Heart For Pets, Dog Walking and Petsitting Services

Heart For Pets, Dog Walking and Petsitting Services Seattle-based dog walking & petsitting service. I love all pets! 7 yrs professional care experience.

30 minute walk, $25, $10 2nd dog
1 hour walk, $35
$15, 2nd dog
$75/day base rate pet sitting, additional charges may apply for extra home care or extensive medications or walking needs and additional pets

I got to spend some time walking with my big babies over in their new neighborhood in West Seattle. Pictured here are 2 ...

I got to spend some time walking with my big babies over in their new neighborhood in West Seattle. Pictured here are 2 of the 3 beauties - Country and Mia. Granny opted to stay home with her mama who was working from home. She also knows I think she is too cute and has deep loyalty for her mama and cannot give even the slightest hint that she may like another who is not her parent. 😁 Perhaps she will come with me when we walk again today. 🀞🏼In the meantime, these 2 gave me plenty of workout with their eager energy to explore. It was so great to explore a new area with them and see their new 'hood that we will be getting to know as time goes on. And very cool that the Chinese Garden and Arboretum for South Seattle Community College in West Seattle is just down the way - a perfect trek! 🀩

Even while I was away on vacation visiting family in Rochester NY over a week ago, I still had pets surrounding me. Betw...

Even while I was away on vacation visiting family in Rochester NY over a week ago, I still had pets surrounding me. Between my Mom's crazy cat Sheba to my Uncles' cat Tinkerbell and their 2 dogs, Prissy and Dottie, I did not need to worry about feeling lonely for pets in my life. 😁 The company of family and their animals was a nice lead up to my birthday when I finally got back to Seattle, and back into the swing with my charges here. πŸ˜ŠπŸΎπŸŽ‰

It was a beautiful evening for a quick hike over on the Cedar River Trail in Renton with 2 of my regulars, Cooper and Pi...

It was a beautiful evening for a quick hike over on the Cedar River Trail in Renton with 2 of my regulars, Cooper and Piper, after running a quick errand in Maple Valley. Any of the dogs I care for whom I have brought over for a change of pace on the eastside, just love the smells of nature and the opportunity to dip their paws and snouts in the fresh stream water that runs through alongside the walking path and trails. 🌱🏞️🐾

Back with "The Menagerie" again! This bunch is such an eclectic and fun personality-filled clan. Not featured are the bu...

Back with "The Menagerie" again! This bunch is such an eclectic and fun personality-filled clan. Not featured are the bun-buns, Voodoo and Pancake as they just have not made the rounds into my camera roll yet. But all these guys are the best.

Finnbar, my meaty boi Frenchie, gets more and more vocal with his years and is outspoken about his dislike of me not allowing him to come down and share the guest bed with me, howling through the door for upwards of 15 minutes! πŸ˜‚ Tigger is as always my bestie cat in the whole world, with his affectionate snuggles and loud purring and meows. Juniper is a crazy little spaz of a Frenchie who lives to snort in and nibble my ears wildly. And Poppy and Rosie are my more calm Wheatens who just want to be rubbed a little bit and given good bribery treats and toppings to oblige me of eating their regular meals. 😏 You couldn't miss us walking down the street over to our usual Ella Bailey Park rounds in Magnolia with all 4 pups weaving in different directions for sniffing leadership rights! If you see us around, stop by and say hi. They love the attention! β€οΈπŸΎπŸ˜€

This is Piper. She is an Australian Shepard, 4 years old, and I have been fostering her for almost 3 months for her owne...

This is Piper. She is an Australian Shepard, 4 years old, and I have been fostering her for almost 3 months for her owner who has been a client of mine for about 3 years. She is a precious loving handful! Due to circumstances, her owners needed some fostering care for the time being, so she has been my almost constant companion. And she has really gone with the flow of meeting and being with so many different dogs I have cared for over these months, and followed my lead and accepted all of them, even when she would prefer to be a spoiled only child. 😁 We had the opportunity to go on a hiking outing at Heather Lakes a couple of weeks ago, and she really showed her stuff! Turns out she is an excellent hiking companion, and loves to swim! 😍 We had a great time. 😊🐾

Summer has been going by quickly and has been packed with pet care! 😍 I am going to do my best to catch up with some of ...

