Paw Protectors Rescue

Paw Protectors Rescue Logan vs. OC Animal Care was the game changer that brought much needed shelter reform to OC Animal Care. Serving Community.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is simple:

Saving Animals. Paw Protectors Rescue was founded in 2011 with the dedicated goal of helping to alleviate the problem of overcrowding and euthanasia in the Southern California Municipal Shelters. Paw Protectors Rescue is a non profit, no kill, all volunteer animal rescue. Paw Protectors Rescue is dedicated to rescuing animals that have been left homeless

, abandoned, neglected, abused, the animals that are at most risk in the high kill California municipal public shelters. Paw Protectors Rescue is also dedicated to Shelter Reform in So. Cal, helping high kill shelters, animal advocates and rescues in Southern California reform their local municipal tax payer funded shelters. Paw Protectors Rescue is the game changer that ushered in Shelter Reform at OC Animal Care. Paw Protectors Rescue also dedicates our time and resources to helping low income families in Orange and LA County become responsible pet parents, we offer free spay and neuter services, pet food, flea medication and grooming to low income families. Adopt, Rescue, Advocate, Educate.

More news coverage of the Landmark Ruling against San Diego Humane Society's cruel, inhumane and unlawful cat dumping po...

More news coverage of the Landmark Ruling against San Diego Humane Society's cruel, inhumane and unlawful cat dumping policy.

A Victory for the true animal advocates and animal shelter reformists who chose to be on the right side of history!

This is how you effectuate true, viable, sustainable shelter reform.

Judge says Humane Society illegally returned cats to streets
by Leo PlaceDecember 30, 2024.

SAN DIEGO — A judge has ruled against the San Diego Humane Society in a recent lawsuit over its practice of releasing cats back to the streets without a confirmed caretaker, stating that doing so constitutes unlawful abandonment.

The Dec. 20 ruling from Judge Katherine Bacal came down following a bench trial in San Diego Superior Court, nearly four years after the Pet Assistance Foundation, a Southern California grassroots organization focused on spay-neuter programs, first filed its lawsuit against the Humane Society.

The complaint argued that under the Humane Society’s Community Cat Program, the Humane Society unlawfully turns away stray cats brought in by residents and returns them to the street when they should be brought into their shelter program, making them susceptible to pain, suffering and cruelty.

A judge ruled that the San Diego Humane Society's release of cats back to the streets without a confirmed caretaker is unlawful.

More news coverage of the Landmark Ruling against San Diego Humane Society's cruel, inhumane and unlawful cat dumping po...

More news coverage of the Landmark Ruling against San Diego Humane Society's cruel, inhumane and unlawful cat dumping policy.

A Victory for the true animal advocates and animal shelter reformists who chose to be on the right side of history!

This is how you effectuate true, viable, sustainable shelter reform.

Judge says Humane Society illegally returned cats to streets
by Leo PlaceDecember 30, 2024.

SAN DIEGO — A judge has ruled against the San Diego Humane Society in a recent lawsuit over its practice of releasing cats back to the streets without a confirmed caretaker, stating that doing so constitutes unlawful abandonment.

The Dec. 20 ruling from Judge Katherine Bacal came down following a bench trial in San Diego Superior Court, nearly four years after the Pet Assistance Foundation, a Southern California grassroots organization focused on spay-neuter programs, first filed its lawsuit against the Humane Society.

The complaint argued that under the Humane Society’s Community Cat Program, the Humane Society unlawfully turns away stray cats brought in by residents and returns them to the street when they should be brought into their shelter program, making them susceptible to pain, suffering and cruelty.

A judge ruled that the San Diego Humane Society's release of cats back to the streets without a confirmed caretaker is unlawful.

We have the Court Reporter's Trancript from the landmark ruling PAF v. San Diego Humane Society! A Huge Victory For the ...

We have the Court Reporter's Trancript from the landmark ruling PAF v. San Diego Humane Society!

A Huge Victory For the True Animal Advocates On The Right Side Of History!!

