Tiny but Mighty Big Game Recovery

Tiny but Mighty Big Game Recovery Wound game tracking and recovery with dogs. Servicing the Eastern Upper Peninsula and Tip of the Mitt of Michigan.

Hello everyone, Tracking season is drawing near. I will be available during bear and whitetail. I won't be able to take ...

Hello everyone,

Tracking season is drawing near. I will be available during bear and whitetail. I won't be able to take all the tracks but I'll do my best.

Couple of announcements: we are adding a rookie team this year. Josie and her handler will be tagging along in tracks to learn and gain experience.

We are able to help our Canadian neighbors this season! Yes we will be going officially international this season!

Picture of Rascal working her summer job as rodent pest control.

Super excited to have a logo. I'll be putting in an order for some shirts and hats. If any of my followers or previous c...

Super excited to have a logo. I'll be putting in an order for some shirts and hats. If any of my followers or previous clients would like one please let me know. Thank you Ryann Bradley for the stellar logo.

Flynn got mail this past week! He will be heading to UKC Premier Nationals this summer to compete for Top Ten.

Flynn got mail this past week! He will be heading to UKC Premier Nationals this summer to compete for Top Ten.

Proof of life! Got a text yesterday on the buck we tracked about week and a half ago for an old coworker that he showed ...

Proof of life! Got a text yesterday on the buck we tracked about week and a half ago for an old coworker that he showed back up on camera yesterday morning. This is awesome to see that Rascal was right in knowing the deer was gonna be just fine.

Hello everyone we will be taking a little break here as we will be heading west to Wisconsin to visit with family. We wi...

Hello everyone we will be taking a little break here as we will be heading west to Wisconsin to visit with family. We will be back Monday November 27th to help close out rifle season. I'll still be available to offer advice. Stay safe and good luck.

Yesterday we were 0-2 on tracks. Track #1 Hunter called said he shot at a deer and the bullet hit a sapling first before...

Yesterday we were 0-2 on tracks.

Track #1
Hunter called said he shot at a deer and the bullet hit a sapling first before hitting the deer and he wasn't sure where the deer was hit and had limited blood.
Rascal and I had to take a boat ride to the track site. We inspected the area and seen the large sapling that was hit. We tracked the deer along the river then up into a big field. After about a mile I felt confident that the deer had a non lethal brisket wound.

Track #2
Flynn and I went on our first night track together. Hunter shot at his deer at 100 yards. He was uncertain where it was hit and had good blood for about 300 yards then it dried up. Flynn gets to work but I could tell he wasn't really interestedin the known blood line. We worked through the blood trail only to go in circles after last blood. He had zero interest in advancing the line, which told me the deer was not a lethal shot and would probably be just fine.


Rascal and I get a call from a hunter that had just shot his deer, felt it was a good hit but had no blood at all. We gear up and head over about an hour after the shot. Hunter was explaining what happened and Rascal was already lined out and dragging me along. I told him, hey dog says this way. 250 yards later and only 1 little splash of blood, we are standing over his buck. He was super impressed with how fast Rascal worked the line and had his buck.

Congratulations to the hunter on this nice 7 point UP buck.

1 for 2 today. First track was for an old coworker that shot a buck last night and didn't have much blood. We get there ...

1 for 2 today.

First track was for an old coworker that shot a buck last night and didn't have much blood. We get there and survey the scene. There was not much sign but the hunter told me the shot knocked the deer over. Rascal goes to work and we track for about 300 yards and I didn't like how she was tracking. I felt like she was back tracking the deer from where it came from before the shot. We go back to the hit sight and sure enough she heads in the opposite direction towards a creek. She loses interest after about 400 yards. We suspect that the deer is still alive and was only spinal shocked.

Track #2

I got a call from a friend of a previous client that he shot a buck and needed help. We were already pretty close so we head on over. The hunter said he found some bone and blood. With looking at the bone I'm already suspecting a leg shot. Rascal gets to work and down the short known blood trail. We work our way through the track and I'm seeing deep foot prints and drag marks in the dirt and leaves. I'm starting to get worried we weren't going to catch up but then Rascal picks up her head and starts hammering on her lead. We find fresh blood and more drag marks. I'm 100% certain that we are pushing a live leg shot deer. I knew we would never catch up on lead because I'm not fast enough to keep up with my little terror. I asked the hunter if he was ready to catch his deer. He looked puzzled and I explained what I was seeing and only turning the dog off lead to bay up the injured deer would be hope we would recover this deer. I also made it clear we would have to move very quickly once the deer is bayed up to get a kill shot. He agreed and said he was ready. I unclip the lead and she tears off down the track, yipping the entire time. I'm watching her on my garmin and she gets 150 yards and just raises a ruckus. I told the hunter to move, she has it stopped. We sprint towards where she is barking and sure enough there was his buck. The deer slips past the dog and off we go again. Another 80 yards and she has it stopped again. The hunter pulls the rifle up to get and shot and the deer moves again with Rascal hot on its heels. Third bay up was finally where the hunter got the kill shot and put it down very quickly. Total this track was .85 miles.

