Kennels 2 Couches

Kennels 2 Couches Kennels 2 Couches is a nonprofit org bringing animals from shelter kennels to couches
EIN 92-0546842

What is cuter than a puppy? A puppy in jammies of course! And what's cuter than one puppy in jammies? 2 puppies in jammi...

What is cuter than a puppy? A puppy in jammies of course! And what's cuter than one puppy in jammies? 2 puppies in jammies! Luke and Leia were rescued from a Southern California shelter about a week ago. Luke was rescued first because he was not doing well at the shelter and they were worried about him. Over the prior weekend all of his littermates were adopted except his sister, Leia. I couldn't bear to leave her all alone so we grabbed her, too, and brought her to be with Luke. Luke has been known by a few names, including Pepper and Peanut on social media but his transporter and foster decided Luke is a more fitting name.

Both puppies had a vet exam on Tuesday on August 27 where they received vaccinations and a clean bill of health. After watching them for a few more days just to make sure nothing else came up we decided they are ready for meet and greets. They are between 10 to 12 weeks old, are under 10 lbs, have not been spayed or neutered yet I make that arrangement directly with the adopter), and have had the first two sets of vaccinations. They are fostering in Santa Maria, California. Please reach out if you'd like more information 805-450-1010.

10 weeks old GSD mix puppy came into our rescue recently. He got a clean bill of health, dewormer, and vaccinations on T...

10 weeks old GSD mix puppy came into our rescue recently. He got a clean bill of health, dewormer, and vaccinations on Thursday. He's sweet, a little shy but warms up, and is ready for adoption. He's with a temporary foster in Hesperia, would love to get him into a foster to adopt home ASAP. Please reach out for more info. 805-450-1010

Elton was rescued a few weeks ago, but I wanted to let his foster get a good assessment of his personality before I prom...

Elton was rescued a few weeks ago, but I wanted to let his foster get a good assessment of his personality before I promoted him for adoption. He's gorgeous! He is approximately 2 years old, neutered, vaccinated, and ready to go. His foster mom describes him as:
▪️He is definitely a great dog, and he has tons of love to give. He is very affectionate towards me and my family.
▪️He already knows 4 commands, he goes in his crate on command and he sleeps there all night no issues, he is fully potty trained.
▪️Walks okay on a leash.
▪️He is wary of other dogs. He is okay with my dog. He growled at her and snapped at her a few times in the beginning but now that they've established order it is peace. But Elton gets riled up around dogs that he doesn't know. Like he'll bark and cry the entire time.
▪️When we say leave it he does leave it. He doesn't resource guard around humans. But he did not like it when my dog wanted to play with his toy, but I think that's normal.
▪️He is high energy dog and will fit better in a high energy household. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him, it's just that with a kid and an older dog we're unable to keep up with him.

Many of his behaviors will settle down with patience, consistency, and a permanent home. He's in in Cypress, CA if you'd like to meet him. Please reach out for more info 805-450-1010


I was there where you left me for two whole days. Sleeping right on the side of the road. I was terrified of the noise from the cars but I did not move.
Last night one of those cars stopped and she got out. She invited me to lunch but I said no. She invited me to come sleep at her house and I also said no. I tried to explain to her that I was waiting for you but she wouldn’t listen. She pulled out a leash and said I couldn’t stay there any longer. I bit her several times and ended up p*eing on myself as I growled and cried! She didn’t understand that she was separating me from you! She took me against my will and we drove off! I was so sad because I knew you were going to be worried. We ended up at her house.
I kept screaming hoping you would hear me but you never came. I vomited because of my nerves, feeling so sick. I kept telling her I had to go back because you were going to think I abandoned you when you saw I wasn’t there! I, who love you with all my heart and soul have not stopped crying since we separated a few days ago. I want you to know, I would never do that to you.
I don’t know where you are now or why you stopped the car and left me there. Surely you had something very important to do. Can you come find me now, mommy?
Today I ate because my tummy was hurting. I also slept on a very soft bed. And by accident I also wiggled my tail a bit. I’m so sorry, please forgive me. She’s just being really nice to me. She said I could stay forever. She’s calling me Savannah, but I already have a name. When you pick me up you can tell it to her. You’ll see how surprised she’ll be when you explain to her that this was a big mistake.
Because mommy, you’re coming back for me, right 😢?
Author unknown 🐾🐾

So many posts and updates to make, so little time.... Technically I'm still on intake hold, but my soft spot is Mama dog...

