She has been adopted!!
Ethereal is on the move in cat adoption rubbing on anybody's legs who walk in! Ethereal is a huge love bug no matter who you are she is guaranteed to love you!! Ethereal loves finding soft spots to lay so when you come in she is more than likely going to be in the cupboard under the kennels cuddled in with her cozy blankets. Stop in and sit with her you will fall in love with her to die for personality!
See all available cats at:
We are happy to announce that Cat adoption is open to the public right Meow!! We are open from 1-4Pm Mon-Sun so come on in and meet with the kitties today!
Penelope and Clarabell got some much needed play date time yesterday. These two girls both were brought in as strays and unfortunately like many, their owners didn't want to bail them out. These girls were brought in 3 days apart and have bonded over being kennel neighbors during their stay here. They go on walks together in the morning, get play dates in the yard and are so excited when they see each other. Over the last month of them being here we have learned their fun personalities and wonder why they're still here. They love other dogs, every person they meet and especially outside time playing fetch. These sweethearts are looking for someone who will give them all the love they need and deserve. They may be a little crazy and jump up when they first meet with you, but it's so hard for them to contain their excitement. Its very heart breaking for all of us here at PHS (and i'm sure for the girls) when people come in meet with them and then another week goes by that they haven't been adopted. We're hopeful with this fun video of them being silly that this will finally be their time to shine!
For more info visit our website of give us a call 1-4PM 308-635-0922.
He has been adopted!!
Crookshanks is the only cat available in our adoption room and I can’t seem to grasp why because just look at this destinguished gentlemen! Crooks brings so much light and joy into every room he walks into he is truly a great companion he’s always right next to you when you’re doing any and everything! Who wouldn’t want an absolute sweetheart of a cat to go home to after a long day of work?! Come meet Crookshanks today you will love him (sometimes he hides in cupboards or on top of kennels don’t be afraid to look for him)!
Earl being cute!
Earl Grey is his name and boy is he a heart stealer through and through he melts all of the staffs hearts with his sweet personality! You can see Earl in this video melting into me while giving him pets and it’s just the sweetest thing!
Patrick being the cutest boy!
Patrick was adopted!!
Patrick is known for his mega biscuits and his extraordinarily loud purrs here at PHS Patrick has flourished into one of the best kitties I've personally dealt with he is always so affectionate with people and will flop over for belly rubs at any given chance! You can hear just how loud Patricks purrs are from listening to this video and they just warm my heart as soon as I hear them each morning. Patrick is a senior kitty at almost 9 years old but that doesn't stop him from being as spunky as a kitten, Patrick enjoys spending his off time playing in heaps of catnip that's his favorite past time hands down! If you are interested in this sweet boy please come in to PHS and meet him today you will not regret your decisions... in fact you may just leave with a cat!!
Maddie and Riley
Riley and Maddie are just like two peas in a pod! Best buddies, yet capable of being totally independent.
These two are an absolute blast to watch when they get out and play! You really can’t help but smile and laugh watching them and their antics!
These girls would be amazing as the only dogs in a home, however would make great companions on their own with new friends.
Interested in meeting these pretty girls? Stop by and ask to meet them today. We are open from 1pm-4pm.
Gerald would like to be the first to let the world know that he is a meerkat undercover as a cat! Gerald has the sweetest personality as you can tell from this video he is just a big ol' love! All your home is missing is this cat right here he is the light of every room he enters you will never enter a room where he's at and not hear his handsome meow and see his beautiful face! Stop in anytime were open and meet with this guy you will not regret your decision in doing so!
Sarge getting great pets!
Update: Sarge has been adopted!!
Sarge is the kind of cat for people who want a super friendly cat that's always around the corner waiting for pets because truly that's all this sweet boy wants is a home that will give him all the love he can get! Sarge has been at PHS for almost two months and its shocking to the staff because all we see is a sweet boy longing for his forever home where he can make his bed on your nearest window sill. If you have a spot in your heart and home for a big tom cat stop on in please and give Sarge a chance!!
Doozie playing with a ball!
Doozie boy is one of the goofiest dogs I have met working at PHS he is so silly when you take him out to the run he'll pretend to grab the toy and then just get more excited because he's missing it! Doozie we have come to find out does absolutely fantastic with other dogs he met a couple other dogs in adoption and he has loved everyone he's met so far so if you have a dog that could use a friend look no further because Doozie could be the guy for you! Doozie gives the best cuddles also, you get down on his level and he just crawls into your lap and nestles in it's gotta be the sweetest thing I've ever seen! If you are interested in Doozie come on in to PHS and meet him out of the kennel you will not regret it you will fall instantly in love with this sweet boy!