Our Open Letter to the NSBA - National Snaffle Bit Association calling the membership and exhibitors to request allowance for Brooke Ketchum to participate in the World Show with her wheelchair/other mobility aid. The NSBA is a great association. They just need to know what the membership wants. Folks, every single one of us is just one virus, misstep or accident away from being disabled. This matters for EVERYONE. PLEASE take a moment to read and another moment to send an email to the NSBA. You are fully welcome to use this letter or one of your own. Email: [email protected]
Memo To: National Snaffle Bit Association From: [Your Name] Date: July 31, 2024 Subject: PLEASE LET BROOKE KETCHUM SHOW - Inclusion of Equestrians with Disabilities in NSBA-Sanctioned Events Importance of Allowing Equestrians with Disabilities Access to NSBA-Sanctioned Events Dear NSBA Board Me...