The Truth Won!
The Facts Won!
The Law Won!
And Most Importantly The Cats Won! 💪💪👊🏼👊🏼.

Do Better San Diego Humane Society!

There you have it! Ruling that San Diego Humane Society is indeed VIOLATING California Animal Protection laws by dumping friendly cats by the thousands on our streets…while being paid handsomely by San Diego taxpayers to care for them. Deceiving the community- closed cat adoption centers and started dumping cats for the coyotes, traffic, no food or water or caregivers.

The text from the court transcript is below.
If anyone would like a copy of the transcript please email or text us.

In The Superior Court Of The State Of California
In And For The County Of San Diego
Department 63; Hon. KATHERINE BACAL, Judge
vs. ) Case No. 37-2021-00007375
and SPCA, ) Defendants. )
Reporter's Transcript
DECEMBER 20, 2024

For Plaintiff(s): Pease Law APC

3960 Point Loma Bouleverd W H-2562, San Diego, California 92110

Bryan Pease, Esq.
Parisa Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Esq.

Also present
For Defendant(s): O'Melveny & Myers LLP Two Embarcadero Center, 28th Floor San Francisco, California 94111 Chris Hollinger, Esq.
Betsy Denhart (Pet Assistance Foundation)

DECEMBER 20, 2024; San Diego, California 2:16 P.M.
THE COURT: Pet Assistance versus San Diego
Humane Society. My apologies to all of you for keeping you waiting; it's not always like that. I do have a request for appointment of court reporter that I'm signing at this time. The matter is being reported.

We'll get appearances for the record, please.
MR. PEASE: Good afternoon, your Honor. Bryan Pease representing plaintiffs Pet Assistance and Terrence Higgins.
MS. IJADI-MAGHSOODI: Good afternoon, your Honor Parisa Ijadi-Maghsoodi also representing plaintiffs.

MR. PEASE: And we have Betsy Denhart from Pet Assistance Foundation as well.
MR. HOLLINGER: Chris Hollinger representing the defendant, San Diego Humane Society.

THE COURT: Good afternoon to everyone. Again, my apologies for keeping you waiting. I appreciated the briefing; I certainly appreciated the argument and the testimony.

This is and has been one of the most
interesting cases that I have had. This is the Court's intended decision under the Rules of Court, in particular,
3.1590(a), it will become the Court's statement of decision unless a party timely requests a statement of

If a statement of decision is timely requested, plaintiff will be ordered to file and serve the proposed
statement of decision pursuant to the Rules of Court with, under the San Diego Superior Court local rules, a courtesy
copy directly to this department.

The Court states that all deadlines in the
California Rules of Court apply unless the parties
stipulate to some other time frame in which case the Courtwould be happy to accept the stipulation. If I could accept a stipulation that would avoid anyone working over
the holidays, I would be happy to do that.
If there is no appropriate request for statement of decision, plaintiffs will be directed to prepare a
proposed judgment, serving that on the other side pursuant to the timeframes in the Rules of Court.

The Court notes that according to the first
amended petition, there are two remaining causes of action: For injunctive and declaratory relief. In a
nutshell, the question was: Does San Diego Humane Society's policy that, with some limited exceptions, only cats with verifiable signs of ownership will be received
into the shelter and, otherwise, healthy cats, whether feral or friendly, will be back into the community violates any law.

Before I get to the heart of the ruling, I do
want to mention that it is the Court's view that everybody who came and testified in this court wants what they
believe is the best for the cat population and cats in general.

The difference of opinion as to what these
people believe is best results, at least in part, from the parties differing viewpoints. San Diego Humane Society is looking at it from a cat population perspective, maybe
more appropriately, a sheltered cat population perspective while the plaintiffs are looking at it from the perspective that the animals with which they come into

That doesn't mean that any side or either side doesn't want what's best -- or what they believe is best.

It's not the Court's obligation to decide what is best for any animals. The only obligation is to decide what is lawful.