This buck would have never been recovered without a dog and without the new off lead tracking that Michigan allowed this year. I was scared s***less this whole time as I have never turned Rascal loose, nor have I wanted to due to her size. She did a fantastic job and got her deer. Definitely will not be making off lead a habit though.

Congratulations to this hunter and your very respectable 6 point UP buck. I'm a very tired handler and Rascal is a very tired pup, but it sure was worth it. This deer would have surely become wolf or coyote food if not recovered.

What better way to spend Veterans Day then in the woods with my boy. Rascal went 1 and 1 today. Marcus got ahold of me t...

What better way to spend Veterans Day then in the woods with my boy. Rascal went 1 and 1 today.

Marcus got ahold of me this afternoon about a buck he shot this morning. He said originally he thought he might have missed it as it didn't show any sign of being shot and kinda just walked off. He lost sight of it as he was recocking his crossbow hoping he could get another shot. He went looking for his arrow and found a small pile of dark red blood and a very short blood trail. Instead of going searching he made the call to back out and called for Rascal.

I knew the area so asked if the hunter minded of my son tagged along as he has been bugging to go on a call with me for a while now. Marcus gladly said yes bring him along. We arrive at the 6 hour mark and Rascal went to work. 150 yards and 3 minutes later we were standing over this beauty. Perfect liver shot. It was a great moment to show my son how tracking work dogs works and also signs to look for to show that your dog is on the right track. Perfect recovery to get him started.

Thank you Marcus and congratulations on this UP buck.

We got a second call as we were leaving this first track to see if we could help find a deer for a different hunter. I knew this next track wasn't going to be as nice as our first one as it was over 36 hours old and had been grid searched, but I said I'd give it go. So we head right down to the other track. Rascal picked her way through the multiple deer trails and the grid search. We pushed it another 600 yards past last blood but very unsure of the deer was still alive or not. Sadly no recovery, but my boy made new friends and talked the hunter's ear off.

Got a message for a double track for a hunting couple. Both shot a deer last night and backed out after losing blood. I ...

Got a message for a double track for a hunting couple. Both shot a deer last night and backed out after losing blood.

I got out there first thing this morning after dropping kids off at school and got Rascal out on the woman's deer first. We follow the known blood trail for a bit and she gets off on other routes. After a few restarts we get on a line and find fresh blood. After taking a total of 1.6 miles I called the track as a possible brisket shot and we were tracking a live deer. After walking out the boyfriend stumbled over the arrow, which they didn't find last night, and it had streaks of fat grease. We all were confident it was a brisket shot after that and the deer will be fine.

We get back to the vehicles and I swap out to Flynn to give Rascal a break. We go into the hit sight and Flynn locks onto the blood trail and starts making his way towards last blood. We take our time and I keep double checking making sure he is right since we don't have as much time in the woods together. We worked through some small stops and a couple distractions until we get to the last blood. Flynn pushed the track past last blood another 200 yards to the hunters deer. Sadly the wolves found it before we did. The couple was disappointed they weren't putting the meat in the freezer, but really enjoyed getting to watch both dogs work the tracks. This was Flynn's first official recovery with me as handler, and I couldn't be happier that we are learning to work together.

Got a fun chance to run a known kill track. Neighbor shot their deer this morning and gave me a call see if I wanted a n...

Got a fun chance to run a known kill track. Neighbor shot their deer this morning and gave me a call see if I wanted a nice 150 yard practice track. I didn't turn it down. I took Flynn to see how we did together on a real life track. He took a while to figure out the start line but once he locked in he marched me right to the gut pile. I think him and I are ready to start going on calls together.

This was a tough track that really tested my trust in Rascal. Got a message from the hunter, Matthew, saying he shot thi...

This was a tough track that really tested my trust in Rascal.

Got a message from the hunter, Matthew, saying he shot this really nice buck yesterday afternoon and lost blood after 70 yards. He searched 100 yards in every direction and was unable to find it. We discussed the shot and what he seen. I felt it was a lung liver hit so I suit up and head out.

We arrived at the 20 hour mark and it's been raining pretty good for a while. We head out to the hit sight and Rascal right away wants to go in the opposite direction of the known blood line. I decided to let her go for a while on this line as she was certain on the scent trail. After about 600 yards and a driveway I determined we were not on the right deer. Back to the hit site we went and got her to focus on the area the hunter marked his blood the night before. I could tell that the scent was really broken from the rain but Rascal started to sort it out. Made it to last blood and made several circles trying to find the line. She takes us up a small incline to the top of the hill to a small meadow, we make a horseshoe down around the meadow and are on a 2 track. At this point we are soaked through, tired and I was worried the scent trail was just too washed out to put together.

