Check out this comparison: Same hoof, two different trims, and the consequences are stark.
Trim A:
⦿ Toe aggressively trimmed back within the white line, leaving heels above the hard sole plane. This is what we call personal preference trimming (PPT), disregarding the horse's natural foot.
Trim B:
⦿ Trimmed to the natural parameters of the hoof, following the hard sole plane, and leaving the toe pillar intact with the inner hoof wall on the ground.
👉 Now, let's take a closer look at the differences:
1. P3 (the coffin bone) shows a more hyper-positive angle after Trim A than Trim B.
2. The digital cushion appears unnaturally 'squeezed' after Trim A but 'relaxed' and normally engaged after Trim B.
3. After Trim A, the foot rests on the sole, while after Trim B, it maintains support from its inner hoof wall pillar, enabling crucial ground clearance.
4. In Trim A, the tip of P3 is compromised above the sole pressure point, whereas in Trim B, there's no unnatural pressure, vital to maintain P3 health and avoid remodelling and osteonecrosis.
5. Surface area is significantly reduced after Trim A, whereas Trim B offers the maximum needed surface area.
Some may argue that bringing the hoof wall back within the white line is acceptable, but these images vividly demonstrate the implications of such methods on the horse's foot health.
Neglecting to adhere to the horse's natural parameters can have significant negative impacts, even if they may seem subtle to us.
These changes, though seemingly minor from our perspective, are magnified many times over for the horse.
They can lead to discomfort, compromised biomechanics, and potential long-term damage to the hoof, P3, joints, soft tissues and overall well-being of the horse.
It's crucial to prioritise the natural structure and function of the horse's hoof, rather than trimming it based solely on human perceptions or preferences.
Because the consequences are dire.
👉 If you want to find out if your equine's hoof care is right or wrong, join our free group: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health