Happy monster fish Monday to all who celebrate! This guy is the black ghost knife fish which can get 14-18 inches long! #monsterfish #monsterfishmonday #knifefish #blackghostknifefish #ghostknife #electriceel #fish #aquarium #plantedtank #exoticanimals #exoticpets #LFS #pet #savannah
Got few green digitata frags available!
#LFS #saltwater #reef #aquaculture #reeftank #corals #inverts #aquarist #fish
This green cheek conure loves to goof around! He's still learning to step up and eat his veggies. Conures make a wonderful addition to the family and they have quite the personality!
Got this geometric moray eel in! These guys have really neat dots that form interesting lines around their heads, uncommon eel perfect for a oddball tank!
#LFS #reef #predatortank #fowler #morayeel #saltwater
Amazing silver arrowana on sale now! Great size
#LFS #localpetstore #fishtank #plantedtanks #naturalistic #aquascaping #monsterfish
These huge domino damsels do NOT like their picture taken but they’re cute about it #saltwaterfish #dominodamsel #damselfish #saltwatertank #lfs #fishtank #exoticfish #reeftank
Unique Macro algae!
#LFS #reef #aquaculture #reeftank #corals #macroalgae #planted #plantedtanks #plantedaquariums #aquariums #naturalistic
This (currently) little Asian water monitor we have is basically a cat! A cat that gets 6 to even 8 feet long! #asianwatermonitor #pets #reptiles #exoticpets
Harlequin tusk! Perfect for a large predator tank or a reef tank but beware they love to snack on invertebrates and even small fish once they reach a larger size!
#LFS #Reef #aquaculture #reeftank #corals #aquarist #inverts #fish #exoticanimals #FOWLER
Gold dust day geckos perfect for a small bio active enclosure!
#savannah #pet #exoticanimals #bioactive #reptile #daygecko
A beautiful Achillies tang has arrived looking for a new reef to be apart of! #reef #aquaculture #reeftank #LFS #aquarist #exoticanimals #fish #savannah #Tangs