Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
Improving Horse Skills & Decreading Unwanted Equine Behaviors
Tips on improving your horse-related skills, and changing your time perceptions, while increasing the effectiveness of your communication. This will help you learn to address the horse to diminish resistant, unwanted behaviors.
Click the link in the comments to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.
New videos are posted every Friday.
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The Rescue Horse & Hypersensitive Behavior
Discussing changes in the horse's physical reactions reflecting the shift in their mental and emotional state.
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🐴 All NEW 5-Part Series🥳
Horse Shopping Help Online Course
*Defining & Refining Your Equine Search
*Deconstructing The Sales Ad
*Horse PreView Questions
*Learning to say "No" - 21 Common Scenarios
* 22 In-Person Tips & Tools
Join Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey The Alternative Horsemanship Remote Horse Coach as she shares 30 years worth of experience buying and selling horses, to help make the horse shopping experience less overwhelming while building your confidence to rationally navigate sales adverts and horse sellers.
"I've owned horses my whole life, and yet I still learned a TON from this course! There was so much information packed into all five parts. Thank you!" Sarah, Illinois, 2023
"I have ridden for years, but this was my first time buying my own horse. To be honest, I was overwhelmed and had no idea where to start. This course addressed and broke down so many things I had never even considered! I can't thank you enough! I am happy to say I found my "forever" horse." Rachael, MA 2023
Click the link for the limited time Sneak Peak discount
Share this post with your friends on the search for their next equine partner.
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Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey shares another all new 🐴💡🎬🎥 episode in the YouTube
Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
*The Starting Point
Addressing the communication with the horse to decrease unwanted equine behaviors and increase their adaptability.
Subscribe to the Channel for new videos every Friday.
For full video
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reEvaluating Horse Problems
ReEvaluating Horse "Problems"
Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
All NEW YouTube episode
Click the 🖥🎬🐴 🔗 to watch the full video.
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#horsehelp #horseproblems #horsetrainer #horsetrainertips
Horse Buying: Equine Shopping Advice by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey
Just say No...
Over the past week I've received 10 emails and three calls from people panicking because in the last month or two they bought horses... that were:
*Had been drugged during try-out
*Not as experienced as stated
*Had major health issues
*Became totally different when leaving a familiar place
*Dangerous behaviors such as kicking and biting
Learn to interpret what horse sales advertising actually mean. Practice looking at atleast 20 horses before buying one. Get confident at being able to say "no," even if you haven't seen the horse leave the pasture.
This is about you and your future, your safety, and your well being. Make decisions that are good for you.
Make sure that you show up early when you visit a horse, watch the seller catch the horse in either a field or a stall, notice if when they're handling or tacking up the horse if there's a peculiar way that they do things, be sure to visit multiple times, take the horse off-site, load the horse in a trailer (yourself) multiple times, do a blood draw to check for drugging, always ALWAYS watch the seller ride the equine first...
I don't care what was shown in the sales video, everything is usually highly edited.
Too many people wind up with horses that overwhelm them and become frustrated, depressed, and don't know how to get out of the situation.
Are there a few success stories? Yes, but the percentage of that is so small that I always tell people the more investigative you are when you buy a horse the less trouble you'll have later.
Please know I share this warning after after seeing it all. Most people have no idea what sellers are willing to do to sell a horse.
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Horse Trailer Loading: BLM Mustang Filly
Why does offering the horse time matter?
If you've been following BLM mustang Calamity Jane's journey you'll have been hearing about her progress from wild to mild.
The initial building of clear, specific communication, short and segmented sessions allowed her Time to learn how to think through what is being presented and have a willingness to try and trust...
This was the first day I played with her at the trailer. We did a couple of slow approaches, hanging out "thinking in" the trailer, asking for one foot in, then asking her to put it back. Then moved away and did something else as a spatial and mental release from the pressure of the trailer.
Then this happened...
Imagine if when horses experienced new scenarios it remained this low stress...
#alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #horsemanship
Leading BLM Mustang Filly & Rescue Haflinger together- First time
BLM Mustang Calamity Jane has "graduated" to the turn out at the far end of the property.
After nicely walking down past other loose horses, she enjoyed an afternoon of grazing.
It was a long day and by afternoon I decided to save a trip and walk her and Pippin in at the same time.
When you have pre-established quality communication "tools," something new doesn't overwhelm the horse.
Can you remember back to when she was untouchable?
#alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #blmmustang #mustang #mustangfilly #horsemanship #horsetrainer
Clydesdale mare and rescue cat
Horsemanship Horse Behavior
Horsemanship: Better Together