MAR Animal Rescue

MAR Animal Rescue MAR Animal Rescue was founded in August 2017. We are devoted to saving the lives of small animals. Thank you for your support in helping our rescue grow.

MAR Animal Rescue is a small animal rescue based in Salt Lake City, Utah. We are able to care for animals both in-house and through a foster base. If you would like to donate to our rescue to support us in: new intakes, medical funds (spay/neuter, vaccination, microchip fees), or supplies, please visit

If you are interested in becoming a foster, please message ou

r page for the application. If you’re looking to adopt, please check out our Adoptable photo album for an up-to-date list and adoption prices. Once you’ve picked out a furry friend you’re interested in taking home, shoot us a message here. If you are looking to surrender a pet to our rescue, please contact us here or at 801-717-0173. As of 3/22/2021, we are full and unable to take in new placements. However, don’t hesitate to message us for guidance and resources! Every like, follow, and share helps us so much.

MEDICAL EMERGENCYPLEASE READ!!!Update!! Unfortunately I was just notified that Mathew was found to have an internal blee...


Update!! Unfortunately I was just notified that Mathew was found to have an internal bleed, he took a quick decline and although we could’ve gone through with the surgery his chances of survival were not high. It was time to consider quality of life. Even if he made it through surgery the odds of him making a full recovery weren’t high enough that we were comfortable putting him through that. Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared, all current donations will be going towards covering the vet bills that have incurred from the testing, scans, supportive care, euth costs, and crematory services.

This morning I got notification from our foster that one of our bunnies, Mathew, took a serious health decline throughout the night. Mathew stopped eating, drinking, and pooping. While we expected this to be a case of GI stasis we have now found with scans that this is a liver lobe torsion. Liver lobe torsions are extremely life threatening, and without emergency surgery there aren’t the best chances of survival. We are in desperate and dire need of any and all financial support we can get. This surgery is estimated to cost us $2,000-$3,000… but it’s his best shot at making a full recovery. Our bill has stayed consistently over $8,000 for the past year and a half and we at a constant struggle to pay it off. Between Mathew and Blue both being hospitalized in the same day we are panicking. We are pleading for this amazing communities help. Please donate and share if you are able. Thank you all for your endless support. Please keep these bunnies in your thoughts and prayers.

We accept donations through Venmo, PayPal, and you can even call our vet directly.

Our Venmo is Mar-Animalrescue

Our PayPal link is

And if you’d like to donate directly to our vet you can call into mountain west veterinary specialists at +1 (801) 683-6201

URGENT!!Our little guy blue had to be rushed to the emergency vet this evening due to lack of mobility/partial paralyzat...


Our little guy blue had to be rushed to the emergency vet this evening due to lack of mobility/partial paralyzation in his back legs as well as a lack of appetite. Earlier this evening he was stable and acting his normal self, but something happened between then and around 10pm. He is currently at mountain west veterinary specialists with their ER team, but will be transferred into our exotic teams Care when their specialists get in tomorrow. Right now with just the necessities (pain meds, X-rays, emergency fee, and evaluation) it is already reaching over $500. We are not in a good place financially and need all the help we can get to give blue the best chance at pulling through this. Please consider donating and sharing if possible. We would truly truly appreciate it.

Venmo: Mar-Animalrescue
PayPal is in link tree below<sid=201b6e36-a639-4a6e-9f20-fbe83cc3d724

This sweet boy is looking for a place to call home! His name is snickers and he is the sweetest bun! He loves people, ex...

This sweet boy is looking for a place to call home! His name is snickers and he is the sweetest bun! He loves people, exploring, and new adventures. Snickers is neutered and litter box trained. He is a very personable bun and would be a great fit for nearly any home. Please reach out to us today to meet snickers!!

This little lad is Poe! Poe is almost 6 months old and is available to foster to adopt!! He is a spunky little dude with...

This little lad is Poe!

