Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern New Jersey

Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern New Jersey Welcome to the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern New Jersey’s page. SSCNNJ

Enjoy every moment, you never know when it’ll be the last.

Enjoy every moment, you never know when it’ll be the last.

Remembering Kaz Hosaka

The Canine Chronicle is sad to share the unexpected and sudden passing of Kaz Hosaka. Our thoughts are with Roxanne Wolf through this difficult time. Funeral information will be provided at a later date.

Friday night June 7, at 7:45 will be our final meeting until September.For those who cannot attend the ZOOM Meeting will...

Friday night June 7, at 7:45 will be our final meeting until September.
For those who cannot attend the ZOOM Meeting will start promptly at 7:45. You may log in at 7:30.
The Agenda will be:
The new regulations for dogs entering and leaving the country.
The importance of having an irrevocable trust set up for your dogs.
Open topics
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 8506 5206
Passcode: 577943
After the Zoom meeting there will be a Pizza Party, Lassie videos, trivia contest etc. All are invited. Please RSVP to Herb at [email protected]

Interesting.Julius Rehabilitation & Integrative Veterinary Services, LLC"Researchers at the University of California, Da...

Julius Rehabilitation & Integrative Veterinary Services, LLC

"Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have updated their guidelines on when to neuter 40 popular dog varieties by breed and s*x. Their recent paper in Frontiers in Veterinary Science adds five breeds to a line of research that began in 2013 with a study that suggested that early neutering of golden retrievers puts them at increased risk of joint diseases and certain cancers."
And there are 2 breeds (one s*x) they recommend not sterilizing. Fascinating!

Good luck to everyone showing this summer!

Good luck to everyone showing this summer!



MARCH MADNESSIndependent Specialty ShowJoin us at our independent Specialty Show on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Judge: Jac...

Independent Specialty Show
Join us at our independent Specialty Show on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Judge: Jackie Parisek. Entries close March 6, 2024.

My vet recommended this site to see travel health requirements for dogs. Thought I would share it.Export ( Outside of US...

My vet recommended this site to see travel health requirements for dogs. Thought I would share it.

Export ( Outside of US)

Interstate ( Inside of US)

The .gov means it's official. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you're on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser's address (or "location") bar.

Meeting tonight @ 7:30 pm Willow Grove Presbyterian Church Paint Sheltie Rocks tonight!

Meeting tonight @ 7:30 pm
Willow Grove Presbyterian Church
Paint Sheltie Rocks tonight!

Not real, but cute!

Not real, but cute!

A lot of times I post show jargon that many don’t quite understand outside of that the dog(s) did well that day.

Here is a breakdown of how shows run.

When you enter a show, if your dog isn’t already a champion with the registry, you choose one of numerous classes to enter them in. There are additional classes for some breeds as well, dachshunds having additional classes for “open standard” and “open miniature”.

Dogs who are already champions (or higher) automatically go in to compete for best of breed (or in the case of dachshunds - best of variety, as dachshunds are a variety breed meaning though they are one breed, each coat type compete separate from each other. This also gives dachshunds three representations in the hound group)


Dogs working toward their championship are referred to as “class” animals. So you have “class dogs” and “class b!tches”. (While it means female dog, Facebook is overly sensitive these days and spelling it correctly risks posts and comments being removed for name calling or something like that)

For a dog to earn its championship, they need to earn a total of 15 points and have at least 2 majors. A major is when a dog earns 3, 4 or 5 points. In AKC, 5 points is the max that can be earned in a day. How many points can be earned varies by “region”, determined by AKC and updated periodically to reflect the amount of competition each breed typically has within each region. You need X amount of dogs/b!tches present to win Y amount of points.

Dogs (males) show first. Starting with 6-9 month class and moving on from there. The winner of each of their classes then go back in together to compete for Winners. Winners is the first winning level which you can earn points from. Winners Dog (WD) earns points if there are enough other male dogs present and becomes the best of the class dogs. A reserve winner is also awarded, however they do not receive points (there are some breed specialties where they can earn points but for the most part they do not).

Repeat that process for class b!tches.

You now have the Winners Dog (WD) and the Winners B***h (WB).

Now that the class animals are out of the way, all of the champion and grand champion dogs enter the ring together (dogs first then b!tches), followed by the WD and WB.

At this level there are several wins up for grabs, all eligible for a variable number of points depending on the numbers of dogs entered:

Best of Breed/Variety (BOB/BOV) - winner above all in that breed or breed variety.

Best of Winners (BOW) - the best out of the WD and WB. (Depending on the number of points eligible in the one gender or other, going of BOW can provide a dog a “crossover” major, where they then earn additional points for essentially having also beaten all the dogs of the opposite gender)

Best of Opposite S*x (BOS) - the best dog of the opposite gender to the dog that went BOB/BOV.

Select (SEL) - an additional chance to win points/recognition for dogs who have already been championed/grand championed. One can be awarded for each gender.

