CUDDLY We are a free fundraising and wishlist platform dedicated to helping non-profit animal organizations

GRAPHIC: Critical Kitten Found With His Mutilated Back Leg Dangling By A Thread & Crawling With Maggots...⁠DONATE: https...

GRAPHIC: Critical Kitten Found With His Mutilated Back Leg Dangling By A Thread & Crawling With Maggots...⁠


Meet our , Frito! In the late hours of one recent evening, Dallas Pets Alive received a desperate call. A tiny, helpless kitten had been found shrieking in agony, one of his back legs grotesquely mangled, and he was in urgent need of immediate care. ⁠

Frito's back leg was almost completely detached. Maggots feasted on what little remained of his flayed flesh, and a raging infection had set in. His condition was critical. His fur was filthy and crawling with fleas, and his eyes held nothing but pain. The maggots were relentless, eating away at the already damaged tissue of his dangling back leg. His survival was uncertain, and immediate intervention was his only hope.⁠

The medical team sprang into action as soon as Frito arrived at the clinic. Our dedicated vet partners worked tirelessly through the night to get him stable and remove as many maggots as possible. Despite their best efforts, the prognosis for his leg was grim. After careful evaluation, the decision was made to transport Frito to Mazie's Mission for further evaluation and a comprehensive care plan. It became clear that amputating his mangled leg was the only option to save his life—but Frito was not yet stable enough for surgery. ⁠

Although Frito's journey to recovery is just beginning, his vet bills are already mounting and we desperately need your help! Please consider contributing to his medical fund or donating any items from his wish list of supplies. We will keep you updated as Frito's recovery continues. Thank you for your generous support!⁠


Frito is being cared for by Dallas Pets Alive in Carrollton, TX

Starved To Just 25lbs, English Bulldog Loses HALF His Body Weight After Severe and Prolonged Neglect...DONATE: https://b...

Starved To Just 25lbs, English Bulldog Loses HALF His Body Weight After Severe and Prolonged Neglect...


A Bulldog doesn’t drop from 50 to 25 pounds overnight. Someone watched Maynard deteriorate and did nothing to help him.

Found by Animal Control, Maynard had collapsed in the triple-digit heat on the streets of San Antonio, TX. He was covered in ticks, f***s, and urine, and every bone was visible. He was anemic, dehydrated, and actively dying. His delicate frame was covered in sores, likely from taking shelter under scorching hot cars.

When we heard of Maynard's arrival at the shelter, we immediately arranged to take him in. So weak he could barely walk, he was rushed right to the vet. He required an emergency life-saving blood transfusion, and diagnostic tests revealed one problem after another.

Maynard was FILLED with intestinal parasites, and he had TWO tick-borne illnesses, Ehrlichia and Anaplasma. His liver was extremely damaged, likely by a parasite called Heterobilharzia, which he may have contracted from drinking contaminated water. This led to extreme weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. He was also diagnosed with Pneumonia. Even worse, Maynard has such a severe case of Megaesophagus that his body is completely incapable of transporting food or liquids to his stomach without the help of gravity. It is truly a miracle this poor boy was found alive.

Maynard was hospitalized and received aggressive treatment. Finally, he started to improve and was released into the care of a medical foster. He is on a strict regimen of small and frequent meals to help him safely gain weight without overwhelming his delicate system, along with continuous treatment to support his ongoing medical needs.

Maynard has a VERY long way to go on the road to recovery, and we can't do this alone. Please consider contributing to his medical fund, or donating any items from his wish list of supplies. We will continue to keep you updated on his progress. Thank you for your invaluable support.


Maynard is being cared for by Austin Bulldog Rescue in Austin, TX

ABUSE INVESTIGATION: Young Puppy Has Her Head Barbarically Bashed In & Her Body Brutalized By Vile Humans...⁠DONATE: htt...