Poe is almost 6 months old and is available to foster to adopt!! He is a spunky little dude with lots of energy and curiosity. Poe came to us as a tiny baby back when we helped Uintah Animal Shelter with the massive hoarding case. An animal control officer found him and his two siblings while clearing out the home and sadly we were not able to find which bunny was his momma so he was our little bottle baby! Poe loves other buns and would love to have a bond mate. He is almost at the age where we can get him neutered, chipped, and vaccinated and is working on litter box training.

Please reach out if you’d like to meet Poe! He would love to be your new best friend 🖤🤍

Here’s another post that I have been dreading making but once again Noah is looking for a home. Noah’s story and picture...

Here’s another post that I have been dreading making but once again Noah is looking for a home.

Noah’s story and pictures gained so much attention when I posted him a while back and we have people very eager to give him the home of ours dreams, but soon after we ended up finding someone local who was convinced he would be her forever buddy. Sadly, sometime in the past few weeks she messaged me saying adoption was no longer a commitment she wanted to make. Bunnies are not the companion for her and she worries about the burden they may hold while trying to find future housing as she may be leaving her parents home in the next few years. This news broke my heart, Noah had been with her long enough to get his hopes up once again. She has no complaints about his character, litter box habits, or any habits for that matter. He is the perfect bunny with so much love to give. He holds no fear and takes to most people very quickly. He is so trusting and eager to show his love. We need to find Noah a family who will truly cherish him for the bunny that he is. Noah is the longest resident of MAR. He came to us when our rescue first opened as a tiny baby, and although we love Noah he doesn’t deserve to be with us for the entirety of his life. Noah is around 7 years old, neutered, and perfectly healthy. He is a tripod meaning he only has 3 legs but he gets around great! He does well with older kids, animals, and pretty much anyone who crosses his path.

Please share this post and comment! Help us find Noah his people!!

Noah can be transported nearly anywhere in the US! We work with an amazing transportation organization that specializes in bunnies and they will help us do whatever it takes to find some of these buns their forever homes! So please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are looking to adopt outside of Utah! ❤️

This sweet boy is Peter! Peter is looking for a place to call home! He was recently returned to us by his adoptive famil...

This sweet boy is Peter!

Peter is looking for a place to call home! He was recently returned to us by his adoptive family. Soon after Peter had settled in and became comfortable in his family’s home they decided to bring another bun into the mix. Sadly Peter was not willing to bond with the other bunny and his family believed the bonding process also broke Peters trust with them. They found it was easier to keep the other bun and return Peter rather than working with him to get to a point of trust and love once again. Since his return peter has been very lonely and has shown depressive behaviors. He is in need of a forever home that will truly make the commitment to him. He is one of the best buns you will ever meet. His personality is extremely outgoing and he loves to explore! He is very quick to adjust and come out of his shell. He thrives in environments with lots of roaming time and love. We think he would do great in a family with kids and other pets. He has the potential to bond with another bunny but his adoption cannot be reliant on them bonding. We’d like to see him placed with a family who is willing to keep him despite a bonding outcome. Peter is around 5 years old and is neutered, healthy, and uses his litter box perfectly! Please help us make peters dreams come true! Let’s find his perfect people!

We work with an amazing transport team that can fly our buns nearly anywhere in the US, so if you are out of state but you’d be interested in adopting peter please don’t hesitate to reach out! ❤️

Hello everyone! This little guy is Sunny! He is looking for a forever family and is long overdue for finding one. This p...

Hello everyone!

This little guy is Sunny! He is looking for a forever family and is long overdue for finding one. This poor guy has been through fosters, and 2 potential adopters that have had to return him. This is due to no fault of his own, just a bad stroke of luck. Allergies, moving, and other life changes have been the causes of his returns. He has the sweetest demeanor and every home he’s been in has raved about his personality. Sunny is very loving and affectionate, but it takes a moment to gain his trust. Although once you gain his trust it’s there forever. Sunny is around 5 years old, he is neutered and does exceptionally well with his litter box. Please help us find sunny his perfect family!