*note that a judge can choose to withhold any ribbons if they feel there is a lack of merit.


The BOB/BOV dog goes on to compete in groups. Groups and BIS do not earn points towards a dogs championship unless a class dog/b!tch goes BOB/BOV then goes on to receive a group 1st.

In groups, dogs compete to be placed 1st-4th. The Group 1st winners then go on to compete for Best in Show. The BIS dog being the winner overall, sometimes being the “last dog standing” of literally thousands of entries. Reserve Best in Show (RBIS) is the runner up.

There are additional rankings for bragging rights that can be earned. Breed ranking, group ranking…

Akc also offers owner handlers another chance to win brags by offering National Owner Handled Series. A dog entered in the additional class of owner handled (when offered) gets chance to win Best of Breed/Variety Owner Handled. Winner of this award goes on to compete in owner handled groups. NOHS has its own rankings for bragging rights.

Diagram credit: sh...

Please share this alert with all dog breeders, owners, fanciers, and enthusiasts in New Jersey.

Last week, the New Jersey Assembly Appropriations Committee amended the controversial “cost of care” bill, Assembly Bill 2354, and voted to forward it to the full Assembly for further consideration. The American Kennel Club (AKC) believes amended A.2354 still fails to both adequately protect the rights of bona fide co-owners and address the constitutional issues of procedural due process, unreasonable seizures, and excessive fines presented by the bills. It is imperative that all New Jersey dog breeders and enthusiasts—especially those who co-own dogs with others—contact Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, Majority Leader Louis Greenwald, and your Assemblymember today to urge them to not call S.2354 for a floor vote.

AKC has long urged amendments to A.2354 to protect the rights of co-owners not in possession of an animal when it is seized, and to quickly give them precedence over any other assignment of possession and ownership. The most recent amendment to A.2354 does not meet those goals. It only allows for the consideration of a co-owner’s rights after a criminal trial against the person from whom an animal was seized is completed, which could take years, and also would require a court to decide whether transferring the animal to the co-owner is in the best interest of the animal.

New Jersey law should work to keep as many animals out of shelters and rescues as possible. It should protect the rights of proven co-owners to take possession of their animals if they were not in possession of them when seized due to suspected cruel or negligent treatment, and should do so expediently. Additionally, a person should not have to meet additional “best interest” standards to take possession of their own property.

Contact Speaker Coughlin and Majority Leader Greenwald today by email or phone to request A.2354 not be scheduled for a floor vote. Feel free to cut-and-paste the sample text (below) into your email, or use the text during your phone call.

Speaker Craig Coughlin
(732) 855-7441
[email protected]

Majority Leader Louis Greenwald
(856) 435-1247
[email protected]

For the contact information for your New Jersey Assemblymember, go to and enter your address.

Subject line: Oppose A.2354 (Second Reprint)

My name is [first name, last name], I am a resident of [your city/town], and I oppose A.2354 as an unconstitutional means for animal shelters and rescues to take ownership of animals. I respectfully urge Speaker Coughlin and Majority Leader Greenwald to not schedule the bill for further consideration.

I join the American Kennel Club (AKC) in abhorring animal cruelty and negligent treatment of animals, and share in concerns about the need to assure that local animal control agencies receive adequate public funding to achieve their public mandate. However, funding mechanisms for animal control agencies, shelters, or rescues must not exist to the detriment of dog owners’ constitutional protections.
NJ law (4:22-17.7) already provides an easy and fair process for shelters and rescues to be paid for taking care of animals seized for alleged cruelty or neglect.
A.2354 is a business protection bill for shelters and rescues. It would allow shelters and rescues to demand money much earlier in cases than current law allows. It would also provide for the automatic forfeiture of seized animals via a new and accelerated timeline. A2354 would not allow courts to consider whether the person from whom the animals were seized is ultimately found not guilty (raising constitutional concerns of unreasonable fines and procedural due process) or is indigent (raising constitutional concerns of procedural due process violations). A.2354 would also not allow courts to consider co-owners’ rights until after a seized animal would be automatically forfeited and their rights terminated (raising concerns of the erroneous deprivation of property).
Proponents of the bill have argued their proposal is necessary for a shelter or rescue to maintain possession of an animal for the duration of a trial to “preserve evidence.” AKC believes that argument is without merit. In most cases, preserving physical evidence often locks inanimate objects in a protected environment with extremely limited access. The nature of animals is different because they are constantly changing. By receiving care, like feeding, watering, exercising, grooming, or by moving them from one location to another, they will materially change and will have no relation to the circumstances in which they were found and removed from. Other means of preserving evidence in cruelty or negligence cases can provide much greater, and significantly more reliable, evidentiary value. They include, but are not limited to, photographs, videos, eyewitness reports, veterinary reports, or the information used to establish probable cause.
As currently written (Second Reprint), A.2354 is overreaching and a detriment to animal ownership rights. Please join me in opposing A.2354 and its further consideration by the full Assembly.