ABUSE INVESTIGATION: Young Puppy Has Her Head Barbarically Bashed In & Her Body Brutalized By Vile Humans...⁠


When Mara arrived in the care of our local shelter, she had been deformed and disfigured by the abuse she had experienced. The trauma to her delicate skull was SO severe that it was covered in swollen lumps and she had multiple broken teeth. In addition, one of her front legs was broken so badly that it dangled unnaturally from the elbow joint, barely usable. ⁠

Mara is part of an active animal cruelty investigation, so we're legally unable to share much about her case at this time. However, we can say that she had been so badly abused that local authorities immediately stepped in to remove her from an extremely dangerous situation. ⁠

After saving her from euthanasia at the local shelter, we fought alongside Mara for weeks while she received care for her battered skull, clinging to the hope that we could save her shattered leg. Even after regular cast changes, endless vet visits, and countless sleepless nights, the miracle we hoped for never came. ⁠

Despite all our efforts, the bone in her leg refused to heal. The damage done by those disgusting humans was irreparable. The only option left to give Mara a pain-free future is to amputate her mangled limb.⁠

However, the cost of the amputation, combined with the ongoing medical treatment she desperately needs, is overwhelming. This next phase of care could set us back up to $1,900 for the operation alone. ⁠

Although she was given every reason to mistrust and shut down, Mara has chosen to see the goodness of the world. Every day, Mara chooses love, even after being shown the very worst of humanity.⁠

Please consider making a contribution to help us with the cost of Mara's life-saving medical care, or donating any items from her wish list of essential supplies. We will keep you updated on her progress and share more about her case if and when we can. Thank you so much for your invaluable support.⁠


Mara is being cared for by Gabbys Animal Rescue, Inc. in Visalia, CA

Pup Suffers From AGONIZINGLY Ruptured Ears, OBLITERATED By Excruciating Growths That Will Leave Her PERMANENTLY DEAF...D...

Pup Suffers From AGONIZINGLY Ruptured Ears, OBLITERATED By Excruciating Growths That Will Leave Her PERMANENTLY DEAF...


Juno's story is one of quiet suffering and unimaginable pain. Rescued as a stray by local Animal Control, her life on the streets has left her body irreparably damaged.

When Juno arrived at our rescue from the shelter, it was immediately clear that something was terribly wrong. Her ears were horrifically swollen and filled with painful papillomas. We were dumbfounded as to how anyone could have allowed them to get so bad. For Juno, every sound was like nails on a chalkboard and every movement was pure agony.

Papillomas are benign growths caused by the papillomavirus, often appearing as small, cauliflower-like lumps on the skin. In Juno's case, these growths inside her ear canals caused severe pain, chronic inflammation, and infections, significantly impairing her hearing and affecting her quality of life.

We transported Juno to the vet, where her doctors quickly realized the severity of her condition. She was diagnosed with a debilitating ear condition that required immediate and drastic intervention—a double Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA). This complex surgery involves the complete removal of both ear canals, a necessary procedure to end her suffering and the relentless infections. The cost of this life-saving surgery has exceeded $2,000, a mounting cost that we are struggling to cover alone.

Thankfully, the surgery was a success, but Juno's recovery is far from over. The pain that once dominated her life is finally beginning to subside, but she still has A LOT of healing to do. Her dedicated veterinary team is closely monitoring her progress, ensuring she receives the best possible care as she begins to heal. But the truth of the matter is that we cannot continue without your help.

Juno has gone through more than any dog should, and her fight is not yet finished. The costs of her care are overwhelming and still climbing, and we urgently need your help to ensure she can continue on her path to a pain-free future. Please consider donating to support Juno’s recovery and help her finally find the peace and comfort she has been waiting for. Thank you.


Juno is being cared for by Southern States Bully Rescue in Lutz, FL

Two Hairless, Mange-Ridden Puppies Found Wandering The Streets With Painful Scabs Covering Their Tiny Bodies...DONATE: h...

Two Hairless, Mange-Ridden Puppies Found Wandering The Streets With Painful Scabs Covering Their Tiny Bodies...


