Heartworm disease 🦠 is a serious and potentially fatal condition affecting dogs, caused by the parasitic worm 🪱 Dirofilaria immitis. Here are some key facts:
1. Transmission: Heartworms are transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. 🦟 The larvae enter the dog's bloodstream and mature into adult worms.
2. Life Cycle: 🔄 After being transmitted, heartworm larvae migrate to the heart ♥️ and lungs 🫁, where they mature into adult worms. This process typically takes about six months.
3. Symptoms: In the early stages, dogs may not show symptoms. As the disease progresses, signs can include coughing, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and weight loss. Severe cases can lead to heart failure or death.
4. Diagnosis: Heartworm disease is diagnosed through blood tests that detect the presence of adult female heartworms or their larvae.
5. Prevention: Preventive medications, available in various forms (chewables, topical treatments, or injections), are highly effective in preventing heartworm disease. Regular veterinary check-ups and regular testing is essential for monitoring and prevention of this disease.
6. Treatment: Treatment for heartworm disease can be complicated and expensive 💰involving a series of injections 💉to kill adult worms, along with medications 💊 to manage symptoms.
7. Geographical Risk: Heartworm is prevalent ‼️We are a hotspot here in Arkansas - please take a look at this recent map.
Please feel free to call us to schedule an appointment to discuss testing and prevention options!
Our most recent AHS Heartworm Incidence Survey revealed some sobering stats. Heartworms are on the rise--in areas where they've always been and also in NEW areas.