Ronie's for the Love of Birds

Ronie's for the Love of Birds Not a "pet store". Bird supplies, multiple food choices, safe boarding, sensative grooming & rescued

And the fun the night, a lucky scammer using Walmart.  Com went on a shopping spree at the expense of our...

And the fun the night, a lucky scammer using Walmart. Com went on a shopping spree at the expense of our business. Check your bank accounts! They started with $1.13 as the first transaction, and when it worked, they kept going. Over and over again.

Public service announcement - Check your banking.

It's upsetting that in the middle of the chaos, we are having to deal with this, so I apologize if my frustration is fel...

It's upsetting that in the middle of the chaos, we are having to deal with this, so I apologize if my frustration is felt during this post, BUT here it goes.....
We have heard that there is a group of persons or person who is going around the bird community collecting birds and cages for our rescue. We want to be absolutely clear that this is not us!!! Our surrender program has been paused for several months, and there is no one in our program "picking up" cages or birds.

Our rescue program currently has cleaning volunteers, the owners, and our 2 adoption specialists, Parker & Jeana.

Our 3 store employees are Bre, Amy & Aubrey. Their jobs are 100% about the store. They are not rescue affiliated.

Dominic wears many hats. Not only is he one of the owners, but he is our one and only groomer. People come from all over the state to see him. No one else grooms for us. We have all been so lucky to have him.

If you had someone reach out to you on our behalf, PLEASE message us as soon as possible. We need to take action immediately and have this stopped.
This is very concerning.

If you have not been contacted by someone claiming to be with our organizations, you can keep scrolling. It's late, go to bed. Thanks for reading my post.

We know everyone is upset about our closure. We are, too. We have been bombarded with messages, and we ask for your pati...

We know everyone is upset about our closure. We are, too. We have been bombarded with messages, and we ask for your patience at this time.
We do want to stress that our closure does not mean we are having a fire sale on birds. Our standards and policies will still be in place, and our closure does not mean we will be cutting corners.
On Monday, May 6th, we will update our website with a list of available birds. We will be open for the next 12 weeks, and we will be business as usual.
Thank you all for your support during this emotional time.

It is with heavy hearts that we share some difficult news.Thursday, August 1st, 2024, we will be closing our doors. This...

It is with heavy hearts that we share some difficult news.
Thursday, August 1st, 2024, we will be closing our doors. This journey has been one of immense learning and growth, but despite our best efforts, there was no other way forward.

Until then, we will be open for business as usual. We will still be offering products, boarding, and grooming. And, of course, finding homes for birds will be our priority.

To our customers and supporters: Thank you. Your belief and trust in us have been the driving force behind our every step. We're committed to ensuring a smooth transition for any ongoing needs.

I want to take this moment to thank every team member and volunteer
who has been part of our story. Your support and engagement have meant the world to us.

We had planned to be a part of the bird community for many more years, but despite our best efforts, this was not in the cards. This is an emotional time for us. To avoid rumors and drama, we ask that you contact management with any relevant questions you have about the closure.

Again, Thank you for the support, trust, and friendship over the years. It's been our privilege to be a part of the bird community and appreciate the family we have gained the last several years.

We will continue to share closure details as they arise.


Happy join us in wishing a very Happy 7th Birthday to Ronie, aka Hopper! She caught lots of extra Blueberries today! šŸ«  ...

Happy join us in wishing a very Happy 7th Birthday to Ronie, aka Hopper! She caught lots of extra Blueberries today! šŸ«

If you pre ordered Hookbill cuisine, it's is here! Come by and pick up your order. Thanks again for the support.

If you pre ordered Hookbill cuisine, it's is here! Come by and pick up your order. Thanks again for the support.

Thanks, Barbara A and Phillip R, for sending us supplies off of our Amazon wishlist! You guys are the best! We appreciat...

Thanks, Barbara A and Phillip R, for sending us supplies off of our Amazon wishlist! You guys are the best! We appreciate it!

Special thanks to Angela S for sending air filters and paper towels off our Amazon wishlist! We appreciate it!

Special thanks to Angela S for sending air filters and paper towels off our Amazon wishlist! We appreciate it!