Two puppies were recently brought into our care after being found wandering alone through the busy and dangerous streets. Their young bodies were completely raw, with no fur, and covered in painful sores and irritated skin.

It's difficult to fathom the level of discomfort and fear that Honey and Bear must have endured. Although their past remains a mystery, it's evident these two brave pups barely survived through heartbreaking trauma. The bond they share is a testament to their resilience in the face of such hardship.

From their physical condition, we suspect they are suffering from severe mange—a debilitating skin disease caused by parasitic mites. They also need extensive treatment for the sores on their bodies and any underlying health issues that may have arisen due to prolonged neglect. Their sweet, innocent faces are still so full of hope, despite the torturous existence they have endured thus far. It's heartbreaking to consider the kind of lives these little babies have lived until now.

Honey and Bear will be receiving medicated baths and veterinary care to combat the mites causing their mange. Regular vet checks and ongoing treatment are crucial to ensure they recover fully. These puppies are now in a safe, caring environment where they'll never experience pain or abandonment again, but their healing journey is just beginning.

We urgently need donations to continue providing the critical care these puppies require. Please consider contributing to Honey and Bear's medical fund or donating any items from their wish list of supplies. Together, we can give them the second chance they deserve. Thank you for your invaluable support.


Honey and Bear are being cared for by Helping Hands Humane Society in Topeka, KS

URGENT: 41 Exploited Dogs Dumped At Our Doorstep After They Stopped Turning A Profit For Their Breeder...DONATE: https:/...

URGENT: 41 Exploited Dogs Dumped At Our Doorstep After They Stopped Turning A Profit For Their Breeder...


We are facing one of the most significant challenges in our rescue's history. In a single day, we unexpectedly welcomed FORTY-ONE DOGS (yes, you read that right) surrendered by local breeders who simply didn’t want them anymore. Each of these dogs is fearful, confused, and in need of IMMEDIATE care after having received NO prior medical treatment whatsoever.

These dogs have lived their entire lives exploited for profit, and they are JUST NOW learning what it means to be treated with respect, autonomy, and kindness. At the very least, they will need to be spayed and neutered, microchipped, and tested for deadly diseases such as Heartworm. Each also requires rabies shots and other vaccinations to ensure their future health. While we are ecstatic to be entrusted with these precious lives, we are extremely worried about how we are going to afford it all.

In addition to extensive medical care, we are desperately scrambling to gather enough food and supplies to care for these helpless souls. After everything they have lived through, they deserve the absolute best this world has to offer.

Our team has been working non-stop to assess and document their conditions, but the financial strain is immense. We are ensuring that every dog gets the attention and care they need from arranging temporary accommodations to scheduling vet appointments. Truly, we’re not leaving a SINGLE stone unturned. Yet, despite our unwavering efforts, the sheer VOLUME of medical needs has overwhelmed our current resources. We are committed to providing the best possible care, but we urgently need support NOW to help these dogs on their path to recovery.

Please consider contributing to their medical fund or donating any items from their wish list of essentials to ensure these 41 pups get the care they desperately need. Your support can make a life-changing difference. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


These 41 dogs are being cared for by Saving Hope Animal Rescue in Fort Worth, TX


Senior Dog Heartlessly Abandoned In The Dense Forest As Her Body Deteriorated, A Giant Tumor Exploding On Her Belly...


Meet our , Lauren. Imagine finding senior pup Lauren abandoned and starving in the middle of the forest. Her frail body indicated extreme neglect, and it was impossible to miss the massive, ulcerated tumor on her abdomen—a glaring testament to the severe mistreatment she had endured.

Lauren didn't wind up like this overnight. Someone had been ignoring her suffering day by day until they chose to abandon her to fend for herself. The pain and hardship she must have faced are beyond comprehension. By the time someone finally noticed her, her body was overwhelmed with ticks that clung to her paws, burrowed in her ears, and hid under her fur.