So many posts and updates to make, so little time....
Technically I'm still on intake hold, but my soft spot is Mama dogs and neonatal puppies. So when there is a valid foster offer for a family that is at risk and I have all the pieces lined up and just need to waive the magic wand and gird my loins It's really hard for me to say no.

So Please welcome Queen Cindy and her gorgeous pups who are being cared for by an amazing and dedicated foster as we've navigated some tough moments with two of the smaller ones. I can't even remember what day I pulled Cindy, but it was one of those situations that she was supposed to already have been euthanized but luckily for her she went into labor and had puppies before they got a chance to do that so the shelter wonderfully spared her but put her back on the short list again. She is a survivor from Riverside. The shelter has her identified as a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, and the puppies are close to 2 weeks old now. So watch for them in the coming weeks when I start to promote them as their little personalities emerge and they would be ready for meet and greets at around week 6.


Sometimes I hit my overload for what I can manage emotionally. I'm there.

To the Fosters that have dogs that are pleading with me to find new homes for them: I'm doing the best that I can. You are definitely appreciated and are a priority for me to accommodate, as well as the dog. I have your dog posted on my social media, on Petfinder, and when I have spare moments I put them on my website. I try and share them in the groups that I'm aware of that are in your area, but finding that right person is like a needle in a haystack between them seeing a post and being at a time in their life where they want to take in a dog, and specifically that dog. For those that begged and pleaded with me to rescue a dog that they could foster "as long as needed" even though I said I can't because I do not have bandwidth or capacity to manage one more dog right now, I want to remind you of your words to me. We are talking about a living thing that needs to have careful consideration on where it goes next because if I move that animal to the first available spot just to accommodate you I could be doing the dog more harm than good. You signed up for this and you need to sit tight and hold on and work with me to shore up whatever the situation is until I can responsibly move that dog. So hang in there, be reasonable, and understand I'm doing my best to get your dog seen and hopefully find a better situation for it.

To people that want to foster because it seems the right thing to do and your heart really wants to save a dog: I love where your heart is and that you want to do the right thing. I need you to understand that pulling a shelter dog is not going to be a turnkey operation. These dogs have stuff that they are dealing with that is their own version of trauma, and while they can be pretty resilient they still need time and space to decompress and be able to learn your new routine and what's expected of them and apply what they already know or were trained to do. They're probably going to p*e in your house and p**p on your expensive rug. Assume that. They may even chew on some furniture legs. Assume that. If you have an environment where those are concerns then please do not offer to foster because when that happens and you contact me to tell me that the dog has to go now You need to understand I don't have other places for them to go. Even boarding is not something instantaneous to be able to set up.

The biggest reason that we have so many dogs in the shelter? We are failing them as humans. We don't have bandwidth to manage them or train them or teach them what's expected, we don't have funds to be able to spay or neuter them or take care of medical issues that come up. We don't prioritize them and find either places where we can live with them or look into options like having them as your emotional support animal. Instead we just discard them when they are no longer working for us.

Pictured: Conway who has been in boarding for 30 days. Boarding has been discounted but is not free. To date it's at $1,500 just for one dog.

Update 8/31: Fun fact: even when in an amazing place to board, a dog still gets kennel stress.  33 days in a kennel envi...