We can transport nearly anywhere in the US!

‼️Please Read‼️Hello everyone! As I have stated in a previous post this past month has been one of the hardest ones for ...

‼️Please Read‼️

Hello everyone!
As I have stated in a previous post this past month has been one of the hardest ones for us. We are getting a surplus of returns, fosters backing out, and have also been hit with some financial hardships. It’s so hard to look at all of this negative that comes piling down and find the positive. Slowly we are working our way out of this funk and trying to push for new beginnings and hopefully a little good luck for us. Right now one of the largest weights on our shoulders is the financial status of the rescue. We are reaching over $10,000 in vet bills due to some recent emergencies as well as chronically ill bunnies who have entered our care in these past months. This balance makes it nearly impossible to keep moving forward and saving more lives. We are in dire need of any donations we can get in order for this rescue to continue to thrive. Please consider donating even if it may be just a dollar. We are in need, and don’t want to slow our mission of saving lives. Please share this message and leave us some love. We appreciate you all! ❤️

Venmo: Mar-Animalrescue
Link tree:<sid=1ab6d3a1-9e59-4922-b91c-976baba6aca3

You can also donate directly to our vet by calling Mounatin West Veterinary Specialists in Layton and requesting to pay some of MAR Anima Rescues bill.
+1 (801) 683-6201

Big momma is in dire need of a hospice care home. This month we got news that big momma was ridden with cancerous tumors...

Big momma is in dire need of a hospice care home. This month we got news that big momma was ridden with cancerous tumors originating from her uterus, but spreading throughout her body. BM was used in a backyard breeding business for nearly 7 years of her life, and her body was sadly sacrificed in that process. Our exotic vet did scans, X-rays, biopsies, and continued with her spay in order to keep tabs on the growth of this cancer, and hopefully spare her some time. Due to the history of immense abuse and neglect she’s endured we think the only way to do right by her is find her a home that will spoil her rotten these last 3-9months. We will provide everything needed to care for her and spoil her, all we ask is that you help us continue with supportive care and show her true love up until her last days. Financially everything is in our hands, and that will never be a concern of her hospice home. BM is friendly to all. She loves everyone who crosses her path and is truly just like a puppy dog. She will follow you everywhere and loves to explore every new moment and thing. She is also just the biggest bunny cuddle bug you will ever meet. Please contact us asap if you’d like to show BM what true love is. We are begging all of you to read this message and share it. She deserves a home for these last months.

Also with that being said we are seeking donations to fund not only her hospice care but also an excess amount of toys and goodies for her during this time. Please consider donating and putting “Big Momma” or “BM” in the subject line.
Link tree:<sid=1ab6d3a1-9e59-4922-b91c-976baba6aca3


Hello everyone!

I wanted to come on here and let you all know that I have been a bit absent recently due to personal reasons as well as needing a bit of a mental health break. We are currently not accepting any surrenders no matter the circumstance, and I am not sure when we will open that back up. Financially we are struggling a bit, and want to make sure all of our current buns are well taken care of and their needs are fully met and covered before we are able to introduce any new animals into the rescue. I truly appreciate all of your support and patience during this time. I know it is not easy to wait on responses and such, and I am truly sorry for my lack of effort. These winter months can be ones filled with a lot of struggle and uphill battles for local rescues. Everything from adoptions, online support, and donations hit a bit of a drop so please show us some extra love and support when you have the chance. With that being said I will be putting in time to get updates on all of our animals posted, and take the time to get back to each and every one of you. Thank you all for everything. Much love to our wonderful community ❤️


Foster or adoptive home needed!!!Sunny was recently returned from his adoptive family due to severe allergies, and soon ...

Foster or adoptive home needed!!!