Initial hospital tests confirmed the gravity of the situation. Lauren's health was in a dramatic decline, suffering from multiple ailments that prevented her from undergoing emergency surgery to remove her tumor. Thankfully, doctors found no cancer in any other part of her body, but Lauren was diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis, a tick-borne disease that further complicated her condition by pushing back the date of her critical tumor-removal operation.

Currently, Lauren requires her dressings to be changed twice daily, with the tumor continuously draining bloody secretion. The veterinary team is doing everything they can to stabilize her health. She's on a stringent treatment regimen of medication and is continuously monitored for any changes in her condition. The road to recovery for Lauren is steep, but with diligent care and time, there remains a faint glimmer of hope that she will receive the life-saving surgery she so urgently needs.

Please consider making a donation to help us give Lauren the golden years that she deserves. You can contribute to her medical fund or send any items from her wish list of essential supplies. Together, we can give this sweet old girl the life she's been waiting for. Thank you for your generous support.


Lauren is being cared for by Protect Animals Worldwide in Paraná, Brazil

We have an update on Levi!⁠DONATE: was found on the streets of Brazil completely emaciated, h...

We have an update on Levi!⁠


Levi was found on the streets of Brazil completely emaciated, his hairless body covered in gaping, maggot-filled holes. We rushed him to the ER, where he remained in critical condition for several days. He barely had the strength to stand. ⁠

Over the next several weeks we worked tirelessly to help Levi regain his strength. He remained in the hospital receiving around-the-clock monitoring while we painstakingly extracted the insects from his body. Eventually, Levi gained 5.5 lbs and was strong enough to undergo surgery to close his wounds!⁠

Since his surgery, Levi's skin has continued to heal and his body grows stronger with every passing day. His back wound is now completely healed, Levi is still receiving treatment for a papilloma in his mouth as he waits for his forever home!⁠

Levi's recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. Thanks to the invaluable support of CUDDLY supporters, Levi was able to get the life-saving care he urgently needed. As Levi's healing journey approaches an end, you can make a final show of support to help him prepare for this next chapter of his life by donating towards the rest of his care. ⁠

Thank you so much for helping to give this sweet boy a second chance. He is almost there.⁠


Levi is being cared for by Protect Animals Worldwide in Paraná, Brazil


Tiny, 8-Week-Old Starving Puppy Was Heartlessly Abandoned After Her Owner Moved Away Because She Was 'Sick'...


At just eight weeks old, little Peppermint Patty barely weighs 2 pounds. We recently received a call from a concerned neighbor when this little girl was found left behind after her owner moved away. This tiny, innocent puppy was barely clinging to survival by the time we got to her.

The neighbor who found her acted quickly, and soon Peppermint Patty arrived at the shelter. It was heartbreaking to see her in such a state—starving, terribly underweight, and her eyes goopy from a severe Upper Respiratory Infection. The sight of her frail body struggling for every breath was enough to break anyone's heart.

Our team at Tift Animal Rescue immediately sprang into action. Animal Control managed to get a hold of Peppermint Patty’s previous owner. They claimed they were planning on returning for her, but admitted to abandoning her due to her sickness. Thankfully, the authorities cited them for abandonment, ensuring justice for this sweet pup. She will not be returned to her previous owner.

Our focus is on helping Peppermint Patty to heal. Aside from being alarmingly underweight, she is also INFESTED with fleas and worms. She is unmistakably a Chihuahua mix, and despite her tiny frame and fragile condition, she has the spirit of a fighter. Around-the-clock care and monitoring, small and consistent meals, multiple rounds of deworming, flea baths, and an abundance of love are our tools to help her recover. Each day, we see small but encouraging signs of improvement, giving us hope that she will eventually regain her strength and health.

Our veterinary team has been instrumental in this journey, providing the utmost care and dedicated attention to her needs. From treating her Upper Respiratory Infection to ensuring she gets the necessary nutrition, their work has been crucial on her road to recovery. However, Peppermint Patty's fight is far from over, and her life still depends on extensive care and support.

