So many wonderful dogs in need of a home at SARA (and everywhere). Celebrate the new year by adopting a new best friend.
You’ll be glad you did!
These boys are almost 4 years old, Rufus and Oreo were saved at just a few days after birth, a bi-product of the dairy industry.
You never see Holstein steers because they become veal or are killed because they are unwanted.
Oreo is over 6’ at his shoulders!
#goveganfortheanimals #cowsmakemehappy #cowsarecool
#ditchdairy #unconditionallife
Puppy Party! 4th of July Special #Adoptdontshop #puppies #dogsarefamily #dogsarelove #Happy4TH
💚💙💚 #BigGive2022 - SARA Sanctuary has more than 700 animals & 128 acres in Central Texas. We’re hunting for animal lovers with big hearts to be SARA Ambassadors for Big Give.
💚💙💚 Can you help raise enough to feed 50, 250 or 700 SARA animals for 1 day this month?
🐷🐮🐶 Share our story & be a fundraiser for SARA on Big Give
❤️ VALENTINE PUPPIES! ❤️ We just received 10 puppies and their momma Sadie all the way from Louisiana! 🐶
❤️ These fur babies are just 5 weeks old and will soon need committed fosters and adopters when they reach 8 weeks of age. Please find these puppies on the SARA website for closeup photos of each.
❤️And don’t forget momma Sadie. She is doing a marvelous job caring for and feeding her 10 puppies. In a few weeks, she would benefit from being placed in a loving home where she can rest and recover from this big litter. 💗
❤️ If you are interested in fostering, email [email protected] or visit the website to complete an adoption application.
❤️ Share. Like. Tag a friend.
❤️ THESE PUPS NEED YOUR SUPPORT: Can you give $10 … that’s $1 per puppy … to help sponsor the Valentine puppies & mom Sadie with food, care & vet bills?
Thank y’all!
SO HAPPY TOGETHER! SARA & Green Jay Gardens are bringing Valentine Flowers & Dogs. Meet our charming dogs & crew.
Missed it? Find your new 💚.
💚💚💚 Valentine Flowers & Dogs with FREE dog kisses from SARA Sanctuary adoptables when you shop at Green Jay Gardens.
Sunday Feb 13 from 11-3:00
Meet & Greet SARA adoptables
and our SARA crew.
💚 Find more dogs & cats who want to be your Valentine on our website.
Green Jay Gardens
100 Elm Grove Road
Seguin Texas
#sarasanctuary #greenjaygardens