Sunny was recently returned from his adoptive family due to severe allergies, and soon after we placed him with a new potential adopter in hopes for him to bond with her original bunny. Sadly her existing bunny has a great deal of dominance and was adamant on not wanting another bunny in his space. This means sunny is once again in search of his heart perfect person! Sunny is one of the sweetest buns you’ll meet, he truly is so social and eager to bond with humans and animals alike. He is very well litter box trained, neutered, and healthy. He would be a great bun for a home with another friendly bunnies or kids. Please contact us today to meet sunny!

It just breaks my heart to make this post yet again, but these sweet girls STILL haven’t found a home of their own. They...

It just breaks my heart to make this post yet again, but these sweet girls STILL haven’t found a home of their own. They have spent years waiting, but no one has truly and genuinely showed interest in them. We are heartbroken over this. They deserve someone who can love them unconditionally for the rest of their lives. They are a loving and gentle mother daughter pair nearing 4.5 years old. Both of them are spayed, well litter box trained, and very amazing buns! They are a bit timid, but with work and patience they will flourish in the proper home. We need someone who can truly commit. We work with an amazing transporter who is willing to fly them nearly anywhere in the US! So if you are interested but not local we can still make it happen. Please share this post and message us to start the adoption process!! ❤️

This cute boy is Ollie!!He is one of the 5 babies we took in from the massive vernal hoarding case a few weeks back. He ...

This cute boy is Ollie!!

He is one of the 5 babies we took in from the massive vernal hoarding case a few weeks back. He is growing quickly, and within the next two weeks will be weaned from his milk replacement, and will be in need of a foster home! Ideally we would like to see this little guy be placed in a foster to adopt home, but we are also eager and open to just placing him in a foster home for the time being.

Ollie is very social, loving, and friendly. He doesn’t mind being handled at this age, but that could change once hormones kick in haha! Ollie is already using his litter box well, and has been in amazing health.

Please contact us today if you’d like to foster, or foster to adopt this lovely little lad! Either way we will provide absolutely everything needed to care for him. This includes housing, blankets, litter box, water bowls, hay, pellets, and more! Plus we cover all veterinary care. All we ask is that you can transport him to and from vet appointments (we work with your schedule unless it’s an ER visit).

August is currently in search of a forever home!! She came to us recently from a fairly large breeding/neglect case. She...

August is currently in search of a forever home!!

She came to us recently from a fairly large breeding/neglect case. She is one of the lucky gals we were able to rescue. She is a fuzzy lop who is nearing 6 months of age. She has a very sweet and gentle persona to her ❣️ She does have a bit of anxiety and will take a week or two to adjust to a new environment, but with love and time she flourishes into an amazing little bun. She has never showed any aggressive behaviors, and it seems as though she would love the companion of another bunny. We think bonding could honestly be a huge and positive change for her! Having a bun friend to help her navigate this world might be just what she needs.

August is not yet spayed due to her young age, but she is available for foster placement and adoption can be finalized after her recovery period.

Please contact us today to meet August. All she wants is a home for the holidays!

Hello all!! We are looking to do a bit of fundraising for giving Tuesday!! We have had a lovely volunteer step forward a...

Hello all!!

We are looking to do a bit of fundraising for giving Tuesday!! We have had a lovely volunteer step forward and organize this for us!! Sarah-Reilly Murphy has generously donated so much time and effort coordinating this fundraiser for us, gathering donations from amazing small businesses, and hand crafting some sewn items! All bundles and individual items are available to be shipped, or picked up in the SLC area!!

We are still in thousands of dollars worth of debt to our vet due to the extreme medical cases we have had come our way within the past 6 months, along with spays and neuters. We would appreciate any and all support we can get! Even if it’s simply by sharing this post or purchasing some goodies!! 💜

In order of the photos:

1 - foragers delight with Christmas tree snuffle mat. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
2 - foragers delight with Penguin snuffle mat. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co
3 & 4 - chewers paradise (quantity 2). Items generously donated by The Pig Room
5 - Guinea pig lovers box. Items generously donated by The Pig Room
6 - treats and sticks. Items generously donated by The Pig Room
7 - Guinea pig merch. Items generously donated by The Pig Room
8 - fall Guinea pig tunnel (Quantity 2)
9 - pink Guinea pig tunnel (Quantity 2)
10 - green butterfly Guinea pig tunnel
11 - snowy escape bundle. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
12 - snuffle party mat
13 - pink flower hay bag
14 - pink hay bag
16 - blue paisley hay bag
17 - fall flowers hay bag
18 - treat bundle. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
19 - treat bundle. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
20 - treat bundle. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
21 - treat bundle. Treats generously donated by Crazy Critter Co.
22 - Crazy Critter Co. Stickers
23 - oxbow wobbler + play table
24 - oxbow wobbler + play tree

Pricing is listed below each item, AND shipping is being covered by Sarah herself as a donation to our rescue!!! We are so grateful for our amazing supporters and volunteers such as this special woman!! Also, huge thanks to Crazy Critter Toys as well as The pig room!!

If you’d like to donate without purchasing an item you can follow our link tree below for our Venmo, PayPal, GoFundMe, and Amazon Wishlist! Or you can message us directly for our vets information for a call in donation/payment!<sid=f209f9df-a0f6-4f3b-9573-54f9dd2d8ffc

If you would like to gift our rescue buns a little something this holiday season please take a peak at our Amazon wishli...

If you would like to gift our rescue buns a little something this holiday season please take a peak at our Amazon wishlist!! Black Friday is going to bring some amazing deals, and it’s a great opportunity to help us with some of our most needed items!

We constantly have bunnies in and out of the rescue so all supplies go fairly quick, anything helps! Right now our highest need is critical care, pellets, and of course some toys!

Hello everyone!! I am so sorry for my lack of social media presence recently! This hoarding case really threw us for a l...

Hello everyone!! I am so sorry for my lack of social media presence recently! This hoarding case really threw us for a loop!! The last 2 weeks really took a lot out of me emotionally and mentally, but I am so so grateful for all of the good that came out of a very unfortunate situation. I have been a bit absent from social media this past week, and needed a couple days to recharge and recoup, but with that being said I am back and working on getting back to all of your messages as well as updating everyone on the bunnies from the case that our rescue covered!

On a lighter note, I did want to introduce this little bean!! The day before we were notified of the hoarding case we had an owner surrender fall through, and within just hours we were notified of this sweet baby who was brought into weber county animal services. The stars aligned and we happened to be just 20 minutes from the shelter (usually it’s over an hour drive) so we headed their way and snagged this sweet boy! He is such a fun little guy filled with so much joy for life and eagerness to explore. He still needs milk but is happily drinking from a bowl. Hes growing exceptionally fast, but it’s always so rewarding to watch them in this stage of life.

We are looking to place this sweetie in a foster to adopt home, so if you’d like to make this baby an addition to your family please contact us today 💟

🍂This sweet boy is Winston🍂Winston is looking for a place to call home, he is a very loving bun with a very big personal...

🍂This sweet boy is Winston🍂

Winston is looking for a place to call home, he is a very loving bun with a very big personality. Winston came to us a few months back from some unfortunate living conditions. He has since been neutered, chipped, and has picked up wonderfully on using a litter box. With Winston’s personality we believe he could make an amazing bond mate to another bun. He has lots of love to share, and would adore a home of his own this holiday season 🤎🐰

Contact us today to fill out an adoption application! We are located in slc Utah 📍

Update on hoarding case!! This is one of the 7 we have committed to from the fentanyl hoarding case. As I was about to l...

Update on hoarding case!!