Some people just do not get it. Rescues are busy. It takes a lot to keep going. It's more than sweeping a floor or feedi...

Some people just do not get it. Rescues are busy. It takes a lot to keep going. It's more than sweeping a floor or feeding the birds. There is a lot behind the scenes

Shannon wasn't wrong in her reply. Rescues are in it for the animals. Not to cater to demanding and rude people.

Next time you are working with ANY kind of rescue, please be patient.

I wasnā€™t very nice today. So I thought Iā€™d show you since heā€™s probably going to write me a glowing review.


Hereā€™s the first email we got:


I am looking to adopt a bird(s) and was wondering if I could come visit so we can talk in person. I don't like email and being told to go to a website I have already been to is not very conversation building. Is there a facility I could visit and speak with someone in person. I live in Ann Arbor and have no issue driving to battle creek.

Thank you for your time.

My response:

Hello, so unfortunately we are not open to the public. You would need to go through the adoption process first. To get started with that go to our website (with a link).

His response last night at 3am


I have found being told to do something online rarley results in the information requested being provided and a lot of my time is wasted. Is there a time I can speak with someone? If I am required to give all my meta data before I can get basic questions answered I will just go buy a bird instead of adopting. The over complicated process of rescue is why people don't go through rescue organizations. Why go through the difficult and time consuming process of adoption when one can avoid the complicated and overall pointless process of adoption when buying is in all ways simpler, easier and less annoying.

Did you even read my email or just scan it and sent a pre-written response?

Customer service is key to donations and support for organizations like yours. You don't have it or this interaction lacked it.

Good luck in your endeavors


And something in my head broke and decided - nope. Not today motherdunker. You donā€™t get to treat us that way.

So hereā€™s my response:

Hi Karl,

I thought about just sending you on your merry way without a response, but then you would think ā€œYeah. Iā€™m right. Rescue sucks and theyā€™re just little power freaks with a complex, and I really told them!ā€

The truth, Karl, is that we donā€™t have the time or energy to ā€œcustomer serviceā€ you.

Do you know why, Karl?

Because in the past seven days, Iā€™ve had over 700 heartbeats relying on me to keep beating. SEVEN HUNDRED.

Do you know how many humans are sharing that burden, Karl? Six. The answer is six. Howā€™s that for heartbeat to human ratios?

I donā€™t have time to see if you might want to talk about any of those seven hundred heartbeats, to give you all their stories, to hem and haw and see if you MIGHT want to fill out the VERY SIMPLE process of the application for which I created to w**d out the ā€œmaybe wannaā€™sā€ from the people who are actually ready to move forward.

My adoption fees are right around 1/10th of what youā€™ll pay when you go to a pet store. And weā€™re honest, and give you support for the rest of that birdā€™s life. Pet stores donā€™t do that.

Speaking of support, we do that - helping all those who have come before you to adopt as well. So, letā€™s add that up. 700 heartbeats, thousands of humans to support to ā€œcustomer serviceā€, and then we also try to make content to help people who canā€™t get to the rescue or canā€™t surrender or whatever so we can keep those birds in their homes.

Did you know weā€™re a nonprofit, Karl? Yeah. We are. As in, no profit to be had. Most of the time we are running at a serious deficit. I bought this facility in 2022 to get the rescue out of my house.

We arenā€™t government or any other way funded, so our paltry adoption fees are what make our world go round. Some months we have 5-10 adoptions, some months we have none. Guess what happens when we have none, Karl? Thatā€™s right, the bills go on my credit cards.

So while weā€™re supporting all those heartbeats, and all those humans with our ā€œcustomer serviceā€ I also had to open an LLC with a giant laser to try to sell bird toys and rescue merchandise to try to help ends meet. So, I am working on building that business and the website for it, and then actually making the products for the orders we have too.

Your snarky little email probably made you feel like you really told me, Karl.

In the past two weeks, weā€™ve done a major seizure with a county animal control resulting in thousands upon thousands of dollars of vet bills with serious injuries, all animals in it on meds and going through serious medical stuff, then we got a call for an emergency surrender/transport for 70 cockatiels which turned out to be FOUR HUNDRED FREAKING COCKATIELS. Those cockatiels had to get into a zoo, because we canā€™t afford to feed them.

