We have been helping Sweet Lola for several years now with her medical care and food. Received an urgent call from her mom last night saying Lola was very sick and the vet suspected pyometra, she needed surgery asap. She didn’t have the funds and needed our help and we said yes.
Her surgery was this morning, we were very worried about her as her bloodwork was concerning, she was almost septic.
Thankfully, we just got this message from her owner :
Dr kraabel just called. She's is out of surgery and doing well! He said she remained stable throughout, they didn't need to do anything extra because her blood pressure remained stable, and he said it was definitely her uterus (big and yucky). They're going to keep her on iv fluids for now and I can pick her up around 4. He said she'll be sent home with a couple antibiotics and she'll need to do some follow up lab test in about a week. I am beyond grateful for you to have been brought into our lives. You are one of earths angels. Lola is one tough girl, shes endured so much in her life. She's my best friend and has the most beautiful soul. She has been with me during some very very hard times, and vice versa! I am so thankful to be given more time to share with her.
We are grateful that AARF was in the position to help Lola and her mom so that they will have many more years together❤️