This is one of the 7 we have committed to from the fentanyl hoarding case. As I was about to leave the shelter and head back with the bunnies for MAR and True Hearts for Healing Paws Rescue I noticed something odd about this baby’s teeth! After taking a closer look I soon realized that his teeth were nearly growing into the roof of his mouth. It was so severe that he couldn’t manage to eat a thing unless it was completely softened with water… even then it was painful to watch him try to scoop the food into his mouth with his bottom incisors. Luckily we were able to get him into the vet the following day and they shed some light on his condition. We believe that his teeth are caused by his genetics, meaning this problem won’t be easily solved and he will likely need a full incisor removal once he’s fully grown. For now we’ll be managing the issue with frequent tooth trims. He is already improving so much and we are so happy to see how far he has come. More updates on the other bunnies are soon to come!!

The 70 are being transported to The Pipsqueakery and after quarantine and vet care is taken care of they will be heading to multiple different rescues including Dolly's Dream Home Rabbit Rescue and the Bun Bun Brigade! With that being said, please go show them some support and help them raise funds as well!! We are so extremely grateful with our amazing team, and the amazing teams of the rescues who have come together to give these bunnies new lives! 🐰🤎

🐰Update🐰The endless support from our community never fails to impress me. Thank you all for helping us get the word out,...


The endless support from our community never fails to impress me. Thank you all for helping us get the word out, truly. We cannot sing your praises enough!

Quick update! After working with some out of state rescues we have been able to secure safety for the 74 remaining after what we pulled yesterday. We already took a total of 4 bunnies in with us at MAR, and True Hearts took 6. We will be pulling another 3 tomorrow and True Hearts is pulling 1 more.

The remaining 70 are being transported to a handful of different rescues (all info regarding that is soon to be released).

🤍Thank you all again! Updates and info is soon to come, things have become very hectic over the past couple days so expect a little delay but we’ll have a new post up as soon as possible! 🤍

Warning: Extremely graphic photosTotal count is at 84…. This is such a heartbreaking case. I traveled to the shelter the...

Warning: Extremely graphic photos

Total count is at 84…. This is such a heartbreaking case. I traveled to the shelter these rabbits are located at to help s*x all of them so we can prevent as many pregnancies as possible. While I was there 40+ more arrived. This is insanity. The large majority of them are ill and if left untreated many of these rabbits will die, if not from euthanasia than disease. We have raised maybe $700. We are so grateful to everyone who has contributed, but with the conditions of these rabbits $700 is maybe enough to cover one in immediate need. We need more help! We are still so short on fosters as well, so please send us a message to apply.

10 lives were saved today. It’s a small dent in such a big number, but it’s a start. 6 of the ten are with @
True Hearts for Healing Paws Rescue and the remaining 4 are with us. We will be pulling more this weekend, so stay tuned for updates.

We took the 3 bottle babies, and the 4 week old with incisors growing towards roof of mouth/feces coating teeth.

True hearts took 2 head tilt rabbits, 1 with eye infection, 1 deathly ill juvenile, 1 with back foot bit off, and 1 with severe tumors/mastitis. They have taken on such a huge load, so please show them support as well!

Please donate and share
Venmo: Mar-Animalrescue<sid=bbbe6466-f48a-47ff-9b91-ea34e51f759b

‼️URGENT‼️We are in DIRE need! 55+ rabbits were just seized from a property in rural Utah due to a drug bust. Many of th...


We are in DIRE need! 55+ rabbits were just seized from a property in rural Utah due to a drug bust. Many of these rabbits look extremely visibly ill and there are 3 bottle babies as of now. The ones pictured are just a few of the many we are dealing with. We are in immediate need of fosters and funding. We certainly cannot take on all of these rabbits, but even if we can help 5-10 it’s worth it. We need funds and we need placement or it’s a no go. All of these rabbits may be at risk for euthanasia. Please contact us immediately to fill out a foster application and please share/donate!

Venmo: Mar-Animalrescue

Link tree:<sid=2ede3d7e-dd1b-4798-a4e0-57dbf3d973c4

Donate directly to our vet
Mountain West Veterinary Specialists
+1 (801) 683-6201

IF YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO ADOPT CONTACT US ASAP! We have so many adoptables and every adoptions opens a space for a bunny in need!!