In that regard, the Court looked at all of the
statutory authorities cited by the parties, including Penal Code Section 597(s) dealing with willful abandonment; Penal Code 597.1 dealing with the Humane
Society officers' requirement to take possession of stray and/or abandoned animals that don't have proper care and
attention; and, further, being required to provide care and treatment until that animal can be returned to its owner; and Civil Code Section 1860(c) stating that a
shelter with whom a abandoned animal is deposited is required to take charge of it.

I also reviewed closely the county -- excuse
me -- the Humane Society's contract with the county. I note that pursuant to Exhibit 310, page 5 of 16 of that
exhibit, paragraph 7, San Diego Humane Society is required to pick up and care for stray, domestic animals contained
by residents and found within the city limits.

I also note I've reviewed the exhibits that were received into evidence, again, along with the applicable case law. Domestic would seem to me not feral.

Under the statutes, feral means unsocialized to people. I would also note that I reviewed closely the testimony of the
experts and, in particular, plaintiff's -- excuse me - defendant's expert Dr. Hurley who testified that she was not aware that San Diego Humane Society requires verifiable proof of ownership.

And she noted other indicia of ownership or
abandonment might include a cat suddenly showing up in a location, especially if that cat is spayed or neutered, and that there could be other issues with regard to kittens, meaning, cats up to six months of age.

In closing brief, the defendant seemed to change the policy or at least the argument as to that San Diego Humane Society's policy from verifiable signs of ownership
to reliable indicia of ownership, but that is not the current policy.

And I will cite to Exhibit 310, Exhibit F
which states what the current policy of the Humane Society is.

The Court finds that including domesticated cats in the definition of community cats and returning to the community domesticated cat without a known caretaker would
violate the law and that the San Diego Humane Society policy as to kittens who are assessed for sociability before they are taken in is too narrow.

That's the Court's finding. Again, I direct the
plaintiff to prepare a proposed statement of decision if this is a request for a statement of decision.
Any questions?
MR. PEASE: Not from plaintiffs, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right.
MR. HOLLINGER: Nothing for the defendant, your

THE COURT: Nice to see all of you again. Thank
(Proceeding concluded at 2:23 p.m.)

San Diego Humane Society Fought The Law And The Law Won! 💪💪👊🏼👊🏼Do Better San Diego Humane Society!Judge Bacal’s ruling f...

San Diego Humane Society Fought The Law And The Law Won! 💪💪👊🏼👊🏼

Do Better San Diego Humane Society!

Judge Bacal’s ruling finally acknowledges what so many real animal advocates have been fighting to highlight all along: shelters must not abdicate their responsibility to care for these vulnerable animals.

This decision is a monumental step forward, not just for San Diego but for shelters nationwide.

This isn't a local city or county municipal Law. This is a State Law.

Judge Rules Against San Diego Humane Society’s Community Cat Program
Landmark Ruling Sends Ripples Through Animal Welfare Practices Nationwide

A California court has issued a landmark ruling that could reshape how shelters across the country manage free-roaming cats. Judge Katherine Bacal ruled against the San Diego Humane Society (SDHS) on Friday (12/20/24), finding that its practice of releasing friendly, adoptable cats under its Community Cat Program (CCP) violates California animal protection laws, including Hayden’s Law. The decision underscores the legal and ethical obligations of shelters to care for stray and abandoned animals and raises critical questions about the future of animal welfare policies nationwide.

Landmark Ruling Challenges Shelters Nationwide to Rethink Policies on Adoptable Cats and Accountability in Animal Welfare Practices

Front Page Cover of San Diego Union Tribune. 💪💪👊🏼👊🏼San Diego Humane Society Fought The Law And The Law One! In a Landmar...

Front Page Cover of San Diego Union Tribune.
San Diego Humane Society Fought The Law And The Law One!

In a Landmark Ruling Judge Bacal states San Diego Humane Society's RTF program aka Dumping Cats for Stats is Illegal and constitutes animal abandonment under CA State Law, Specifically CA Penal Code 597s.

Judge rules San Diego Humane Society’s policy of returning cats to community violates law.

The decision is a victory for the animal rights groups and people who sued over the Community Cats Program.