Please consider contributing to Peppermint Patty's medical fund, or donating any essential items from her wish list of supplies. We will be sure to keep you updated on her progress as her recovery continues. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Peppermint Patty is being cared for by Tift Animal Rescue in Tifton, GA

In July, the CUDDLY Club community supported over 280 rescued animals with generous donations of much-needed supplies. ⁠...

In July, the CUDDLY Club community supported over 280 rescued animals with generous donations of much-needed supplies. ⁠

CUDDLY Club continues to serve as a beacon of hope for our shelter and rescue partners, providing the essential resources they need to save even more lives. ⁠

Join CUDDLY Club to begin your monthly donation and contribute to the next group of happily ever afters.



CRUELTY: An Investigation Is Ongoing After Suspected Bait Dog Is Found With Wounds & Scars Covering His Frail Body...⁠DO...

CRUELTY: An Investigation Is Ongoing After Suspected Bait Dog Is Found With Wounds & Scars Covering His Frail Body...⁠


Rocky was recently discovered, abandoned and wounded, believed to have been used as a bait dog—this devastating cruelty is now under investigation by authorities. His body is marred by scars and open wounds, evidence of the immeasurable pain and suffering he has endured.⁠

Bait dogs are trained to be submissive and used by dogfighters in many despicable ways, most commonly for the fighting dogs to practice on. Rocky is traumatized, physically and emotionally, by this unimaginable abuse and brutality. The suffering he has faced is difficult to comprehend, and yet, he greets everyone with a gentle demeanor, showing remarkable courage and resilience.⁠

Veterinarians have begun urgent medical treatments to address his extensive injuries. Rocky's road to recovery involves intricate medical procedures, pain management, and prolonged rehabilitation. His wounds are being meticulously treated, and alongside medical attention, he is receiving emotional support to help him heal.⁠

Committed, continuous care is needed to ensure his full recovery. However, the resources required are immense, and we are in desperate need of help to support this life-saving treatment.⁠

Rocky has been so brave and strong, but he cannot weather this next storm alone. Please consider contributing to his medical fund or donating any items from his wish list of essentials. We can't change his past, but together, we can give Rocky the life he's always hoped for. Thank you for your generous support.⁠

NOTE: Due to the active investigation, we are limited in the information we can share⁠


Rocky is being cared for by Oklahoma Pet Collective Society in Tulsa, OK

4-Week-Old Piglet Is ¼ The Size She Should Be & So Weak She Can Barely Lift Her Head...⁠DONATE:

4-Week-Old Piglet Is ¼ The Size She Should Be & So Weak She Can Barely Lift Her Head...⁠


We recently received an urgent call from our county shelter that shattered our hearts. Just miles away from us, a tiny piglet was clinging to life and desperately needed help.⁠

All we knew about Blossom was that she was just four weeks old and extremely fragile. She was barely a quarter of the size of her siblings, and her temperature was so low that her body was shutting down, and she was dangerously dehydrated.⁠

When the shelter brought Blossom to us, we immediately began life-saving care. We’ve been working around the clock, holding her in a heating pad, giving her warm fluids every 30 minutes, and administering formula through a syringe. She's so lethargic and has barely shown signs of improvement.⁠

Her first night with us was the hardest. We stayed awake all night, monitoring every breath and every tiny movement. Despite our exhaustion, we refused to give up. Now several days into her recovery, she perked up ever so slightly for the very first time—an encouraging sign, but we’re far from being out of the woods.⁠

Blossom’s first four weeks have been filled with hardship, as her siblings surpassed her in growth and strength, leaving her wondering why she is so weak and small. Her tiny, fragile body may be struggling, but her spirit is strong, and we are determined to fight for her.⁠

We can’t do this alone. Blossom’s care is urgent and intensive, and we need your help. Your contribution will go directly toward her medical care—fluids, formula, around-the-clock monitoring, and anything else she needs to survive.⁠

We’ve fallen head over heels in love with Blossom, and we’re not ready to lose her. Please, if you can, make a donation of funds or items from her wish list of supplies to help us give her a chance. We'll be sure to keep you updated on her progress. Thank you for your generous support. ⁠


Blossom is being cared for by Ziggys Refuge in Reidsville, NC

GRAPHIC: Kitty Nearly KILLED In Brutal Dog Attack, Suffered From Bone-Exposing Wound For THREE WEEKS...⁠DONATE: https://...