Update 8/31: Fun fact: even when in an amazing place to board, a dog still gets kennel stress. 33 days in a kennel environment, and I just got the text that he's not doing well mentally. He's overwhelmed and just over being in a group environment. He's deteriorating. This is a GOOD DOG! So I ask all of you that urge rescues to save a dog that you think should be saved, what next? Move him to a different boarding place? I can assure you he is in the creme de la creme for boarding because of all the different stimulation and opportunities he gets, and he's not stuck in a kennel all day. Surrender him back to the shelter where he came from so maybe somebody can see him and give him a chance that I can't? Sending him to another rescue isn't an option because they are all at their max capacity as well. Euthanize him because that's more humane than keeping him in boarding? When there's nobody coming for any of these dogs, what are we supposed to do? Who out there is willing to step up and take on this dog because they believe in him and that he's worth saving?!? Because I did step up, and so did one Foster who kept him until she had to move. Stop asking us to save more and more dogs when we can't even find long-term or permanent solutions for the ones we already saved.

28 days, 4 weeks that Conway has been in boarding. $1400 from funds I didn't have to spend on boarding. 28 days of him sleeping in a kennel at night. He was in a foster home before, for about 2 months, but they moved and he couldn't go with them. They had a bed , tent, toys, travel crate, etc. for him, that's all at my house now waiting until he's welcome into a new home. He briefly stayed on a ranch in Ojai, but there was a scuffle with the other dog over a toy he had, and he was sent to boarding. He hangs out with other dogs everyday at boarding, and there have been zero issues. He entered the shelter with another dog, a small dog, who was also rescued but got adopted. His only "no no" is cats.

Conway is sweet, likes to snuggle, is playful and still a bit mouthy. He's a young 2 year old dog, UTD on vaccines, neutered, and ready to go for any adventure. He's a husky mix, weighs about 50 lbs. He's a good boy. He needs to get out of boarding though, for him and for my bank account. He's in Santa Barbara, and you can easily do a meet and greet with him and with your dog, too (if you have one). Please reach out even if it's just to offer to foster. Please. 805-450-1010


So simple, very powerful and so important😀✅but...use it wrong and it will lose ALL it's power .
You wont regret adding this in to your everyday interactions with your dog.
This really is for all dogs✅
However, it is especially important for reactive dogs.
If you have yet to add a movement word in, do it. You will not regret it! 🙂
You will no longer struggle to get their attention away from the dandelion they have been sniffing for 2 minutes (because you really have to get home)....say your movement word and watch the automatic response.
Fantastic !!!
EVERY reactive dog and every dog that we teach a loose lead walking technique soon know the power of a movement word....and it really is powerful !
Practice it when your dog naturally starts to walk, NOT when you want them too (just yet).
They need to understand that it means movement, so practice it when they start to move.
You will be surprised just how often you can slip it in during the day.
Getting up from a nap.
It doesn't take long and if you start to remember every time you begin walking again to say it, you are well on your way to have an automatic response from your dog.

Give it a go, add it in whenever you can and you will be amazed how it can be used....but use it with a little caution.
Don't use it to make your dog walk towards something they dislike.
BUT once can use it to make your dog move away from something they are triggered by.
Use it to change direction.
Use it to distract away.
Use it to advocate ! 🙂

🙂Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for our collection of graphics.
Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Screen shots are a violation of copyright.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

I'm still officially on intake hold until I can get Conway into a foster home. But a mama dog popped up over the last fe...

I'm still officially on intake hold until I can get Conway into a foster home. But a mama dog popped up over the last few days that nobody was coming for, and that's my soft spot. An amazing foster stepped up to help and it's really hard to say no when pieces come together to help a dog, and all you have to do is wave the magic wand to make it happen. Yes there's still lots of waving the magic wand even after they exit, making sure the puppies are healthy and if they need to get to the vet to get the care they need if they're sick or anything and then trying to find homes and getting them vaccinated before they go into their homes, etc etc etc. That's the part of rescue that makes it hard because of the time commitment to make sure everybody under your care has the proper support they need to get them to their forever homes.

