July 4
We will be closed today for Independence Day. Have a happy and safe July 4th!
Nothing would make us happier than to see your great reviews. We truly appreciate your business!
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Adding new chickens to your flock? Keep in mind that not all breeds of chicken are great egg layers.
A great egg layer can produce up to 300 eggs in the first year. Australorps, Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, and Easter Eggers are examples of great egg layers. Bantams and Silkies, while popular, are not the best egg layers. They may only provide less than 100 eggs in the first year.
Many things can affect the rate of lay of your hens, including but not limited to breed, housing, weather, management, parasite load, and nutrition. Learn more: https://www.purinamills.com/chicken-feed/education/detail/guide-to-the-best-egg-laying-breeds
Happy Valentine's Day!
We love what we do because of customers like you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
#ValentinesDay #ValentinesGifts #ValentineShopping
Smorgasbird and Songbird on Sale! 🕊🐦#nationalbirdfeedingmonth
Have you ever tried interactive cat games (ipad) with your cat? So entertaining! 😂😂😂
Saxonburg Volunteer Fire Company Pet Parade!
Saxonburg Volunteer Fire Company Pet Parade! #Teamfeed
Mr.Jinx loves his new chew sticks! Stop in today to try some for your kitty! 😻
Need a gift for one of your furry friends!? 🎅🏻