you with great benefits in the show ring, this gift can only take you so far when it comes to overall success. Being a talented rider is important, but there are qualities that you can acquire that will allow you to perform to the best of your ability. Here are...


Wow. This is powerful and eye opening.

“Most horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient and forgiving, others are rigorous and demanding, others are cruel, others are ignorant.

Horses have to learn how to, at the minimum, walk, trot, canter, gallop, go on trails and maybe jump, to be treated by the vet, all with sense and good manners.

Talented Thoroughbreds must learn how to win races, and if they can't do that, they must learn how to negotiate courses and jump over strange obstacles without touching them, or do complicated dance
like movements or control cattle or accommodate severely handicapped children and adults in therapy work.

Many horses learn all of these things in the course of a single lifetime. Besides this, they learn to understand and fit into the successive social systems of other horses they meet along the way.

A horse's life is rather like twenty years in foster care, or in and out of prison, while at the same time changing schools over and over and discovering that not only do the other students already have their own social groups, but that what you learned at the old school hasn't much application at the new one.

We do not require as much of any other species, including humans.

That horses frequently excel, that they exceed the expectations of their owners and trainers in such circumstances, is as much a testament to their intelligence and adaptability as to their relationship skills or their natural generosity or their inborn nature.

That they sometimes manifest the same symptoms as abandoned orphans - distress, strange behaviors, anger, fear - is less surprising than that they usually don't.

No one expects a child, or even a dog to develop its intellectual capacities living in a box 23 hours a day and then doing controlled exercises the remaining one.

Mammal minds develop through social interaction and stimulation.

A horse that seems "stupid", "slow", "stubborn", etc. might just have not gotten the chance to learn!

Take care of your horses and treasure them.”

- Jane Smiley

New Moonshine Stables and Riding Academy logo wear now available from Equestrian Team Apparel!

New Moonshine Stables and Riding Academy logo wear now available from Equestrian Team Apparel!

Equestrian Team Apparel, where equestrians and teams get the latest equestrian fashion. Custom riding shirts and team apparel are our specialty. We love customizing college equestrian teams, show stables and more. We carry top brands of riding clothes and equestrian accessories.


A small stab in the heart is what you feel when you put up the day's riding list and you see riders sinking heavily in their shoulders when reading which horse they are assigned for the lesson. A small stab in the heart for that horse that for an hour will carry around a rider who has already decided that he does not like his horse. A small stab in the heart for the horse that did not choose the rider himself but still does his best, lesson after lesson.

Riding is a privilege and something you have chosen to do. If you chose to ride at a riding school, your instructor assumes that you actually want to learn how to ride. The instructor's highest wish is that you get good at it.

Often there is a plan and a thought as to why you are assigned to that exact horse. Before you mount up next time, ask yourself "what can this horse teach me today?" All horses have something to give, a feeling or a new tool in the box.

The art is actually in being able to get a lazy horse to move forward, to get an uncertain horse to gain confidence, a naughty horse to focus or a tense horse to be released. It takes work. If you think a horse is boring, it's more likely that you don't ride the horse as well as you think! It's not easy to be confronted with your own shortcomings, but it is in that very situation that you get the chance to truly grow as a rider.

The excuse that "it's not my kind of horse" is actually a really bad excuse. A good rider can ride any kind of horse. A good rider has trained many hours on different types of horses to become a good rider. A good rider can find and manage the gold nuggets in every horse.

If we absolutely want to ride, it is our duty to strive to do it as best as possible, even if it's only for fun. We owe it to every horse that carries us upon it's back.

Copied and shared with love for all of our horses, ponies and riders 🐎❤🐎


6150 Deer Run Circle
Sandia, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm



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