‼️ATTENTION ‼️‼️ You could win a FREE Mount!
Putting some feelers out for a Big Buck Contest here at Triple T! They are paid spots. The entry fee will count towards your mount. This will be an annual thing! So here are some of the rules:
-Your trophies must come to the shop to and be mounted here.
-They have to be 24-25 season whitetails.
-They have to be a Georgia deer. No out of state deer will be eligible.
-All deer will be score by myself, I will not take a “word” on the score.
(If possible county record I will take to a official scorer)
With that being said, the entry fee is $30. *it will be taken out of your total no extra charge* You will be entered in for a FREE SHOULDER MOUNT. SHOULDER MOUNT ONLY. Plaques are extra if wanted and name plates as well. You can enter in twice on 2 different deer. I will keep a list of the contenders. This will go till the end of season.
All entry’s will be going straight to Kourageous Outdoor Kids, Inc. so any donations are appreciated!!! I will not make a dime off this as I’m doing it out of the kindness of my heart!
Please share and give KOK some southern love!! I will keep a list pinned at the top of my page. No scores will be posted until the end of the contest but photos will be shared!!! Good luck and get the word out!!!