Yesterday was a busy day!
All 4 boys (Snoopy, Bandit, Cookie and Kian) went to their new home. They aren't too far away, have a beautiful pasture and barn and even a new friend who is a livestock guardian dog! She is the sweetest and they were all snuggled up together by the time we left.
When we got home our trusted farrier and his sidekick were waiting for us and all three big boys got their feet done. Lots of fun conversations and tips in the form of Popsicles and off they went to the next job.
Next it was time to get our two new ewe lambs in a smaller space to work on getting to know each other. Little B has named them Sugar and Spice, and let me tell you... they are ALL SPICE! Whew we got quite the workout just getting them inside, and we had to catch our second wind to get halters on them! (You can still see the bug eyes on Spice even though she was standing nicely) ot will take some time but it will be well worth it.
We found a home for the last kitten, they will go be a barn cat at the same farm the boys are at!
That's all for now, but today is another day 😎
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.