In a Landmark Ruling Judge Bacal states San Diego Humane Society's RTF program aka Dumping Cats for Stats is Illegal and constitutes animal abandonment under CA State Law, Specifically CA Penal Code 597s.

It was amazing to see that the Plaintifff's side was filled up and only one person showed up to sit on SDHS and that was an SDHD employee.

It was also very telling that big old law firm O'Melveny & Myers that SDHS hired and at one time had 8 attorneys sitting in the courtroom during the trial didn't even show up in court today for the ruling but instead chose to participate remotely!

Do Better San Diego Humane Society!

The decision is a victory for the animal rights groups and people who sued over the Community Cats Program

BREAKING NEWS:SDHS fought the law and the law won! 💪💪👊🏼👊🏼David Slew Goliath!! Quote from the amazing Nationally Recogniz...


SDHS fought the law and the law won!

David Slew Goliath!!

Quote from the amazing Nationally Recognized Animal Rights Lawyer Bryan Pease:

"We Won"!! The Cats Won"!!

The judge ruled in our favor.

The law was on our side and the judge did an amazing job!!

The law is the law.

A Huge Debt of Gratitude and Thanks to Bryan Pease & Parisa Ijadi-Maghsoodi of Pease & Ijadi and David Tennenbaum who spent 4.5 years fighting San Diego Humane Society.

Quote from Betsy Denhart PAF:

It's a good day for cats and the people who love them!!

The the evil doers at San Diego Humane Society lost.

In the landmark case Pet Assistance Foundation, Paw Protectors Rescue et al vs. San Diego Humane Society, SDHS was sued for releasing healthy, friendly, adoptable, non feral cats under the guise of a community cat program.

Judge Bacal ruled that releasing Friendly cats into the community without a caregiver violates state law and equals abandonment Specifically under California Penal Code. 597s.

Judge Bacal stated that San Diego Humane Society's contract with the county states SDHS is required to take in and care for stray animals.

Judge Bacal stated that San Diego Humane Society's own expert witness Dr. Kate Hurley was not aware of SDHS verifiable proof of ownership of friendly cats.

Judge Bacal stated that in San Diego Humane Society's closing brief that changed San Diego Humane Society changed their position.

We won because of the facts! The facts supported that what San Diego Humane Society is doing violated CA State Law.

This Landmark ruling also sent a clear message that San Diego Humane Society even as a Government Entity Taxpayer Funded Animal Shelter is not above the law and that their Humane Officers, Shelter Directors and Expert Witnesses are not the authority, the law is.

This Landmark Ruling also sent a clear message that San Diego Humane Society does not get to operate with immunity.

San Bernardino City Animal Services and Long Beach Animal Care Services we are coming for you if you don't immediately stop your RTF program.

BREAKING NEWS:SDHS fought the law and the law won! David Slew Goliath!! Quote from the amazing Nationally Recognized Ani...


SDHS fought the law and the law won!

David Slew Goliath!!

Quote from the amazing Nationally Recognized Animal Rights Lawyer Bryan Pease:

"We Won"!! The Cats Won"!!

The judge ruled in our favor.

The law was on our side and the judge did an amazing job!!

The law is the law.

A Huge Debt of Gratitude and Thanks to Bryan Pease & Parisa Ijadi-Maghsoodi of Pease & Ijadi and David Tennenbaum who spent 4.5 years fighting San Diego Humane Society.

Quote from Betsy Denhart PAF:

It's a good day for cats and the people who love them!!

The the evil doers at San Diego Humane Society lost.

In the landmark case Pet Assistance Foundation, Paw Protectors Rescue et al vs. San Diego Humane Society, SDHS was sued for releasing healthy, friendly, adoptable, non feral cats under the guise of a community cat program.

Judge Bacal ruled that releasing Friendly cats into the community without a caregiver violates state law and equals abandonment Specifically under California Penal Code. 597s.

Judge Bacal stated that San Diego Humane Society's contract with the county states SDHS is required to take in and care for stray animals.