Thank you.

[Phone number]

Click here to read AKC’s Due Process Protections for Dog Owners position statement.
Click here to view our new brief animated explainer video on “cost of care” legislation.
Click here to view talking points in AKC’s new one-page flyer on “cost of care” legislation.
Recent Legislative & Informational Alerts
Recent Blogs & Articles
Key Issues
Toolbox (with downloadable materials)

AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will continue to provide calls for action and updates on A.2354 and its companion, S.981, as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at 919-816-3720 or [email protected].



Please share this alert with all dog owners in New Jersey.

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 18, the New Jersey Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider two bills that continue to raise significant constitutional concerns for dog owners. Assembly Bill 2354 and Senate Bill 981 seek to establish court procedures for the seizure, care, and forfeiture of animals involved in animal cruelty violations.

Despite the late timing of this notice, all New Jersey dog owners are strongly encouraged to contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee TODAY to express opposition to both A.2354 and S.981. (Scroll down for information on how to contact the committee today)

While we appreciate amendments previously made to the bills, the American Kennel Club (AKC) remains concerned that these bills do not protect the rights of co-owners and would far too easily allow courts to automatically forfeit an individual’s ownership rights in their animals. They fail to provide appropriate and required procedural due process protections required by both the U.S. and New Jersey constitutions.

AKC has been working on securing additional amendments to the bills prior to tomorrow’s committee hearing that would meet proponents’ shelter/rescue funding goals while curing constitutional concerns. Unfortunately, proponents of the bills have failed to accept changes.


AKC shares concerns about the need to assure that local animal control agencies receive adequate public funding to achieve their public mandate. However, such funding mechanisms must not exist to the detriment of dog owners’ constitutional protections.

AKC requests that A.2354/S.981 must:

Ensure that dog owners are not forced to forfeit ownership of their animals if they are unable to pay for mandated costs without regard of whether they are ultimately found not guilty. As currently worded, A.2354/S.981 creates a significant risk that individuals will be erroneously deprived of their property without appropriate due process protections. Instead, courts should be permitted, but not mandated, to award care costs. Doing so would allow a court to consider whether a defendant is unable to pay care costs significantly higher than they would otherwise spend. Additionally, as currently worded, the bill encourages animal care agencies to be motivated by financial self-interest in seeking court-ordered forfeiture of animals.
Be amended to expediently protect the interests of non-possessory co-owners. As currently worded, A.2354/S.981 would allow an animal care agency to take full ownership of an animal regardless of whether the animal is co-owned by an individual who was not in possession of the animal at the time of the alleged offense and therefore not responsible for the alleged treatment.
Explicitly limit assessed costs to those based on a daily public—not private—care rate and directly related to the basic care of the animals. The bills currently provide for extensive costs to be claimed by an animal care agency.

Click here to read AKC’s Due Process Protections for Dog Owners position statement.
Click here to view our new brief animated explainer video on “cost of care” legislation.
Click here to view talking points in AKC’s new one-page flyer on “cost of care” legislation.
Recent Legislative & Informational Alerts
Recent Blogs & Articles
Key Issues
Toolbox (with downloadable materials)


AKC strongly encourages all New Jersey dog owners to contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today and respectfully urge them to oppose both A.2354 and S.981 until both bills are amended to address the ownership and due process concerns noted above. Please email the committee members below, and provide your name, NJ city of residence, with the subject line, “Please Oppose A.2354/S.981”.

Assemblywoman Lisa Swain, Chair
205 Robin Rd., Suite 122
Paramus, NJ 07652
(201) 576-9199
[email protected]

Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, Vice Chair (bill sponsor)
(201) 626-4000
[email protected]

Assemblyman Brian Bergen
(973) 539-8113
[email protected]

Assemblyman Wayne P. DeAngelo
(609) 631-7501
[email protected]

Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt
(856) 435-1247
[email protected]

Assemblyman Antwan L. McClellan
(609) 778-2012
[email protected]

Assemblywoman Gabriela M. Mosquera
(856) 401-3073
[email protected]

Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin
(973) 589-0713
[email protected]

Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney
(973) 237-1362
[email protected]

Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer
(973) 249-3665
[email protected]

Assemblyman Jay Webber
(973) 917-3420
[email protected]

AKC Government Relations will continue to provide updates on A.2354/S.981 and other pending New Jersey Legislation as developments warrant. For more information, email [email protected].

Health Clinic in NJ

Health Clinic in NJ

I know they are not shelties, but a great video about breeding any dogs overall.

I know they are not shelties, but a great video about breeding any dogs overall.

The Belgian Malinois is becoming every more popular and with that popularity comes problems. People are breeding malinois in their backyards and selling the...


1961 Raritan Road
Scotch Plains, NJ

Opening Hours

7:30pm - 10pm


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