So please welcome Queen Cindy from Riverside County shelter, and her five gorgeous babies who are 5 days old today. Stay tuned for updates over the next several weeks as we get them ready for their new lives. Mama Cindy will be available in about 8 weeks from now. And yes I will make sure she is spayed before she is adopted. The shelter has her as a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix.


Adopt Sally! She's a Frenchie, about 2 years old and very playful! Good with kids, other dogs, but will chase cats. She has her spay appointment in Santa Barbara on Sept 10. Foster to adopt is an option as well. 805-450-1010


We are on intake hold indefinitely, and definitely until Conway gets out of boarding. He's been in boarding for over 3 weeks (25 days = $1,250), and the cost is not sustainable for a small rescue like us. He's doing ok, but 3+ weeks of constant commotion takes its toll. He needs a foster, or ideally foster to adopt option.

Conway is funny, friendly, young, neutered, dog friendly, people friendly, potty trained, not good with cats though. He takes corrections well from dominant dogs. He's good on a leash. HE'S A GOOD BOY! But he's not thriving, he's surviving. He's used to being in a home, and he's been waiting you to find him.

He's in Santa Barbara. Please reach out for more info about him. 805-450-101


Now I have arrived at your home,
everything is strange, and I don't feel good.

Do not feel impatient
If i don't sleep in my newbasket.
Yesterday, I slept on a stone floor.

Do not be terrified if i gobble up my food.
Yesterday. I had to do it to survive.

Do not get angry if I p*e on your floor.
Yesterday, it did not matter.

Do not be sad if I am afraid of your loving hand. Yesterday, I did not have one.

Have patience with me, it's your world
but not yet mine.

If I trust you, I can give you the greatest
Gift Ihave to give..
My Heart ❤️

Please never forget, I was a pound dog
All I need, is a bit of time to adjust.


Sally, fka Arya from SEAACA, has her eye all healed and is ready for a new foster home. She is a funny girl, probably somewhere between 1 to 2 years old. She's playful and loves people, kids, other dogs etc. She's very social. She had an eye injury initially, and it took consistent application of eye drops and a serum to get the ulcer healed. Her eye is as good as new. But her medical foster is departing for a vacation and we need Sally to move to a new situation by Wednesday August 21. She's currently in Hesperia. So if anyone is interested in knowing what life can be like with a Frenchie and would like to do a foster to adopt possibility please reach out! At the very least if you are only able to foster I welcome that as well. 805-450-1010.

This is a personal post for all the women out there that can relate to Mama. Mama had 5 puppies in the shelter, but by t...

This is a personal post for all the women out there that can relate to Mama. Mama had 5 puppies in the shelter, but by the time she was rescued she only had 2 that survived. She arrived safely at her foster's home, but within the first 24 hours she lost another one. Then the next day she lost the last one 💔 She was a momma dog but without any puppies.

Her Foster took care of her, and nursed her confused heart. Mama was spayed, and is ready and waiting for her forever home. She's about 2 years old, gets along with other dogs, but NO cats. She's a brave girl, and is such a sweetheart. She doesn't bark, is house broken, and loves people!

Mama is in the Sacramento area. If you'd like more info about Mama please reach out 805-450-1010

Conway is a funny, friendly, sweet boy. He entered the shelter with a little buddy, who went right into a foster home. B...

Conway is a funny, friendly, sweet boy. He entered the shelter with a little buddy, who went right into a foster home. But Conway couldn't go with him, so he went to a different foster home. He did great there, but his foster moved and couldn't bring him along. So Conway still waits.

He's a gorgeous hunk of a boy! Conway is about 2 years old, neutered, dog friendly, people friendly, up for adventures. He's got a prey drive, so a home without small animals/cats is best.