These silly girls are STILL looking for a place to call home!! 💔Adelaide and Willow have been with us for coming up on 4...

These silly girls are STILL looking for a place to call home!! 💔

Adelaide and Willow have been with us for coming up on 4 years. Way too long for these sweeties to go without a home of their own 😔These girls are just the sweetest! They don’t mind other animals or bunnies, are completely litter trained, and they are spayed and healthy! We will need them to go to a home that doesn’t have young children. They love people but lots of loud noise and overstimulation easily scares them.

Who out there is going to make their dreams come true?!? These girls are a pair that we are more than willing to transport nearly anywhere in the US if an amazing adoptive family is found. 🤎

Contact us today to meet them!!

This sweetie pie is Franki! He is a recent intake of ours and was brought to us by a loving family who found him abandon...

This sweetie pie is Franki! He is a recent intake of ours and was brought to us by a loving family who found him abandoned in a parking lot.

Franki is super social, fearless, and eager to explore! He loves to play and easily goes unbothered by children and other household pets. Franki is neutered, chipped, and litter box trained. He has the sweetest personality and adores attention (although he does prefer not to be held). He would really love to get a home for the holidays 🤎

Reach out to us today to meet Franki!

Please please please keep donating, we are drowning in vet bill debt. It is becoming so overwhelming and putting so much...

Please please please keep donating, we are drowning in vet bill debt. It is becoming so overwhelming and putting so much weight on our shoulders. We have so many emergency cases that have truly drained us to the max. Even $1 does so much. We need your support.

Venmo: Mar-Animalrescue
Donate directly to our vet
Mountain West Veterinary Specialists
Phone: +1 (801) 683-6201

These past couple weeks have been very hard on our hearts…One of the most devastating and inevitable things that goes ha...

These past couple weeks have been very hard on our hearts…

One of the most devastating and inevitable things that goes hand in hand with rescue is mortality.

We have been working overtime recently to place bunnies who have come from some of the most heart wrenching backgrounds. One of our recent cases involved 3 rabbits who were perpetually used in backyard breeding. All these bunnies had known for years was a 2’ by 2’ square wire floored cage. They had to suffer through every harsh winter and every harsh summer that Utah’s unforgivable weather has had to offer, no they had never been held, no they never could burrow in warm blankets, no they never knew the comfort of a humans touch. That being said we expected these 3 to be a lot of work, but things went souther than we could’ve imagined and fast. The 6 year old female (Big Momma) was visibly infected. Her ears were filled with puss, mites were attacking her, her body was ridden with syphilis. Thankfully we got to her in enough time to help. The 6 year old male as some of you may know suddenly crashed within days of arriving (all caused by underlying yet invisible ailments). Last but not least there’s our sweet girl pepper. By far the most aggressive and fearful rabbit I have met within 7 years of rescue and hundreds of rabbits who have come in and out of our care. Visibly she looked healthy, but we soon came to notice that her body was coated in masses all throughout her mammary glands, tumors on her v***a, and cancer taking over her body. We did every possible thing we could for her. The antibiotics course gave us no improvements forcing us to take her quality of life into consideration. We had to make the heartbreaking but necessary decision to euthanize her last week. We brought her home for a couple days, gave her love, so many treats, and comfort. I have never seen so much progress made in a rabbit. Sadly her progress was mental not physical. We are so grateful that she was able to alter her relation to humans from fearful to loving. She knew we were there to help after a while and began to lower her guard. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had, but made it all the harder to say goodbye.

Thank you Pepper for the love we shared. I truly hope your soul is finally at peace. I’m sorry your story wasn’t one that could have been changed earlier..

If you’d like to make a donation in Peppers honor see the details below. She is one of many individuals who have been subjected to mistreatment. Our mission is to save more sweeties like Pepper and alter the way people view rabbits so no bunny has to feel the pain she felt ever again.<sid=1e1f2d84-b191-4e70-bba5-7064f42672d3


Sandy, UT





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Send a message to MAR Animal Rescue:

