I am working with a new dog behavior training client who told me that they had an experience with a previous trainer who said that their dog was being manipulative when it didn't respond to the trainer's commands and went to the owner to seek comfort. "Sigh", dogs do not manipulate. They do not have "ulterior" motives. They simply seek motive. If you provide a safe environment where they can clearly understand what you are asking of them and what the benefit is in doing the requested behavior they will attempt to do act in accordance. They are motivated by a trust bond. When this is established they seek to please those they are bonded to in pack. They want to have fun as much as we do. If they got into the trash you left accessible it wasn't because they wanted to get back at you. It smelled appealing. It was worth exploring. ie; action and reward. The goal isn't to bend them to our will. We help build their confidence so that the things we are asking of them are those they are primed to succeed in. I was actually pleased to hear that the rescue dog had gone to the owner for comfort as this gives a base to work from in building that connection between the two of them.