Judge Bacal stated that San Diego Humane Society's own expert witness Dr. Kate Hurley was not aware of SDHS verifiable proof of ownership of friendly cats.

Judge Bacal stated that in San Diego Humane Society's closing brief that changed San Diego Humane Society changed their position.

We won because of the facts! The facts supported that what San Diego Humane Society is doing violated CA State Law.

This Landmark ruling also sent a clear message that San Diego Humane Society even as a Government Entity Taxpayer Funded Animal Shelter is not above the law and that their Humane Officers, Shelter Directors and Expert Witnesses are not the authority, the law is.

This Landmark Ruling also sent a clear message that San Diego Humane Society does not get to operate with immunity.

San Bernardino City Animal Services and Long Beach Animal Care Services we are coming for you if you don't immediately stop your RTF program.

Excellent Well Written and A Must Read! Per Fix Our Shelters:Turning away friendly cats and kittens is inhumane!  This i...

Excellent Well Written and A Must Read!

Per Fix Our Shelters:

Turning away friendly cats and kittens is inhumane!

This is a landmark case!

The Battle Over Community Cats: A Legal Showdown That Could Redefine Animal Welfare.

This case exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

The verdict in the Pet Assistance Foundation lawsuit against San Diego Humane Society for turning away friendly cats and kittens will be given this Friday December 20th, San Diego Courthouse, Department 63, Judge Bacal, 1:30 pm. Will you show up for the cats and kitties and attend the reading of the verdict?

As Animal Welfare writer Ed Boks so astutely asks in this illuminating article regarding the fate of cats and kittens across our country: "Is SDHS’s program a humane solution to overcrowding, or illegal abandonment under California law? The answer could reshape the future of animal sheltering."

What Fix Our Shelters knows for sure is that this practice is ABSOLUTELY illegal under California's Hayden's law and under most animal protection laws throughout our country.

All of the players who have advanced these these ILLEGAL and UNCONSCIONABLE practices are complicit in causing the pain, suffering and death of MILLIONS of INNOCENT CATS and KITTENS across California and our Country. San Diego Humane Societies lobbyist Jennifer Fearing, who helped secure $50 MILLION in taxpayer funds for Kate Hurley -UCD Koret to further these illegal practices of "reduced intake" are complicit in this conspiracy to violate law. Kate Hurley-UCD Koret was even San Diego Humane's expert witness. This case exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

Turning away FRIENDLY CATS AND KITTENS is ILLEGAL and has caused the suffering, pain and death of MILLIONS of cats across California and our Country. Complicit also is Cal Animals, Maddies Fund, Best Friends, Julie Levy and University of Florida et al and every single POUND Director who implements these illegal and heartless programs.

For years we have all been brainwashed into thinking these programs were legal. They are not. We expect WIN OR LOSE this case will be appealed. We will fight for our beloved cats and kittens all the way to the SUPREME COURT if need be.

SHOW UP ADVOCATES! Cats and Kittens NEED US now more than ever!

San Diego Courthouse, Hall of Justice.
330 W Broadway, San Diego, CA.

A landmark case challenges how shelters balance humane treatment, public safety, and accountability in managing free-roaming cats.

Excellent Well Written and A Must Read! Per Fix Our Shelters:Turning away friendly cats and kittens is inhumane!  This i...

Excellent Well Written and A Must Read!

Per Fix Our Shelters:

Turning away friendly cats and kittens is inhumane!

This is a landmark case!

The Battle Over Community Cats: A Legal Showdown That Could Redefine Animal Welfare.

This case exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

The verdict in the Pet Assistance Foundation lawsuit against San Diego Humane Society for turning away friendly cats and kittens will be given this Friday December 20th, San Diego Courthouse, Department 63, Judge Bacal, 1:30 pm. Will you show up for the cats and kitties and attend the reading of the verdict?

As Animal Welfare writer Ed Boks so astutely asks in this illuminating article regarding the fate of cats and kittens across our country: "Is SDHS’s program a humane solution to overcrowding, or illegal abandonment under California law? The answer could reshape the future of animal sheltering."

