Newly berried shadow mosura.
Tangerine tigers. One of the easiest caridina to keep. We are breeding these in caridina and neocaridina parameters. These are a new addition to our website.
These ocean blues are such a great shade of blue. Even their molts have a blue tint to them and they are one of my most consistent colonies. Available at
These ocean blues are such a great shade of blue. Even their molts have a blue tint to them and they are one of my most consistent colonies. Available at
My goldback colonies finally took off. For some reason these colonies took longer than expected to fill out after we moved them to the new facility but now they are booming. These took first place for neocaridina at aquashella Chicago a couple years ago.
I love these ocean blues. They are such a great shade of blue. Even their molts have a blue tint to them and they are one of my most consistent colonies. Very prolific and probably only one or two culls per hundred shrimp.
Raccoon tigers. These are a wild type that I really enjoy keeping. They are a very hardy shrimp and will not cross breed with other caridina so they can be kept with any other shrimp without the risk of messing up the genetics of other lines. I have colonies of these breeding in Neo and caridina parameters.
Oe yellow King Kong. These have been doing really well for me lately. I have tons of berried females in this colony right now.
C002 corydoras parallelus
Here are some of my juvenile c002 corydoras parallelus. These have been really challenging for me. They spawn regularly but the fertility rate is very low. I probably only get one or two fertile eggs out of every fifty.
The fish in the background are some juvenile albino gold lasers. Those on the other hand are producing a ton of fry!