Saskia cantering Pi in the round pen 🎠
HELLO LIL BIT 😆 #sleepyponies
Charlie took a lesson in the English saddle and is now hooked on learning to jump Pi!
Naomi and Bon Bon cruising on through the grid 😎
Ok… here’s your late reminder to round pen 2025 before you get on 🙃
Can someone can PLEASE come up with a better way to feed horses minocycline 😂 Breaking apart 20 capsules two times a day is extremely tedious, but Micah is definitely worth it ❤️
Update on our sweet Micah boy! He’s slowly responding to antibiotics for what the vets are suspecting is a tick borne infection! (Yes, we were surprised too. No idea how he could’ve gotten a tick… But as we all know, horses are always figuring out new ways to get sick…) We should have official results by tomorrow but initial bloodwork pointed to anaplasmosis, and apparently another horse in our area just tested positive a week before him and had to go to UC Davis for more intense care 😱
Please consider donating to help pay for Micah’s vet bills and help him continue on the road to recovery. Sometimes it can take weeks or even months for them to feel 100% again. Right now he is only eating grass, nothing else is tasty to him. So he’s getting a few minutes of grazing throughout the day to try to jump start his appetite. It doesn’t help that he has to get yucky tasting antibiotics syringed into his mouth twice daily. Our poor unicorn buddy 🦄💔
Right now we are only taking cash or checks; Zelle has proven not to be as secure as we like. Text Charlie at (707)978-8888 if you wish to donate a different way.
**Ride Off Animal Rescue (ROAR) is a registered 501(c)3 and all donations are tax exempt by law.**
Ellie and Em had such a fun lesson on Val and Pi!
It’s steamy season, which also corresponds to #dragonseason
Micah doing a nice leg yield to canter transition… annnnd then the camera loses him in the light beams because he’s such a bright unicorn ✨
Saskia guiding Penny through some figure 8s ♾️♾️