Back from a bit of a hiatus with another Goniurosaurus species to post! Here is a beautiful male Goniurosaurus yamashinae, another species hailing from Japan. Instead of the deep oranges sported by orientalis, kuriowae and similar species, G.yamashinae sport vivid yellow striping and gold eyes. This is a species I’m very excited to work with this next season.
#goniurosaurusyamashinae #cavegecko #cavegeckosofinstagram #geckos
Ever seen a pink-line G.orientalis? Recently had the privilege of adding this male to this year’s line up. I’ve heard mixed statements of how these colors show in offspring, and am very interested in seeing for myself. Huge thanks to @alim0ny.hobbies and @guardiansofthegeckos for getting this guy and another female into the projects!
#japanesecavegecko #goniurosaurusorientalis #cavegecko #reptilesofinstagram
The term “Chinese Cave Gecko” is a great example of the confusion that common names present in the world of herpetoculture. As with countless other blanket common names, this term covers a variety of species, not just G.hainanensis. That long-winded introduction brings us to one of my favorite species, Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis. This is another Chinese Goniurosaurus, populating Bawangling on the island of Hainan. This species has a serious color change from baby to adult, with deep oranges and reds turning to varying shades of yellow. I also find their eyes seem to get very dark red, as shown here on Kaido, a three year old male. I expect to have another great season with these geckos, which make a fantastic addition to Eublepharid projects.
#goniurosaurusbawanglingensis #bawanglingcavegecko #bawangling #cavegecko #exoticpets
A close up of one of the more draconic geckos, the Australian Spiny-Tailed Gecko (Strophurus ciliarus). This species is quite variable in coloring, and the “horns” by their eyes vary in size amongst individuals. This will be my first year producing this species and I’m looking forward to working with them more this year.
#strophurusciliarus #australianspinytailedgecko #australiananimals #gecko
A subadult female Goniurosaurus orientalis. The Japanese Cave Geckos stand out as some of the most vibrant of Eublepharidae, between vivid markings and bright red eyes. This female has been exhibiting particularly bright oranges since she was a hatchling.
#japanesecavegecko #goniurosaurusorientalis #gecko #lizards #explore