Our sweet patient Noa is defintley saying “Go Tigers” this morning after that thriller last night!!! Check out this preciousness y’all! 🐅🧡
Heartworm disease in cats
We had another phone call from a client who's cat seemed healthy to her, but was found dead in their home. This was a fairly young, indoor cat with no signs of trauma. The cause of this sudden death turned out to be from heartworm disease. Even indoor cats get heartworms..... PLEASE get your cat on once a month heartworm prevention if you live in an endemic heartworm area.
Another comment about our new medical therapy laser that we can use to make your pet
be successfully used as an alternative to surgery, steroids, chronic pain medications.
Laser therapy is helpful to very helpful with upper respiratory infections, anal gland infections, ear hematomas, snake bites or any other forms of severe tissue edema. It's amazing for wound healing. Ringworm lesions. Tissue and bone healing. Joint inflammation and arthritis.
Basically anything that's swollen, painful, inflamed, or infected.
Dr Dunigan, Dr Hunnicutt, our veterinary technicians, and I are very, very excited about having this laser.... and as you can see from the list of medical problems above that it can treat... for good reason.
As the video clips elsewhere on this page indicate, newly approved class 4 medical lasers shoot enough energy at effective wave lengths deep enough into tissue to greatly increase local circulation, lymphatic drainage of fluid, cellular wastes and toxins, increases oxygen exchange, cellular nourishment and waste exchange, and greatly stimulates intracellular metabolism.
Not only is this rather amazing, it's rather universal in treating so many different disease problems. It's as revolutionary as the microwave oven.... which is a very good analogy, because the science is very similar; both involve shooting light energy of very small wave lengths into organic material and causing an effect.
So, don't be surprised if you bring your pet in for treatment of anything infected, inflamed or painful that we will now be offering laser therapy as an option.
I'm trying to figure out how to put a video on this page
We now have a medical therapy laser for pets. Laser therapy is often better, less expensive, and side effect free either as an alternative or adjunct to more conventional therapy.