Summer has been going by quickly and has been packed with pet care! 😍 I am going to do my best to catch up with some of the highlights while I am en route to visit family for a week in Rochester, NY. If I catch any fun pet photos while I am there, I just may share! 😁 In the meantime, here a few highlights of the last few weeks. ❀️🐾

While it was not as black outside as it looks in this video my phone took, the sounds were as vibrant and amazing as the...

While it was not as black outside as it looks in this video my phone took, the sounds were as vibrant and amazing as they sound here. I went out with the pups for a later evening stroll, and after the sun had set and night settled in, I had my headlamp handy to finish the return path back to the car. Hearing all of the creature sounds coming from out in the dark alongside the trail, I turned my headlamp off and used my night eyes to finish the walk while recording.

Walking 2 of the pups in my care along the Cedar River Trail. While it looked pitch black, it was not as d...

Sunbathing buddies riding the heat wave! β˜€οΈπŸΆπŸ˜

Sunbathing buddies riding the heat wave! β˜€οΈπŸΆπŸ˜

I had fun caring for Gus and his little guinea pig sister Liv over the 4th of July. Fireworks do not bother Liv at all, ...

I had fun caring for Gus and his little guinea pig sister Liv over the 4th of July. Fireworks do not bother Liv at all, and she is in her heaven as long as she has plenty of hay to nibble on and the intermittent carrot greens or a berry or 2 to chomp on. Gus on the other hand was a bit nervous, even with his Rx meds for anxiety. He is mostly a gentle giant, but eventually he settled in after a long hike, a Thundershirt and his 3rd in a sequence of anxiety meds especially given during the 4th of July. I keep hoping that laser and drone displays of light will become popular and phase out the copious amounts of local neighborhood explosions that happen in Magnolia every year. πŸ™„πŸ˜“ Nonetheless, Gus had fun with a buddy he got to hang out with some, Piper, and the 2 were good playmates with one another. 😊🐾

Summer PSA!: As the heat picks up today and over the summer, we need to be extra aware and take precautions for our dogs...

Summer PSA!: As the heat picks up today and over the summer, we need to be extra aware and take precautions for our dogs regarding overheating and heatstroke. Overheating and heatstroke can actually occur at any time if dogs are overworked, but moreso during the hit sunny months of summer. Digs that have the following attributes are more susceptible:

* Animals that are overweight
* Flat-faced breeds such as Pugs and French Bulldogs, or Persian cats
* Pets with thick coats
* Old or very young animals
* Animals with pre-existing conditions, particularly airway, lung or heart problems

To prevent overheating and heatstroke in your pup, I offer the following suggestions:

1) Limit their time exposure out in the direct sun and heat (especially short snout/flat faced breeds which should not be out in extreme, 80 degrees Fahrenheit or above) for more than 15 minutes.
2) Keep their bowls consistently filled with water for them to drink from. Place several bowls around your house and out on your patio deck for them to access and routinely check throughout the day, especially if you have multiple dogs.
3) Invest in a small vinyl kiddie pool and fill with water for your pup to have a fun splash day! Dogs love getting in and splashing around, especially if you throw in a squeaky ball or other rubber or vinyl toy for them to play with. They also sometimes just enjoy laying still in the cool water. (I mean, who doesn't like that?! πŸ€ͺ)
4) Check out sunblock dog shirts that have varying levels of SPF protection. Having your dog wear one of these can be especially nice if you are out on an urban walk in the sun or you know you will be out in the yard or park for an extended period.
5) Consider small pop up tents like the ones you use at the beach and put some of your pup's favorite toys in it and a bowl of water if you will be outside in the yard or park for a long time, so that they have a place to rest and get shade and hydration.
6) Toss some ice cubes into a bowl for them to lick and chew on. Or play a game and toss them to them in the air and see if they can catch or fetch them to crunch them up. 😁
7) Consider applying a protective thick dog balm to their paw pads or have them wear booties or baby socks when out on a walk on concrete or blacktop pavement so their pads do not burn. Paw pads can get sunburned and blister easily in weather of 75 degrees and above, and moreso where direct sun is shining and accumulating heat.
8) Check out SPF balm sticks for your pup's snoot. We may not think of it, but their noses burn just like ours, and that tender skin will hurt just like ours too with a sunburn from exposure.