GRAPHIC: Kitty Nearly KILLED In Brutal Dog Attack, Suffered From Bone-Exposing Wound For THREE WEEKS...⁠


Meet our , Poppi! Gentle kitty Poppi has been the victim of barbaric violence. While minding her own business, a local dog cornered Poppi menacingly before sinking its teeth into her flesh. As if this wasn't horrific enough, the dog's owner watched with glee as this poor cat was nearly ripped to shreds. NO ONE did a single thing to help her, and Poppi spent the next three weeks teetering on the verge of death.⁠

We were heartbroken to learn that Poppi had been overlooked for so long. By the time she was found by some kind strangers, her condition was critical. Her leg was mangled, the entire limb and most of her chest flayed down to the bone and severely infected. Her left paw was missing entirely. Her finders contacted our rescue, and we raced to the scene. ⁠

Hunger gnawed at her fragile frame, her strength dwindling by the minute. Carefully, we lifted her fragile, broken body, and she let out a feeble meow. It had been so long since she had been shown any kind of affection. ⁠

We rushed Poppi immediately to the vet. The medical team administered antibiotics to combat the rampant infection and provided nourishing food and clean water. However, her healing journey is only just beginning.⁠

Right now, our priority is to keep her stable as we develop a treatment plan with our trusted vet. Poppi will require extensive care, likely including multiple surgeries, to heal from this horrendous trauma. Can you help us ensure this beautiful girl gets the treatment she needs?⁠

Please consider contributing to Poppi's medical fund or donating any items from her wish list of essential supplies. Your support is invaluable during this critical time. We will keep you updated on her progress as often as we can. Thank you so much for your generosity.⁠


Poppi is being cared for by Paws And Claws Animal Welfare Society Inc. in Egypt

Wednesday, August 28th is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 🐾🌈⁠⁠CUDDLY will be hosting an IG Live with Dr. Katie Lawlor, Ps...

Wednesday, August 28th is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 🐾🌈⁠

CUDDLY will be hosting an IG Live with Dr. Katie Lawlor, Psy.D, MIA, to discuss topics surrounding the loss of a beloved pet. Though a difficult subject to discuss, it is important to prepare for, acknowledge, and understand the grief we feel for our furry companions. We hope to bring love, light, and closure to anyone dealing with pet loss in any way.⁠

Leave your questions for Dr. Katie in the comments below and tag a friend who you think would benefit from this seminar.⁠

WHEN: Wed, Aug 28th @ 1 PM PST⁠


URGENT: THOUSANDS Of Flies & Maggots Swarm Innocent Pup’s FACE After Critical Wounds Leave Him A Target On The Streets...

UPDATE 8/22: We're heartbroken to share that Jungle passed away just hours after we posted his story. He as now at peace on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

We are horrified. When we first laid eyes on Jungle the Shih Tzu, covered in filth and decay, he was unrecognizable as a dog. What was left of his face was crawling with thousands of flesh-eating maggots and flies. Insects swarmed and feasted on what should have been this beloved pet’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

The sight of Jungle was so gut-wrenching and so horrifying, that we truly believe it will haunt us forever. We cannot fathom the pain and agony he has been in. His face was nearly eaten away entirely, and the putrid stench of death hung around him in a heavy cloud.

We don’t know how Jungle ended up in this nightmarish state, but we know that no living thing on this earth should have to endure such torment. Perhaps he was struck by a car, or maybe he endured some other terrible injury or blunt-force trauma. With no one to care for him, Jungle's wounds became a breeding ground for hungry insects. What we do know is that Jungle was on the brink of giving up. How could he not be?

