Newest Arrivals
Join us for a late-night feed of our newest arrivals. Everyone will get a meal, and hopefully, they will settle back down!
Nugget & Friends
Update on Nugget and his friends Bonne and Viktor!
Sea Meow 2024
Join Us for Sea Meow 2024! Last day!
Seameow Tour
Join us for a walk through of Sea Meow!
Sea Meow 2024
Join Us for Sea Meow 2024! Update, it's almost 2:30 and busy!
Sea Meow 2024
Join Us for Sea Meow 2024!
Bottle Baby Nacho getting quality mealtime from a WONDERFUL Foster we are so thankful for having on our team❤
Can you hear him nursing?
They are so little at this age and need so much care but it is so worth it!
It takes so many people to save kitties, from the finders, to in this case Dave Buster Rescues, (@busterrescues) A wonderful individual in Yakima, working to save hundreds of neonatal babies each year. Once babies are a little older, they get transported to partnering rescues for the next part of their journey!
In Nacho's case (and his sibling Cheeto, and friend Hopper) they came to us, where they have their intakes completed and get raised in a loving Foster Home until they are big enough to be fixed, get their vaccines, etc. before being adopted into loving furever homes.
Please consider being a part of the solution and foster some kitties. This year is proving to be a hard one already, and we need our community to help save lives. We provide training on bottle feeding for tiny babies, and there is always a need for fostering older kittens and adult kitties as well.
You can learn more here at:
#kittensdaily #kittenseason2024 #catlovers #tabbycat #rescue #catdistributionsystem #catrescue #supportyourlocalrescue #share #donate #spayandneuter #catfostering #fosteringsaveslives #seattle #adoptdontshop #animalwelfare #adopt #fostercare #monroewa #bothellwa #hiddengemcatrescue #kittens #spayandneuteryourpets #nonprofit #501c3 #orangekitten #orangecat #bottlebabykitten #neonatalkittens #fostersneeded
Here's a cute video from last year of a former bottle fed foster kitten that has since found his forever home.
If you would like to help HGCR and our efforts, the link provided below will show you ways you can help the kitties, too. 💕thank you🐾
#catrescue #neonatalkitten #orphanedkitten #abandonedkitten #fosteringsaveslives #supportyourlocalrescue #foster #volunteer #donate #shareourpost #spreadtheword #501c3nonprofit #catpeople #catlovers #togetherwecanmakeadifference #tnr #trapneuterreturn #trapneuterrelease #savethekitties #babykitten #tinykitten
Sweet Ivory is smothered with kisses by her adoring foster mom.
#sweetkitty #kittykisses #kittylove #fostercatmom #fosterkitten #fostercat #fosteringsaveslives #helpmakeadifference #togetherwecanhelpmakeadifference #tnr #spayandneuter #501c3nonprofit #catrescue #adopt #foster #volunteer #donate #spreadtheword #specialneedscats #harlequincat
Throwback Thursday to one of our former bottle fed kittens.
Kitten season is right around the corner.
#orphanedkittens #bottlebaby #bottlefedkitten #neonnatalkittens #kittenseason #kittenseasoniscoming #rescuedkittens #fosterkittens #fosteringsaveslives #tabbycat #catrescue #spayandneuter #tnr #tnrsaveslives #throwbackthursday #throwback #seattlewashington #bothellwashington #redmondwashington #kirklandwashington #monroewashington
Winter is staying nice and warm and cozy on this cold January day.
#orphanedkitten #neonatalkitten #rescuedkitten #fosterkitten #fosteringsaveslives #supportyourlocalrescue #catdistributionsystem #kittenseason2023 #winterbaby #warmandcozy #safeandloved #tortiseshellcat #sleepingbaby #tortitude #seattlewashington #redmondwashington #kirklandwashington #monroewashington
Winter really enjoys the heating blanket after a yummy bottle.
#neonatalkitten #orphanedkitten #babykitten #tinykitten #bottlefedkitten #fosterkitten #fosteringsaveslives #catrescue #catfostering #supportyourlocalrescue #foster #volunteer #donate #share #spreadtheword #tortise #tortoiseshellkitten #tortiseshellcat #sillykitty #pawstotheface #momisannoyingme #tortitude