I told the hunter we would go back to last blood and try one more time just to be certain. I started up hill along the 2 track, but Rascal was bound and determined she was going on the game trail that traversed the hill. It was easier walking so we take the trail. 30 feet onto this game trail Rascal dives off the side down the hill and there was Matthew's deer not 15 feet from us.

To say I was impressed with my dog is an understatement. She did amazing in adverse circumstances and pulled out the recovery. This deer would not have been found without her nose. This was Matthew's biggest deer he had ever shot and was overcome with relief and excitement when I pointed it out to him.

Congratulations on this beautiful Northern Michigan buck and thank you for putting your trust in us, even when I doubted myself.

What a track! Got a call this afternoon from a wonderful couple that were beside themselves worried after losing blood o...

What a track! Got a call this afternoon from a wonderful couple that were beside themselves worried after losing blood on the bear Tom shot last night. They were referred to me from a previous client and I happened to be available. Me and Rascal gear up and head out.

We arrive at the 24 hour mark after bear was shot and of course, it's raining. We had in to the bait pile and Rascal does her zig zag and lines out on the known blood trail. She makes fast work of the marked blood trail that the hunter had marked the night before. We push the track past last blood and then the squirrels started in chattering. Rascal picks her head up and starts wanting to go towards the sounds of one. I gently correct her by calling her back to the known line. She went 10 feet forward and swung back 180 degrees again. The voice of Al Sherman (veteran tracker of Dat Spotted Dog Big Game Recovery and my mentor) was in the back of my head saying "trust your dog" so I told the hunter to stay on that last spot and I was gonna let Rascal line this out. She takes it a few yards the hooks a hard left towards some blow down. We approach cautiously as there was lots of holes under the brush. Rascal jumps up and over the blow down trees and indicates the track kept going. I called the hunter over and we continued into a beaver Swamp. Rascal leads us down an old beaver slide and we tiptoe across the dam. She crosses the top of the dam and down into the lower side where there was a fresh bed. 15 feet past that was another and 20 feet later laid Tom's bear.

The hunter and his wife were overjoyed with relief and being able to tag out. This bear was huge for Tom as he did everything himself with scoping out his stand and baiting. After drawing 3 tags over the years, this was the first time he was able to tag out. Thank you for trusting us to be part of your bear hunting story.

Good luck to the archery hunters. We will be as available as we can. Please know your angles and when in doubt back out.

Good luck to the archery hunters. We will be as available as we can. Please know your angles and when in doubt back out.

Got a call last night from Gary Morgan who runs Wild Game Dynasty. He was referred by another tracker to us as we were t...

Got a call last night from Gary Morgan who runs Wild Game Dynasty. He was referred by another tracker to us as we were the closest team. His hunter, Bob, had shot a bear last night about 640pm. The bear spun around a few times before running off dragging its rear. They tracked good blood for about 100 yards but lost the trail as it got dark. Gary made the right call to have the hunter back out and call a dog in.

Rascal and I arrived first thing this morning and went in to the hit site. Rascal locked on to the scent line and made short work of the known blood trail. She pushed the track past last blood, finding an empty bed. We kept going and 50 yards past last blood was this hunter's bear. 15 minutes of tracking and we had a happy hunter.

Bob waited 14 years to draw a UP black bear and made an awesome harvest on this 200 pound boar. Needless to say, he was beside himself with joy when I hollered back to him that we had his bear. We are glad to be able to take part in this gentleman's bear hunt story. This was also Rascal's first bear recovery. Very proud of this young dog.

https://gettrakr.com/Be sure to check out the brand spanking new tracker app. This will help connect hunters with tracke...


Be sure to check out the brand spanking new tracker app. This will help connect hunters with trackers much easier then social media. It's free to download and available for Android and iOS. This is going to be a fantastic tool for both hunters and trackers alike. And the best part, it's nation wide! You pick your area you're hunting and it shows available trackers in that area.

We’re here when you need us. No more searching around on social media, calling trackers late at night or trying to remember which buddy may or may not know who to call. TRAKR is your all-in-one game tracking app.

We are all registered and set for the 2023 tracking season. I will be available for the youth hunt this weekend. I don't...

We are all registered and set for the 2023 tracking season. I will be available for the youth hunt this weekend. I don't charge, but if you want to tip that's allowed. Good luck to all the youth.

We are 52 this year.

We are 52 this year.

Flynn and I went to our county fair for the dog show. Flynn took the terrier group and went Best in Show out of a large ...

