We had a great weekend enjoying lunch at one of our favorite spots, picking up 2 new Nucs of bees, giving a couple of does a prefreshening trim, and spending time outside.
#bees #nucs #honeybees #rumiskitchen #thistles #thistlewoodacres #thistlewoodacresfarm #nigeriandwarfgoats #prefresheningprep #dairygoats #dairygoatsofgeorgia #goatkids
We enjoyed spending the day outside cleaning up our woods, burning, roasting marshmallows, and admiring our animals. All was fun in games until Rev decided to steal the baby's sock right off of her foot and eat it! π³ He is fine, but he was rewarded with a big dose of Milk of Magnesia to help push things along!
#socktheif #burn #fire #brushpile #kubota #roastingmarshmallows #kids #goats #thegreatoutdoors #homesteading #thewoods #yardcleanup
Of course this stuff happens when Todd is gone. #timber #treesdown #fenceisdown #buckshavesnacksfordays #hopefullytheydecideitsgreenerinsidetheirfence #darnstorms #whyisitalwaysthroughthenight #uprooted
#nigeriandwarfgoats #poordudes #premier1fencing #thistlewoodacresfarm
This girl was AI'd 24 days ago, and was supposed to get an ultrasound this Sunday, to show me her prized possessions. As I take Thorne out to have a date with Stella (still open, and obviously in heat), he runs over to the doe pen. Annnnnnd here is Olive--ready for her own date! π #thirdwheel #notcoololive #nigeriandwarfgoats #thornehadagoodday π #quitetheladiesman #blubberingfool