Arothron meleagris have three distinct color and pattern morphologies. They can be black with white spots, golden-yellow with black spots, or a mottled mix of the two. Apparently, they don't morph in captivity. Have you seen a guineafowl puffer morph colors in an aquarium?
Check out this paper for more: "Diagnoses of Arothron nigropunctatus and A. meleagris, Two Extremely Polychromatic Indo-Pacific Pufferfishes (Pisces: Tetraodontidae)"
This Trachyphyllia reminds me of an octopus the way it's shaped and flowing in the current.
Check out these gentle giants.
In the spirit of Halloween I added some RODI water to the dry ice that came in my @reeffrenzy order.
Polyps reacting on a leather coral.
These three clowns cannot decide which coral they're hosting.
This coral has lived in three aquariums and couldn't be happier.
I love the attitude on these guys.
It's very rewarding when you get everything just right and your plants start pearling.
Panda Cory Loving Life
You can see him sifting the sand trough his gills.
High-tech planted rainbow aquarium.
Friendliest puffer I've ever met. He likes pets with his snails.