Happy Thanksgiving! From your friends at The Critters and Me!
After you eat some Thanksgiving leftovers, com on in for your ASTRO Black Friday Deals!
#blackfriday #ASTROloyalty #getyourdoggiedeals #crittersandme
Get your holiday deals with your loyalty membership all month long....Gobble-up these savings!
#ASTROloyalty #holidaydeals #gobble #petdeals #weloveallcritters #crittersandme
Join the ASTRO Loyalty Program FREE! And get your Black Friday doggo-liscious deals!!
#BlackFridayDeals #SmallBusinessSaturday #ShopLocal #ShopSmallBusiness #weloveallcritters #crittersandme #petfoodspecials
We're getting new items in all the time....Here's a new line of supplemental oils perfect for skin and coat or joint discomfort.....come in to see our entire selection.
#jointstress #healthfoodforpets #healthypets #weloveourfurbabies #shinyskinandcoat #crittersandme
Here's your Loyalty Rewards for October! Come in for some frightening good deals!
#ASTROloyalty #doggiedeals #cataliscioussavings #worthyrewards #octoberspecials #crittersandme
Thank You for being a Loyal Customer!!
Yay! Thank You to all of customers! Your loyalty means the world to us! In celebration of our time together, we will be having special Neighborhood Pet Store Day savings!
Here's a little video we made to show you the deals!