Hello, how are you? I’m fine, thanks for asking. Thank you for taking the time to stand next to this pole to read this note. While you were reading this, I took a photograph of you through a window on the second floor of a nearby building. I then uploaded the photo to an app that uses facial recognition to identify you before using an internet search to find your street address. I drove across town to your home and entered through a window. I ransacked the whole place in search of any valuables. I found some electronics, but nothing I wanted to keep besides a small sum of money. I didn’t want to leave a trace of the break-in because I didn’t want the cops on my tail, so I put everything back where I found it. I was so dehydrated from moving it, so I got a glass of water in your kitchen. Since my hand was sweaty I accidentally dropped the glass and broke it. To cover my tracks I took a similar glass from your cupboard to Target to see if I could find a replacement. One staffer named Jessica recognized it and took me to the aisle where she last saw them, but they were sold out. I drove to the Target in the next town over and found the set of glasses. I didn’t want to buy the whole set of 6, but they didn’t sell them individually, so I just bought the set using some of the money I found at your place. I took the remaining money to the casino where I tried my luck at Blackjack. After several hands I eventually won back the amount I spent on the glasses and then some. I went home and listed the extra five glasses for sale on Craigslist. Nobody offered to buy them after a while, so I decided to list them for free. I received an email from a man named Paul, who I invited over to pick them up. He was wearing a tattered Bon Jovi t-shirt, which led to a conversation about our favorite and worst concerts we’ve attended. We might hang out later. And get this: he knew Jessica from the first Target! After that I went back to your home, cleaned up the glass, put the new glass and the other one I borrowed back in your cupboard, and even returned the money since I won some extra at the casino. With all of these stops the whole ordeal took longer than I expected, which is why I made this note so long -- keeping you here longer bought me time to put everything back to normal. So if you get home today and don’t see anything out of place, you’ll know everything in this note is legit. Thanks, sucka!
BTW, I think I left my wallet, keys, phone, and left shoe on your nightstand. Please contact me at FB.com/NotesFromBrock to let me know a good time to pick them up.
- Brock
P.S. - I also used your bathroom and didn’t wash my hands before touching the light switch and door k**b. Since you continued reading this all the way through, I had enough time to wash my hands, but instead spent that time adding this P.S.