By the time we reached him, he was feverish, his skin burning with infection, and too weak to even lift his head. At our clinic, the painstaking process of removing the maggots began. One by one, we plucked them from his flesh, each leaving behind a tiny, bleeding hole. As the painkillers began to take effect, Jungle finally began to relax, his small body giving into the exhaustion. He slept deeply, perhaps for the first time in weeks, his battered body finally able to rest.

Unfortunately, Jungle's battle doesn't end here. His condition is critical, and the road to recovery is uncertain. He is SEVERELY dehydrated, his body ravaged by fever and infection, and has been in more pain than any creature should ever endure. We are doing everything we can to save him, but we need your help.

Please consider contributing to Jungle's medical fund or donating any items from his wish list of essential supplies. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing by Jungle in his time of crisis. We will be certain to share updates on this baby’s condition as they come.


Jungle is being cared for by ACF Animal Rescue USA in Pakistan

SEVERELY Neglected Pup Tumbles Into Busy Intersection With Raw, Infected Skin, Desperate For Help...DONATE: https://bit....

SEVERELY Neglected Pup Tumbles Into Busy Intersection With Raw, Infected Skin, Desperate For Help...


On a Sunday afternoon, a gentle pup in obvious distress wandered into the middle of a bustling street in Tulsa, OK. As cars zoomed by, Mila flinched, but she was otherwise more or less unresponsive, using the last of her strength begging passing strangers for a helping hand.

When a compassionate passerby noticed Mila’s precarious situation, she stopped her car to intervene. Mila slowly and cautiously approached the woman, eventually resting her head in the outstretched hand of her new friend.

The finder took Mila home and gave her a bath. At this point, sweet Mila got her name, which is short for Milagro, or “miracle”. However, understanding that she couldn’t keep Mila for long, the finder reached out on social media for further assistance. That's when our founder saw Mila’s plea and knew we had to act immediately.

Mila’s condition was heartbreaking. Her feet were terribly swollen from ages of traversing the hot pavement without any shade, she was constantly in the elements. This caused her immense pain and made each step an agonizing struggle. What’s more, her skin was inflamed and severely irritated, nearly or completely hairless in some parts of her body, indicating either prolonged untreated allergies or a horrific infection. But the suffering didn’t stop there – her ears were in a dreadful state, infected and bearing the cruel marks of an at-home DIY cropping attempt. These signs pointed to a life filled with neglect and possible abuse.

We quickly brought Mila to an emergency care center to get her medical attention. There, the vet confirmed that sweet Mila’s swollen feet and irritated skin needed URGENT treatment. Despite these severe conditions, there was a small relief: Mila was Heartworm negative. However, complications arose as the vet detected a heart murmur, prompting additional checks to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Mila's ears also needed intensive treatment to combat the severe infection.

While her past remains a mystery, her path forward demands focused care and compassion. Please consider donating today, or purchasing items from her wish list of essentials to support Mila's medical care and help her embark on a journey to a healthier, happier life. She deserves so much more than she has had thus far. Thank you.


Mila is being cared for by OKLAHOMA PAWS dba Memphis Street Animal Rescue in Broken Arrow, OK


909 Electric Avenue, # 208
Seal Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm




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What is CUDDLY?

CUDDLY is a free fundraising and wishlist platform dedicated to helping animal organizations all over the world.

Here at CUDDLY, we believe in kindness. The kindness of helping the broken, lost and hurt. Whether they be domestic or international, we believe that every animal deserves to live a life free of pain and abuse. With over 1,200 animal welfare organizations on board, we strive every day to help save as many animals as possible through communication, innovation, and creativity. In doing so, we strive to play a role in animal advocacy efforts.

We provide individuals with the opportunity to create a better world for animals by allowing them to not only contribute to animal organizations all over the world but by providing a platform where one can browse through the hundreds of rescue pets waiting for forever homes as well.

Are you a certified 501(c)3 that would like to join our community and start a fundraiser? Just visit or email [email protected]

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