Yesterday we had a crazy surgery on one of those seizure birds that didnā€™t result the way we wanted.

But sure. Letā€™s find a time for you to not follow my GODDAMN process, so you can come to the rescue and looky-loo to see if we MIGHT be up to your standards to see if you MIGHT want to adopt?

Yeah. You seem like a real treat, like someone I definitely want in my life to support for the rest of that birdā€™s life.

Your snarky email was just the icing on the cake I needed today, before I head BACK to the vet for the next set of complicated procedures on a seizure bird to try to get him well.

Do you know who gets my customer service, Karl? The animals in my care. I do this for them. The humans? Theyā€™re the worst part of the job. I live my life for birds.

And if you canā€™t fill out a simple application and go through my pretty simple process, you donā€™t deserve one, or me or my time or energy.

Have a good one, Karl.

Just to be sure - you didnā€™t think THIS was a canned responseā€¦right Karl?




So if you woke up today and thought ā€œIā€™m gonna go be a dick to a rescue to make myself feel like a big, bad man!ā€




This entire thing has been INCREDIBLE. Karl responded, there's merch, we've raised a HOLY TON of money, and the entirety of the rescue community came together over 10 days.

Here's a post with the links to everything, including the response, the merch, and the stats on how munch money it's raised and the whole bit.

This is just a friendly reminder that we are taking pre-orders for small and large hookbill cuisine. As you know. It's b...

This is just a friendly reminder that we are taking pre-orders for small and large hookbill cuisine. As you know. It's been a struggle to get this premium food, so we are going straight to the manufacturer. It doesn't get any fresher than this!
Pre-orders are open on our website
until the end of the day on Saturday, April 20th.
Small Hookbill cuisine in 4lb bags and 20lbs. Large hookbill cuisine in 4lb and 20lbs as well.

Don't wait. This will be the last pre-order opportunity.

Calling All Hookbill Cuisine orders! Everyone's favorite.  We had great success last time ordering directly from the Mil...

Calling All Hookbill Cuisine orders! Everyone's favorite. We had great success last time ordering directly from the Mill so we are trying again!

We are putting another Hookbill Seed order in, and it is available to pre-order on our website. Small and large Hookbill in 4lb and 20lb sizes. All orders need to be in by the end of the day Saturday, April 20th with expected delivery for pick up at the end of the following week. We will not be ordering extra, so if you snooze, you lose.

Why Do we love Hookbill Cuisine? Hookbill cuisine is a great tool for training, foraging toys, and treats. Although it is full of Vitamins, Carrots, Pumpkin Seeds, Dates, Raisins, Coconut Chips, Apple Dices, Dehydrated Peas, Papaya, Red Bell Peppers, Pellets, Pineapple Granules, H**p, Blueberries, Apricot, Orange Peel (and more!), we do not recommend that this mix be the only nutrition your bird receives.

What is the difference between large Hookbill cuisine and small Hookbill cuisine? It is the same ingredients, just cut into smaller pieces.

If you are interested in Pre-ordering Hookbill cuisine, please visit our website to place your order.

Thank you, Tella, Manny, and Meeko, for the much needed trash bags off our Amazon wish list!  You guys are awesome!     ...

Thank you, Tella, Manny, and Meeko, for the much needed trash bags off our Amazon wish list! You guys are awesome!

A very thoughtful customer brought in some large branches for people to use for perches. We have left them out front. Fr...

A very thoughtful customer brought in some large branches for people to use for perches. We have left them out front. Free for the taking. We can only leave them out a few days. If you are interested, come by and pick some up!



It's been a busy day! Congratulations, Marco! Marco had a loving family, and after being surrendered to our rescue, he w...

It's been a busy day!
Congratulations, Marco!
Marco had a loving family, and after being surrendered to our rescue, he was very, very picky about who would be his new human. Then, one day, a sweet couple came in to visit, and Marco was smitten. He is the best bird ever, and he has picked the best humans ever! We couldn't be happier!
Welcome home, Marco!