After losing his foster he's spending his days and nights at Camp Canine , waiting for someone to want him. He spends his days playing with other dogs, but instead of being in his bed at night he's in a kennel. I have his bed, his tent, his toys, his bowls, crate, travel crate, everything he enjoyed and will need when he goes to his new home. Please reach out if your have room to welcome Conway and all his stuff into your home. 805-450-1010

With every sunset there is a sunrise. After a tough day yesterday with the loss of a senior dog that we rescued, I get t...

With every sunset there is a sunrise.
After a tough day yesterday with the loss of a senior dog that we rescued, I get to share today some puppies that are ready for meet and greets and will be available for adoption in 2 weeks. They are cattle dogs, so brush up on your breed knowledge before inquiring further. IYKYK. They are fostering with their mom Mimi at a home in the Van Nuys area. They are healthy, friendly and sweet, and are just too darn cute for words. Mimi is available for adoption, too.

Please reach out if you like more information about them 805-450-1010

Would I have done anything differently? Moonie was at the shelter, after being found as a stray and hanging out with his...

Would I have done anything differently?

Moonie was at the shelter, after being found as a stray and hanging out with his finder for about 2 weeks, and he was stressed, depressed, and not doing well. But that seemed to be the extent of his issues, and possibly being reactive to other dogs and cats. Moonie was scheduled for euthanasia on July 31st unless he got a rescue. I found a foster for him and put in to rescue him with the shelter in time. His notes didn't reveal anything about being sick. I lined up everything for him to be picked up the next morning, and at the end of that day I received an update about his condition that he had been on treatment for kennel cough. This is not unusual, and I thought maybe it had just started since they hadn't added that to the notes that they had for him. So I pulled him anyway.

It was probably the adrenaline of getting out of the shelter that kept him upbeat and otherwise seeming in decent shape the day he left the shelter. The next morning was his vet appointment and he was definitely not his same self. It didn't seem that he had pneumonia yet but being a French bulldog if you have any congestion issues it can be a problem. He was put on medication, given some Entice to stimulate his appetite, which he had none of, and went back to his Foster's home. Overnight he didn't seem to improve and on Saturday he seemed worse so he went back to the vet to get an injection of antibiotics since he didn't want to eat and really couldn't take antibiotics on an empty stomach. So he went back home to his Foster's and by Sunday late afternoon he was not in good shape. His breathing was labored, and he was fading fast. So off to the emergency he went. His oxygen saturation was low, but they didn't think he has pneumonia at this point. He just needs time for the antibiotics to kick in, and have the oxygen to help him breathe while his body heals. He's doing better today, but there's no budget to keep him overnight if he needs more time after 8 pm today to continue at the vet's. I've spent close to $3,000 between the vet visits and his emergency stay, and received very few donations for him so far.

Would I have still committed to him had I known how sick he was? Absolutely. He deserved a chance to get out of the shelter and continue his life. Could I have saved more dogs with the money it's costing to save this one? Yes. Is it fiscally prudent to use reserves for one dog who is a senior? Probably not, but he still has life left in him to live and if I can give that to him I want to do everything I can. My limitation is I've hit the amount that I can responsibly spend to help him. His ER vet bill went on my Care credit which is maxed out.

Update: I was fortunate to receive a very generous donation and was able to help Moonie today. We were able to do x-rays to see what was going on with his lungs and if it was pneumonia or even worse a mass that was creating the breathing issues. The x-ray was inconclusive as either, but whatever it was, it was in both of his lungs was so solid that either it was cancer that was pretty advanced or pneumonia that was so advanced there wasn't even any room for any air at all around his lungs. Either case was a grave prognosis and he was getting worse. After consulting with the vet and discussing all the different options available that could help if money was not an issue It was decided that no matter what he was going to suffer with only a bleak possibility of improvement, and if it was cancer it would only be a short-lived improvement. His age and some neurological issues that they noticed made it such that if it was pneumonia it was too advanced to turn around. I want to note that up until Sunday he had seemed like he was just coping with some upper respiratory congestion, and something changed on Sunday that made his breathing labored and in distress. Two different vets over three different vet visits between Friday to Sunday didn't hear anything in his lungs that sounded like pneumonia, listening for the telltale crackle which would be from air moving around the liquid. He had a low temperature when he went into the emergency on Sunday which resolved today, yet he still continued to get worse despite being in the oxygen tank full time. I'm going to this great extent to explain what happened because too many people make too many conclusions based on very little facts and only their bare knowledge of a situation. And with that limited knowledge they then persecute anyone who had anything to do with a dog. Moonie's Foster was able to go be with him, as I couldn't since I live 4 hours away. We cried together, were frustrated that his owner didn't come for him at the shelter to give him peace in his final days, and expressed our gratitude to each other that he didn't have to be euthanized at the shelter. Moonie will come home to me. 💔 😓