What Fix Our Shelters knows for sure is that this practice is ABSOLUTELY illegal under California's Hayden's law and under most animal protection laws throughout our country.

All of the players who have advanced these these ILLEGAL and UNCONSCIONABLE practices are complicit in causing the pain, suffering and death of MILLIONS of INNOCENT CATS and KITTENS across California and our Country. San Diego Humane Societies lobbyist Jennifer Fearing, who helped secure $50 MILLION in taxpayer funds for Kate Hurley -UCD Koret to further these illegal practices of "reduced intake" are complicit in this conspiracy to violate law. Kate Hurley-UCD Koret was even San Diego Humane's expert witness. This case exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

Turning away FRIENDLY CATS AND KITTENS is ILLEGAL and has caused the suffering, pain and death of MILLIONS of cats across California and our Country. Complicit also is Cal Animals, Maddies Fund, Best Friends, Julie Levy and University of Florida et al and every single POUND Director who implements these illegal and heartless programs.

For years we have all been brainwashed into thinking these programs were legal. They are not. We expect WIN OR LOSE this case will be appealed. We will fight for our beloved cats and kittens all the way to the SUPREME COURT if need be.

SHOW UP ADVOCATES! Cats and Kittens NEED US now more than ever!

San Diego Courthouse, Hall of Justice.
330 W Broadway, San Diego, CA.

A landmark case challenges how shelters balance humane treatment, public safety, and accountability in managing free-roaming cats.

The Lawsuit Against San Diego Humane Society was Featured on The Cover of The San Diego Union Tribune. Find out why this...

The Lawsuit Against San Diego Humane Society was Featured on The Cover of The San Diego Union Tribune.

Find out why this case could change animal welfare practices nationwide.

The Judge will be making her landmark ruling this Friday, December 20 at 1:30 p.m.

This is a landmark case.

Adoptable or feral? Lawsuit challenges San Diego shelter’s program to return cats to the outdoors
The case questions the breadth of San Diego Humane Society "community cats" program, which returns cats to where they were found.

No one expects to find kittens left in their driveway. But there they were, two curious little cats.

Dumped? Abandoned? Lost? Whatever led them here, this is coyote country, and April Hebert simply could not abide that fate. The San Marcos woman made flyers and Facebook posts and took them to a vet to check for microchips. (They had none.) The cats must be easily adoptable, she figured, so she reached out to the San Diego Humane Society, expecting the shelter would take them in.

But that was not the case. Hebert said she was told these healthy 6-month-old cats likely would become non-adoptable “community cats.” And that meant they would be sterilized, vaccinated, evaluated, have an ear-tipped then released back where they were found — in this case, her cul-de-sac along a canyon.

Experiences like hers with the San Diego Humane Society’s Community Cats Program are at the heart of a lawsuit from two pet rescue groups and two individual plaintiffs that is set to be decided this week. The suit alleges the organization routes into the program friendly strays or abandoned cats the plaintiffs argue are adoptable.

The case questions the breadth of San Diego Humane Society “community cats” program, which returns cats to where they were found


Seal Beach, CA


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Our Story

Logan vs. OC Animal Care was the game changer that brought much needed shelter reform to OC Animal Care.

Paw Protectors Rescue The Gold Standard In Rescue Is A Public Non Profit Corporation incorporated in the State of California specializing in Dog Rescue. We are a recognized 501c3, as of March 2011.

Sharon Logan and her team of attorneys successfully sued OC Animal Care as the Plaintiff in the ground breaking lawsuit: Logan vs. OC Animal Care, Sharon Logan and her team of attorneys sued OC Animal Care over their high euthanasia rates and numerous violations of the Hayden Act.

Paw Protectors Rescue is humbled by the effect, impact and the far reaching ground breaking Logan vs. OC Animal Care lawsuit has had all across the nation. Paw Protectors Rescue had an attorney from Northern California trying to initiate shelter reform in Northern California reach out to us and say, I’ve heard the story of Logan vs. OC Animal Care like 20,000 times, I would like to hear the story directly from you.