National Underdog Day is meant to celebrate the understated, underappreciated, and unnoticed—the underdogs. While normally done in honor of the unlikely and unsung heroes of literature, sports, movies, and daily human life, we would like to dedicate this day to the nation’s true underdogs: the homeless, often-overlooked shelter dogs. To all dog lovers, let’s celebrate National Underdog Day by making a difference in the lives of these underdogs!
Another way to help our nation’s true underdogs is to raise awareness about them through social media. For National Underdog Day, visit your local shelter or rescue and take videos of the animals there. If you can, take them out for a walk or maybe a quick playtime session so you can capture their true personalities on video, since sometimes being inside a kennel can prevent animals from being themselves. When you go home, upload the videos you took of the animals to your social media and let people know that they’re up for adoption. It may seem like a small thing, but you’ll be helping these animals find loving, forever homes!