Stay safe out there! We'll see you on the other side!
Get your ladies laying! Check out Nutrena NatureWise Layer Pellet and Crumble Feeds, specially formulated for maximum egg production. In stock and available now. Pick up a bag today!
MLPD - Nutrition Consultation
Our experts are here to help you gain insight, get advice and build a plan that is right for your animals. #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - Purina® Blocks
Flock Blocks, Goat Blocks & Wildlife Blocks
All Purina blocks are full of nutrition and easy to feed! #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - RX3™ Immune Support
Feed your weaned calves Purina® starters with RX3™ immune support technology! #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - Show Lifestyle
We fuel your passion for the show industry. #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - Purina® Tubs
Want convenient consistent nutrition in all weather at all times? We can help! #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - Teach Them Things That Matter
Teach them the passion you have for your animals. We fuel your passion. #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
MLPD - Horse Feeding Trial
Are you ready to improve overall performance, appearance and condition in your horses? Try out a Purina® horse feeding trial now! #mylocalpurinadealer #feedgreatness
Living the “Farm” Life - Milk Replacer
🍼 When a baby animal loses its mother or her milk supply is limited, the last thing you should worry about is where its next meal will come from. 🐄🐐🐑🐖🐎
Join us for today’s episode of Livin’ the Farm Life with Gretchen Riley and Whitney Bowen, where we dive into the topic of Milk Replacers. 🥛 Get ready for invaluable tips and tricks to ensure your calves, foals, goat kids, lambs, piglets and more thrive! #purinalivinthefarmlife #feedgreatness