We got our first goats in February 2020, and were just going to have 2 pet does. One of them ended up having a congenital defect, so the breeder gave us our third goat...a 'replacement doe.' But then I needed to get a doeling from some stronger show lines, and Olive came along. A friend needed a ride to pick up a Lamancha doeling, and that breeder gave us such a great 'deal' and that's how Lamanchas found their way to Thistlewood. Then Tessa wanted her own doeling to work with for Showmanship. And so we went from 2 to 19. The goats bring me a lot of happiness. The hardwork that comes with them, and sometimes heartache, always seem to be worth it to me. They are my distraction from the tough things in life, my social outlet, my reason to continuously learn new things, my reason to get outside, to do physical work, and to push myself towards goals. My kids see me do these things, and they don't always want to be out there with me, but that's okay.
I am often reminded that we 'were just supposed to have two!', but ya know...things happen!
We listen and we don't judge
Deep South Ranch Long Terry Farms- LT Farms
We listen and we don’t judge.
I got my first goats 11 years ago. I didn’t want my human kids on formula so started buying raw goat milk. That got expensive and I knew with this reasoning I might be able to convince my husband to get goats. There was some begging involved but I convinced him to get 3 goats for our backyard. Then I learned you could show them! Naturally we needed a real farm with a barn. So we moved while I was 8 months pregnant. 40 goats later here I am. And yes I still have a husband. I do try to stay at 40! How about you?!