Flemish pet home
Both are adopted
These are 2 female Flemish purebred. Looking for a pet home since momma over groomed their ears.
9weeks old.
Light grey has found new hay.
We had a great show day in Wichita Falls
Show B several BOVs
French lop Judge Alan Ormond
J&H Jody BOB (no pic)
Bagel BOS (no pic)
Flemish Judge Alan Ormond
J&H Buttercup BOB
J&H Apple BOV
Mini lop judge Lauralee
Britt’s minis BurningLove BOB & 2nd Reserve in show
Show C judge Andy High
J&H Apple BOB
J&H Buttercup BOV
We also bought a warming box from a FFA student project that works amazing (already had to use this morning)
Holland lop rtg
Born 7/24
Black Fox doe
Broken black fox buck
Holland lop rtg
Born 7/25 black & orange harlequin
3 days of deep cleaning & power washing every cage in the barn!!
EveryBun seems happy 🐰🐇
Swanni’s litter is growing very well. She’s such a great mom.
Our 1st of BEW polish babies are venturing out of the nest box 😁
So excited to have BlueEyedWhites!!