I hope these suggestions may be helpful in protecting and keeping your pup healthy and cool during the hot summer months. When our dog family members are comfortable and happy we can be more comfortable and happy as well. Enjoy the best of summer! β˜€οΈπŸΆπŸ’¦β€οΈ

Happy 4th of July! Our dogs bring so much joy to our lives. While they do not understand the notions of countries, gover...

Happy 4th of July! Our dogs bring so much joy to our lives. While they do not understand the notions of countries, governments, citizenship, or "freedom", they must certainly can and will avail themselves of the freedom to make a break for it during this holiday time if we are not aware of the precautions to take.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the conditions around 4th of July festivities such as, β€œBarbecues, many people coming in and out of the house, and even the noise of the fireworks, [ ] may cause pets to panic and they will try to flee somewhere." Because they do not know where the sound is coming from, they do whatever they can to move away from it.

According to AKC Reunite these are some helpful tips that include ways to keep your companion safe, that I also have found useful and effective.
1) Isolating your pet in a room centralized in your home with soothing music (similar to an escape area) can calm their nerves.
2) Keep toys in your pet’s safe area to make the area more fun and to provide distractions from loud noises and flashes.

I have also found for some dogs making man investment in a Thundershirt, which acts as sort of a compression vest for the dog, helps them in regulating their breathing, heart rate, and helps to lower anxiety, as the snug fit gives them extra sense of security in their body.

For some dogs, natural remedies such as Bach’s Flower Rescue Remedy is helpful in calming their nerves. A few drops can be added to their water or food or directly into the mouth every hour, or for more acute anxiety, every 15 minutes until agitation reduces.

Other owners have told me over the years that treats that include CBD (cannabinoid extract) help their pet to take the edge off during the loud times of fireworks. Treats such as Happy Traveler, ThunderWunder Calming Chews, and Zesty Paws Calming Chews, all have been reported to me to be helpful for the different pups I have cared for, as well as actual CBD oil added to their food or water (*make sure you have consulted your vet or a pet care professional educated in proper dosage level for your pup by weight and health condition).

Essential oil blends that include lavender and lemon balm, vanilla, and valerian can be helpful as well to help your pup mellow to the sweet scents that pass the blood brain barrier for greater direct effectiveness. Making a blend from each essential oil and combining it in a carrier oil and mixing in water to spray on their coat is a good way to administer it. There are many recipes you can search online for ratios to create perfect DIY calming spray!

Another helpful thing for your dog to reduce any anxiety on the 4th is to give a good rigorous walk in the day hours to burn off extra energy, as long as they can tolerate the heat (see my other post regarding PSA on hydration and overheating 😁). If you have access to a shady woods hike or tossing a ball for an hour in your backyard, this will help as the more energy burned off from the body, the less available to freak out when the firecrackers in the neighborhood go off.

While not exhaustive, these are some of the tips I find useful and can avail to your and canine furbabies to help navigate the 4th with a bit less stress. πŸ˜Šβ€οΈπŸΎπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ†πŸ§¨

Some photos from my wrap up time with "The Menagerie" yesterday. Gorgeous weather and the pups and I enjoyed a brief str...

Some photos from my wrap up time with "The Menagerie" yesterday. Gorgeous weather and the pups and I enjoyed a brief stroll around Ella Bailey Park. Fortunately the heat was still mild, so Juniper (the adorable little Frenchie) did not overheat. We had a lot of fun together and I can not wait to be with them again. ❀️🐾

I am back with my gang that I lovingly refer to as "The Menagerie" which consist of Tigger (one of my favorite kitties e...

I am back with my gang that I lovingly refer to as "The Menagerie" which consist of Tigger (one of my favorite kitties ever! I am a sucker for these ginger cats πŸ˜‚), Poppy and Rosie (the beautiful Wheaten terriers), Juniper (the tiny feisty, snorty, farty Frenchie πŸ€ͺ) and w bunnies not featured in this post - Voodoo and Pancake! They are truly a fun bunch to be with, and such an array of personalities. While this has been one of my shorter stays with them, we have been enjoying our time together. 😁🐾❀️

This is little Coco. We have been friends for the last 3 or so years and she is a real love bug. She loves to cuddle, ro...