Flynn and I went to our county fair for the dog show. Flynn took the terrier group and went Best in Show out of a large field of dogs.

Presenting your 2023 Chippewa County Best in Show: DASH 'PR' CC's Sugar Island Flynn Rider

Thank you to the judges and fair board for offering the dog classes.

Flynn and Rascal got mail today.  Can't wait to add some more titles before the end of the year.

Flynn and Rascal got mail today. Can't wait to add some more titles before the end of the year.


Rascal ran the practice track today after 22 hours of lay time. Needed 2 restarts as she thinks fake tracks are boring. We did finally get it together and found the "deer".


Having Flynn work on finding the start and initial line of the track. This is something he struggled with last season.

It's that season. Training season. Laid out a 650 yard track that I will run both Flynn and Rascal on it at different la...

It's that season. Training season. Laid out a 650 yard track that I will run both Flynn and Rascal on it at different lay times. Looking forward to Oct 1 to be able to help hunters recover their deer. Bear season is coming up fast. I may not be super available during bear season as I have drawn my tag and will be actively hunting myself, but I will try when I can.

Things to have this year on the initial phone call:
1. Location, address and/cross roads
2. Try to remember all the details about the hit sight on the deer you can.
3. I will need your hunter number this year as every track I go on must be called in to the DNR before and at the end of each track. This goes for bear, whitetail and elk.
4. Please, please and I can't stress please enough, make sure if you think the animal crossed onto any private property, secure property permission for any private property. I will not track on property that I don't have permission to be on.
5. Please remember I may not be able to get to you right away, or at all, so be patient and kind. I will try to take as many tracks as I can, but I still have 2 children and their activities that come first.
6. I track because me and my dogs enjoy it. I'm not in it for a business or for money. If I am unable to take your track I will try to help find another tracker that might be able to help.

Stay safe while scoping out new stand spots.

We competed at the 30th annual UKC Premier Nationals this week. Rascal went for the Top 10 invitational (you need to ear...

We competed at the 30th annual UKC Premier Nationals this week. Rascal went for the Top 10 invitational (you need to earn best of Breed points through the year to qualify) she also ran Precision coursing, Earning her RACEN title and one leg to her RACEA title. She also titled in Precision dash Earning her DASH title and one leg to her RUSH title. She also was awarded Best Female on Friday.

Flynn did amazing on his first time in the show ring. He blew me away Earning best male, best of variety, best of winners and best of Breed! Super proud of how this boy has come along since he came to us last year. He also competed in Precision dash and earned his DASH title as well as one leg to his RUSH title. Looking forward to getting into the woods now for tracking training.

We took a trip to Kalkaska this weekend for the Spring Fest Dryland 2023 . Team terror was on point and raced with the b...

We took a trip to Kalkaska this weekend for the Spring Fest Dryland 2023 . Team terror was on point and raced with the bike for the very first time. Saturday we ran the 2 mile course as it was a bit warm in 12 minutes. Sunday we ran the long course which was 2.6 miles in 14:59. Both Flynn and Rascal ran their little legs off and we had a blast. Thank you to Nicole Hailstrom for snagging these awesome pictures of us on Sunday.

I've been getting Rascal and Flynn ready for the show season with some confirmation classes. They are looking excellent....

I've been getting Rascal and Flynn ready for the show season with some confirmation classes. They are looking excellent. Their first show this year is May 12, 13 and 14.

Rascal got mail last week. Not only is she a dynamite rodent killer and tracking dog, she is also ranked  #1 in UKC for ...

Rascal got mail last week. Not only is she a dynamite rodent killer and tracking dog, she is also ranked #1 in UKC for her breed in conformation. Brains and beauty. Training season is fast approaching, can't wait to get in the woods with her and Flynn.


Just out having some fun today. Staying in shape and soon to start training season for the next tracking season.


This weekend was our very first race as a team. Rascal and Flynn gave it their all. We completed the 3.75 mile course at 21:22 on day 1 and 21:23 on day 2. We came in last but boy did we have fun, which is what it's all about. We topped out at 17.7 mph according to my watch. I can't believe this little team is burning up the trail line they are. Hopefully we can go to a few more races but everything depends on weather.

Big thank you to Ailena Baum for capturing this great footage of this Tiny but Mighty team.

Merry Belated Christmas from the Tiny but Mighty crew.

Merry Belated Christmas from the Tiny but Mighty crew.

Tracking season is coming to a close with only late archery season left. At this time we transition to our winter sport ...

Tracking season is coming to a close with only late archery season left. At this time we transition to our winter sport of skijoring. We don't have enough snow yet for our trails but doesn't stop from training. Flynn and Rascal pull the kids around and help with chores. When we don't hook up, they run around with their exercise XDog vests on.


Sault Ste. Marie, MI





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