Even though #pippinthesheeppibble has a very reliable recall I still practice variations of it to keep it reliable.
#recall #positivereinforcement #comewhencalled #cookiepusher #forcefreedogtrainer #southjerseydogtrainer #dogtrainersdog #happydog
He's not mine but I love him just the same.
#vonpuppy #bernesemountaindog #rplustraining #positivedogtraining #berneseofinstagram #dorcefreedogtrainer #southjerseydogtrainer
A demonstration of one of many ways you can mark and reward your dog without food.
I was using smell the hydrant as a reward, the dog bone was an added bonus I didn't expect. 🐾🐾
#dogbonelibrary#trainingwalks #trainedwithkindness #markandreward #positivereinforcement #painfreetraining #functionalrewards #carrotsnotsticks #njdogtrainer #southjerseydogtrainer #proactiveoverreactive #practicemakesprogress
Full uncut video.
I wanted to show how I managed @arminvonpuppy when he couldn't pay attention and wasn't walking perfectly.
The name of the game is progress not perfection.
The leash is a seatbelt not a steering wheel.
Sorry for the bouncing camera.
#daytraining #progressivereinforcementtraining #progressnotperfection #njdogtrainer #positivedogtraining #markandreward #trainingwalks #trainwithfood #reinforcementdrivesbehavior
Sometimes young dogs get distracted.
Simply wait for them to remember they are attached to you then mark, pay and thank them.
If your dog can't do this yet just go back and practice in a location where they can even if that location is your living room or just outside your front door.
#leashmanners #positivedogtraining #looseleashwalking #markandreward #progressivereinforcementtraining #progressnotperfection #onewalkatatime🐾 #daytraining #reinforcementdrivesbehavior #paythedog #njdogtrainer #southjerseydogtrainer #trainingwalks
First cooperative care training session with @arminvonpuppy
Nothing formal just wanted to see if he was willing to play the cooperative care game with me.
He's such a good boi!
#wigglebutt #bernesemountaindog #positivereinforcement #markandreward #njdogtrainer #husbandry #husbandrytraining #dogarethebest #lovemyjob #goodboi #southjerseydogtrainer #cookiepusher #treattraining #morethanleashmanners #instadogtraining
#dogtrainersdoitbetter #progressnotperfection
Here is a tiny snippet of my idea of a lovely daily walk.
#WalksWithRallo #dogwalksofinstagram
#sniffari #decompressionwalk #whatevermakesthemhappy #dontsteerwithyourleash
A quick 'go to place' practice for a tiny treat randomly a few times a day really helps teach 'go to place' for you the easy way.
Minimal effort required, give it a try and most importantly have fun with your dog while doing it.
It's a great way to drain excess doggy energy too. Axel the Lab loves this game.
#gotobed #gotoplace #downstay #releasecue #havefunwithyourdog #trainingshouldbefun #southjerseydogtrainer #domorewithyourdog #basicmanners #leashmanners #markandpay #labradorretriever #rescuedog #whoseagoodboy
Simply pay the dog in position.
Chicken is delivered in the same place next to my body regardless of what the dog is doing. After a little bit of time the dog just walks next to the food delivery space.
When I stop I don't ask for a sit. I just pay the dog for paying attention to me.
It's almost like magic.
Nellie is sometimes reactive to the sounds of large vehicles, men, and dogs outside of daycare. She was very scared of everything including me when we first met. Her owner works every day to help her feel better about her triggers.
#trainingwalks #reactivedogwalks #looseleash #PositiveReinforcement #forcefree #instadogtraining #leashmanners #southjeresydogtrainer
#treatpusher #gooddog
#dogsbylinda #dogsgonewalking #leashreactivity #dogschoice #notmagic #townshipdogtrainer
What a great leave it and let's go.
You never know what you will find on a walk with your dog. Teaching them to "leave-it" with food is a powerful tool.
They are always willing to trade for something better, therefore you never have to worry about them eating something gross when out and about.
I tossed a treat and we just kept on going.
#dogsrule #leaveit #dogwalksofinstagram #walkingrallo #doodle #trainingdogs #trainingwalk #rewardsbased #trainingisbetterwithfood #paythedog #rewardstyle #positivereinforcement