We've rescued a few dogs recently that have medical costs, including:1. Moonie from SEAACA who is at the ER tonight for ...

We've rescued a few dogs recently that have medical costs, including:
1. Moonie from SEAACA who is at the ER tonight for upper respiratory infection (he's an older Frenchie and can't manage such an infection well),
2. Arya who has a deep ulceration on her eye which is healing but requires medical treatment and follow up, 3. Francine who just had surgery to remove excess growths from both of her ears in a procedure called a bilateral TECA BO,
4. 3 momma dogs

And we have dogs that have other costs:
5. Conway who is stuck in boarding,
6. plus all the rest that still need spay/neuter surgeries bc no one in Southern California does the procedure before losing their dogs, it seems.

There were people who pledged to donate funds to help these dogs, which all came from shelters, but following through is a different story. We are feeling the pinch, and the level of support for the dogs will be impacted.

Please donate if you can. We, and the dogs, would really appreciate it 🐾❤️ I can't help any more dogs for now.


I am at my critical Mass of how many dogs I can sanely manage without having an anxiety attack. There is no "team" there's just me. There is no bucket of money, there's just whatever donations I received from people who honor their pledges. I am on intake hold until further notice. If you want to help then share my posts to get the dogs seen for Fosters, adopters, or even foster to adopt homes.

Conway is in boarding, and hasn't had a good plan for him since he exited. I rescued him though because it was his eutha...

Conway is in boarding, and hasn't had a good plan for him since he exited. I rescued him though because it was his euthanasia day at Apple Valley Animal Shelter if he didn't exit, and I hoped someone would see him and want him. He had a foster initially for a few months, but she moved and couldn't keep him. He went to another foster on a ranch with another dog his size and did well, but there were some issues between them when it came to toys and they got into a fight so he had to go. He was kenneled and came in with a small dog buddy, but he couldn't go where his buddy went. So he still waits for his plan, his person or family, to see him and want to meet him.

Conway is neutered, vaccinated, friendly, about 2 years old, and has a high prey drive (no cats). He's at until he has a home (even a foster home) to go to. Please reach out for more info 805-450-1010

Conway almost didn't make it out of the shelter on his euthanasia day when his little Buddy got rescued, but he got left...

Conway almost didn't make it out of the shelter on his euthanasia day when his little Buddy got rescued, but he got left behind. Without a plan I pulled him too, and I've been trying to find him a plan since March. He is dog friendly but is a bit rude and luckily does well with corrections by the other dog. His buddy was a small dog, but his most recent Foster home had a dog about his size that was female. He's now in boarding in Santa Barbara at where he can have meet and greets with anyone who might be interested. He has a high prey drive so a home with no cats would be great, but he's otherwise very sweet, cuddly, would be good with kids and in a family.

Mama Minnie and her pups need a new foster ASAP. Puppies are about 2 weeks old and Foster is having some family emergenc...

Mama Minnie and her pups need a new foster ASAP. Puppies are about 2 weeks old and Foster is having some family emergencies that she needs to attend to. Pups and mama need a new opportunity. They are in San Bernardino area now and having them stay near would be great, but willing to transport elsewhere. Please reach out 805-450-1010


PO Box 41821
Santa Barbara, CA


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