Do you have colostrum available for newborns? Is there a difference between types of store-bought colostrum and milk replacers? What is the point of colostrum? Colostrum is “the first” milk that most mammals produce when they are giving birth. This milk is packed with antibodies and energy. This milk is normally thicker and usually has a yellow/off white color to it. Colostrum is important because when animals are born, they do not have a fully developed immune system and get some protection from the colostrum. When animals are born, they absorb the colostrum which includes all the antibodies, and they have 24 hour window to do it with the first 12 hours being the best time. In horses, we measure an IgG. Foals that don’t get enough colostrum have the ability to get plasma intravenously if their IgG level is too low. Unfortunately, ruminants don’t have the ability to get plasma if they miss the window. This is why it is important for them to nurse within a few hours of being born.
When making sure you have all your birthing things, one suggestion is to have colostrum or milk replacer on hand. When trying to decide what product to get, consider the label. A “milk” replacer compared to a “colostrum” replacer could have some significant differences when it comes to the nutrition it provides as well as any immunoglobulins. Another consideration is the species that it covers. Something designed for a specific species (sheep and goats vs cattle or horses) might be better suited for those specific animals compared to a general milk replacer designed for all animals. Products labeled “Bovine IgG” should have actual bovine immunoglobulins in them. In most cases, you can milk the colostrum from mom to give to the newborns if they are having issues. In cases where that might not be possible, it might be handy to have a form of colostrum available. If you have a animal with an abundance of colostrum (or lost babies), you can milk some out and freeze it to save for another situation (to use frozen colostrum, warm it up using hot water baths).
When making up the solutions, it is important to follow directions because it will ensure that they get what the label says they're suppose to get.