Congratulations, Nugget! When you know, you know! Nugget picked the most impressive young lady to be her new human, and ...

Congratulations, Nugget!
When you know, you know! Nugget picked the most impressive young lady to be her new human, and today was going home day! Nugget is special and has been through so much. Makaydee will be the best bird mama ever! The best part of our jobs is meeting awesome people. This family is great!
Welcome home, Nugget!

Congratulations, Pickles!!!!Today, Pickles went home with her new family, and everyone was so excited. Including us! It'...

Congratulations, Pickles!!!!
Today, Pickles went home with her new family, and everyone was so excited. Including us! It's always a great day when birds go home. We know Pickles will be well loved with this family.
Welcome home, Pickles!

A huge thank you to Mike at Jungle Toys for adding rescue toys to our toy order!! Everyone was so happy! If you love bir...

A huge thank you to Mike at Jungle Toys for adding rescue toys to our toy order!! Everyone was so happy!

If you love bird safe toys, like we do, check them out. Their toys last longer than a day, but do not sit stagnant for months on end. Handmade in the US, the bright colors encourage your perch potato to get active and help keep beaks healthy!


Jenn and Bean, Thank you for the air filters from our Amazon wish list! I'm sorry you got caught up in the t-shirt scam,...

Jenn and Bean, Thank you for the air filters from our Amazon wish list! I'm sorry you got caught up in the t-shirt scam, but we really appreciate the much needed filters for our air purifiers!

Thank you, Julia, for the special delivery!

Thank you, Julia, for the special delivery!

Scammers are out in full force today!Please do us a favor, and if you see a scam comment, please message US! Facebook wi...

Scammers are out in full force today!

Please do us a favor, and if you see a scam comment, please message US!
Facebook will put us in timeout if we have so many scam comments reported to them. . We are doing our best to monitor our pages, but we can't always get them in time.
As always, thank you for the support.

Congratulations, Max! Today, Max's adoption is official.  We are so happy that he found the perfect home and is doing so...

Congratulations, Max!
Today, Max's adoption is official. We are so happy that he found the perfect home and is doing so well. We ā™„ļø Happy endings!
Welcome home, Max!

The 5th photo in your camera roll is what Toby is looking at! Let's see it!           *Toby is boarding. Not available f...

The 5th photo in your camera roll is what Toby is looking at! Let's see it!

*Toby is boarding. Not available for adoption.

If you are local and have been outside this morning, you know we are having some extreme weather. If you have an appoint...

If you are local and have been outside this morning, you know we are having some extreme weather. If you have an appointment today and can not make it, we understand. Please message us, call or email to let us know so we can reschedule you.
Please be safe out there!

Happy Cocka-Tuesday from Marco. This 40+ male Umbrella will challenge anyone to a dance off. Marco is looking for his fo...

Happy Cocka-Tuesday from Marco. This 40+ male Umbrella will challenge anyone to a dance off.
Marco is looking for his forever home where he can break out into dance at anytime.He is one of our favorites. If you are interested in meeting Marco, please visit B&B adoptions for an application & schedule an appointment.

Check out RoniesRescueBirds's video.

Like you, we were shocked to hear of the closing of Traci's parrots 4 U. As an organization that is in danger of the sam...

Like you, we were shocked to hear of the closing of Traci's parrots 4 U. As an organization that is in danger of the same, our thoughts are with all involved. Traci's Parrots 4 U has been a large part of the Utah bird community for many years. This could not have been an easy decision for them, but we will do all we can to help those affected by this closure.
Please be kind.
We are ALL in this together.

We have a few volunteer spots open. :) If you are not afraid of bird p**p and have a few hours during the week, roll ove...

We have a few volunteer spots open. :) If you are not afraid of bird p**p and have a few hours during the week, roll over to our website & click volunteer for more information & application.


9187 S 700 E
Sandy, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 5pm
Tuesday 12pm - 5pm
Wednesday 12pm - 5pm
Thursday 12pm - 5pm
Friday 12pm - 5pm
Saturday 12pm - 4pm


(801) 561-8083


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