This is little Coco. We have been friends for the last 3 or so years and she is a real love bug. She loves to cuddle, roll in the grass, do Zoomies, and play soccer with small tennis balls while carrying another tennis ball she chased after in her mouth. Essentially, a real personality! I have been having a lot of fun with her. 🀩

My grand pack today hitting up a mildly misty and humid gray early evening walk. The pack featured Luci (my elder strong...

My grand pack today hitting up a mildly misty and humid gray early evening walk. The pack featured Luci (my elder strong willed labradoodle), Coco (the tiny Papillon spitfire), Piper (the excitable Aussie), Cooper (the moody but adorable Dalmatian), and Shasta (the timid German Shepard). We don't always walk with this exact configuration, but they all got along well and enjoyed their time out on the mini hike. 😁🐾

It has been a busy week, but so lovely. I have had the pleasure of caring for and walking a multiplicity of pups! Here a...

It has been a busy week, but so lovely. I have had the pleasure of caring for and walking a multiplicity of pups! Here are some of the highlights of my week in images. Within these moments shared were some basic commands training, walking and taking in the beauty of the PNW at the local Seattle level, co-meditating with the dogs, kitty snuggles, pup kisses, wild hair brushing, bathing, and all the meals enjoyed together. Every one of my fur babies is enjoyed and loved, and serve as teachers for me as well! I hope you all have had a beautiful week and enjoy the weekend with your beloved pets and family, and wherever the moment may take you. ❀️🐾😊

Our planet and the cosmos is a miracle, from the tiniest plant, to the fluffiest and barkiest pup, to our complex and hi...

Our planet and the cosmos is a miracle, from the tiniest plant, to the fluffiest and barkiest pup, to our complex and highly functional bodies and brains, to the great stars and planets in the sky - and everything in between.

I had the great privilege and experience of stumbling upon one of nature's magical events while taking 2 of the pups in my care (Cooper and Piper) over to Golden Gardens Beach in Ballard, Seattle. Apparently, yesterday's solar flare storms created the perfect conditions for the atmosphere here to make visible the Aurora lights in the sky. Not knowing of the celestial event that would unfold just an hour and a half from when we arrived, but quickly discovering about it through seeing over a hundred people setting up blankets camps in the beach, I decided to get the dog treats out of the car, walk the pups a good deal before making our station, and then sitting and waiting for a bit. What a show! And the pups were SO good.

Here are some of my less than professional photos that give you a sense of the color present in the sky, the pups being stellar (pun intended) canines, and one spectacular photo taken and shared with me by an unknown gentleman sitting next to us with his wife and Corgi pup. 😍🀩🌌πŸͺ„πŸΎ

It has been a hot minute since I have caught up with social media. Business with the pups continues. I had a bit of a hi...

It has been a hot minute since I have caught up with social media. Business with the pups continues. I had a bit of a hiatus in January to have a long overdue partial thyroidectomy and the subsequent recovery time. I am grateful for a return to some energy and clarity that had been very strained in the 2 months leading up to surgery. I have been back at it since February and am keeping mostly busy with the pups in my roster.

If you know of anyone in the Seattle area, especially the Magnolia, Ballard, Crown Hill (even up to Lake City Way area) neighborhoods, please refer them here to my FB business page or to my website www.heartforpetsservicesseattle.weebly.com, or look for me on Nextdoor Seattle area business profiles under Heart for Pets, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Services. I am happy for the warm weather of Spring and the soon to come Summer and am looking forward to hopefully adding and walking more pups out in the community. 🐾❀️

Email @ [email protected] to inquire for rates and bookings as well.

​ Heart for Pets, Dog Walking and Petsitting Services ​ ​​

Merry Christmas in advance. So grateful for all my pups and clients. 2023 was full of many twists and turns, but all the...

