Blitzkrieg Boerboels

Blitzkrieg Boerboels Relentless pursuit of perfection. Breeding world class South African Boerboels without compromise.

Blitzkrieg Spencer @ 2 years. His topline is finally flattening out and he is getting some width across his back and thr...

Blitzkrieg Spencer @ 2 years. His topline is finally flattening out and he is getting some width across his back and through his chest.

Blitzkrieg Boerboels Sarah enjoying retired life on the farm.

Blitzkrieg Boerboels Sarah enjoying retired life on the farm.

A well bred/trained boerboel should be your child's best friend. His/her most vigilant guardian. Well aware of their siz...

A well bred/trained boerboel should be your child's best friend. His/her most vigilant guardian. Well aware of their size, surroundings, and cautious in their actions. All Boerboels are not created equal! Blitzkrieg Sully ❤️

BYLAW D: SUBSECTION 4**What happens if you sell dogs without a sales agreement?**Selling dogs without a proper contractu...

**What happens if you sell dogs without a sales agreement?**

Selling dogs without a proper contractual agreement can lead to disciplinary action as determined by the Society.

For an example of a sales agreement, visit: [SABBS Sales Agreement Form](

Breeding announcement. We plan to have two breedings this Fall/Winter. Availability will be extremely limited. Deposits ...

Breeding announcement. We plan to have two breedings this Fall/Winter. Availability will be extremely limited. Deposits *WILL BE* required to be placed on either list. If the breeding your deposit is applied to does not take, a 100% refund will be issued. Both studs are from imported semen. We almost always run a natural breeding kennel but due to the extreme importance of these litters to our future plans and the already heavy financial investment that we have in this we will be doing surgical AI, C sections, and kenneling our girls with Dr. Hutchison for the procedures.

Second planned breeding: Cabaret Pavarotti 93.3% x Blitzkrieg Rylee 87.6%. Pavarotti brings his national championship pedigree with well over a decade of proven offspring behind him. He was also the sire of our Spitsvuur Madja ❤️. Rylee is as close both phenotypically and tempermentally to Madja as I have been able to reproduce. We need these daughters to run back on our frozen Nostras blood. Both Boerboels are fully health tested.

Please contact for details!

Breeding announcement. We plan to have two breedings this Fall/Winter. Availability will be extremely limited. Deposits ...

Breeding announcement. We plan to have two breedings this Fall/Winter. Availability will be extremely limited. Deposits *WILL BE* required to be placed on either list. If the breeding your deposit is applied to does not take, a 100% refund will be issued. Both studs are from imported semen. We almost always run a natural breeding kennel but due to the extreme importance of these litters to our future plans and the already heavy financial investment that we have in this we will be doing surgical AI, C sections, and kenneling our girls with Dr. Hutchison for the procedures.

First expected litter: Quo Vadis Commander 88.5% x Blitzkrieg Nahla 86.9%. Commander brings with him the longevity, workability, and old blood of Mizpah. Nahla brings the old school functional size of the old Boel farm dogs. Both Boerboels are fully health tested.

Please contact for details!

Blitzkrieg Silas, Blitzkrieg Nahla, and Blitzkrieg Rylee Blitzkrieg Boerboels

Blitzkrieg Silas, Blitzkrieg Nahla, and Blitzkrieg Rylee Blitzkrieg Boerboels

Some people say hide your animals because they are scared. I say your animals are scared because you hide them, you have...

Some people say hide your animals because they are scared. I say your animals are scared because you hide them, you have not socialized them, haven't given them enough positive experiences, and they do not trust you. 10 week old puppy update from a customer that DID take their dog to see the fireworks! You get out what you put in. High quality owners are as important as high quality puppies. Appreciate each of them. 😊


A little louder for those in the back! Competition happens at the bottom. Collaboration happens at the top!

Several decades ago there were a group of South Africans (my memory isn't perfect and I cannot drink like my SA mates, s...

