Stop by and say hi! Check out cats for adoption, learn about how to save lives by fostering!
6500 Pacific Coast Hwy
Long Beach CA
Petco Love
Come out and say hi!
Thank you to Assistance League of Long Beach for hosting!
Join us for 4th on 4th! Historic 4th street in Long Beach, hosted by Assistance League of Long Beach!
ADOPTION EVENT! Join us at Petco on Saturday March 1 from 11-2pm and meet cuties like Zoey, Zara, Marble, Jett, Pebbles & Milo!
JUST RESCUED! While we are grateful to be able to get these little ones, these are exactly the kinds of kittens - sick, with respiratory infections - that too often don’t make it out of public shelters. #fosteringsaveslives #spayandneuter #kittenrescue
This beautiful gal is Mary Poppins! She was a doting mom to her own kittens, long since adopted, and even cared for other foster kittens.
She wonders, when will it be her turn? Where is her forever person? If it can be you, let us know! If not, can you please share? It just takes that one right person to see.
She is in the Long Beach/Orange County CA area
(Ask about ‘foster to adopt’!)
These rescued kittens now have names! They’re a bit of a mess with eye and respiratory infections which put them on the urgent/euthanasia list at a shelter. This kind of intensive medical care required takes time and money but these are the cats who need to be rescued. #fosteringsaveslives
Your donation helps us care for little ones like these!