Merry Christmas in advance. So grateful for all my pups and clients. 2023 was full of many twists and turns, but all these furry loves helped to get me through. Here's to a lighter and brighter 2024 for all. May you all be enjoying the spirit of the season and be blessed in 2024! β˜ΊοΈπŸŽ„β€οΈπŸΎ

I have been having the pleasure of taking care of this big teddy bear boi Gus, and his guinea pig sister, Liv. It was a ...

I have been having the pleasure of taking care of this big teddy bear boi Gus, and his guinea pig sister, Liv. It was a lovely autumn late afternoon over at Magnuson Off-Leash Park that we all got to enjoy today. 🍁🐾❀️

Drop in visits with Dexter and Lucy today and for the next few days to come. Such beautiful doodles! And Dexy is a snugg...

Drop in visits with Dexter and Lucy today and for the next few days to come. Such beautiful doodles! And Dexy is a snuggle machine! 😍🐾❀️

While I love a good daylight and nature photo of my pups out and enjoying themselves, there is something so dramatic abo...

While I love a good daylight and nature photo of my pups out and enjoying themselves, there is something so dramatic about Autumn city nightscapes. And Luna is a perfect photographic muse. She puts up with most of my photo taking inclinations. Do you have a favorite photo of your pup out and about? If so, share in the comments!

Happy belated DΓ­a de Los Mu***os! One of my favorite holidays, where I have loved and respected the Mexican tradition of...

Happy belated DΓ­a de Los Mu***os! One of my favorite holidays, where I have loved and respected the Mexican tradition of honoring our beloveds who have crossed over beyond the physical. In past years I have done "ofertas", or ceremonial altars, for family and pets that have gone, but I was away from home this year. But I hold in my heart and memory both human family and the fur babies I have loved and cared for, and said goodbye to in this form. Sophie, Lander, Pickles, Honey Bear, Stella, Jake, and super-close-to-my-heart Steve-O - I have loved and been loved by you all. I hope there are infinite bones in the beyond, and all of the dog parks and treats you can desire. πŸ’€πŸΎπŸ€πŸΎβ€οΈ

I had a fun stay with my older gal, Luci, this past week, and will have her another few days this week. She is so sweet ...

I had a fun stay with my older gal, Luci, this past week, and will have her another few days this week. She is so sweet and the most easy going girl. Even bathing, blow drying, and brushing her was a laid back affair. 😁 We managed to get some good time in over at Carkeek Park as well, taking in a beautiful sunset. 😍

I finished up last week taking care of my older gal, Luci, who was the most easy going pup, even while being bathed, blo...

I finished up last week taking care of my older gal, Luci, who was the most easy going pup, even while being bathed, blow dried, and brushed. 😁 We even got a beautiful hike in over at Carkeek Park during all of its Fall time glory. 😍

Partying down like we were born in 1939 πŸ˜‚, with one of my old timer girls, Luci, who is getting a bit older herself. She...

Partying down like we were born in 1939 πŸ˜‚, with one of my old timer girls, Luci, who is getting a bit older herself. She may move a little slower and showing some signs of wear and tear, but she is just as smileynand affectionate as ever. 😍

Catching up on some overdue posts! These are of my long time gang, Reggie the Shiba Inu, and his cat siblings, Bug and H...

Catching up on some overdue posts! These are of my long time gang, Reggie the Shiba Inu, and his cat siblings, Bug and Hankie. They are an awesome bunch. Hank is a wacky personality typical ginger cat, and Bug a much more subdued elder stateswoman with her own affectionate streak. And of course, no pup compares to the regal presence and plushy fur of Reggie! I had the pleasure of caring for the whole gang a few weeks back, and we had a good time together as always!

Are pets some of your best friends in the world too? Happy International Best Friends Day! 😍🐾πŸ₯°πŸ€©β€οΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ•

Are pets some of your best friends in the world too? Happy International Best Friends Day! 😍🐾πŸ₯°πŸ€©β€οΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ•

Been some gorgeous weeks here in Seattle (even the cloudy grey ones for some R&R)! Here is a little photo dump of some o...

Been some gorgeous weeks here in Seattle (even the cloudy grey ones for some R&R)! Here is a little photo dump of some of the furbabies I have had the pleasure to be with lately. 😁🐾❀️


Seattle, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm




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