Several decades ago there were a group of South Africans (my memory isn't perfect and I cannot drink like my SA mates, so bear with me) who started a group called H.B.S.A. Historical Boerboel of South Africa. Men like Lucas and my friend Jan. Well like many offshoots of SABBS it didn't stand the test of time. I have sat and talked about Boerboels with these old men. At their farms, and hunting camps. After 4 or 5 trips to South Africa, I was given this old HBSA trophy by a farmer that I visit every trip that I make. It sits on my nightstand. I look at it often, it means a lot to me, and it reminds me of the direction Blitzkrieg must go!

One constant fact over the years. Create the finest mothers you possibly can, cherish them, and never let them go! Every...

One constant fact over the years. Create the finest mothers you possibly can, cherish them, and never let them go! Everything else will fall into place!

**No LongerAvailable.** He is not perfect but he is a very good one. His ears are a bit too long but with his size, he w...

**No LongerAvailable.**
He is not perfect but he is a very good one. His ears are a bit too long but with his size, he will likely grow into them. He also has several white toe nails. He has a very good head but I would like to see more blockyness at his brow. His bite is even, bone is nice, pasterns are correct, very well muscled for his age, top line is flat, croup is correct, and at this stage he has a very nice hindquarter. He is a very large pup. Dogs like him need to grow very slow. A full three years at least. Too much nutrition, too fast, will ruin a dog like him. (I cannot emphasize this enough). His temperament is very calm and affectionate. He isn't a hyper pup. He enjoys his loving, and then he will retreat to a spot and just observe his surroundings. Not aggressive nor intimidated either. He is now 9 weeks old but is too big already to ship in cabin. I will not ship him with a third party. So, I will drive to you or you can drive to me. Please contact for details!

Blitzkrieg Stella

Blitzkrieg Stella

8 weeks old today. Introduced these fellas to new dogs, the air compressor, and lawn mower yesterday. Gunfire and more t...

8 weeks old today. Introduced these fellas to new dogs, the air compressor, and lawn mower yesterday. Gunfire and more this week and next week we will start puppy selections. My how the time goes so quickly!

You can love them too much. It isn't always genetics. Too much nutrition is often worse than too little. "An orthopedic ...

You can love them too much. It isn't always genetics. Too much nutrition is often worse than too little.

"An orthopedic problem of large breed puppies that is not known by many vets. In puppies of large breeds they can grow between 4 at the time. a 10. in a week of life, asynchronous growth of the wrist and tendon of the thoracic limbs will occur. The tendons of the benders are therefore temporarily shorter than fast-growing bones, which leads to dramatic limb reclubbing. Many breeders and veterinarians incorrectly believe that this is bone growth deformity. Unfortunately, the clinical picture is so remarkable that disabled puppies are often euthanized. Here you have an example of a puppy with a massive finding and the same puppy less than three weeks after starting physical therapy. Nothing else is needed... Please share so that these puppies are not wasted unnecessarily! A puppy problem not well known by breeders (and many vets). Faster growth of antebrachial bones in the 5-10 week of age can cause a disproportion between bones and flexor tendons leading to dramatic posture of the limbs. This problem solves spontaneously, usually we do just physiotherapy. Same puppy before and after 2 weeks physiotherapy. Unfortunately many affected puppies are euthanized because the problem is confused with growth deformities."

Sometimes the best conversations are had with, your dog!

Sometimes the best conversations are had with, your dog!

Blitzkrieg babies @ 7 weeks.

Blitzkrieg babies @ 7 weeks.

We've been waiting 4 years on a female for him. Blitzkrieg Silas puppies will be coming soon! 💥

We've been waiting 4 years on a female for him. Blitzkrieg Silas puppies will be coming soon! 💥

I have spent several years looking at pedigrees, sending emails, talking on the phone, and trying to line up our future....

I have spent several years looking at pedigrees, sending emails, talking on the phone, and trying to line up our future. The Boerboel world is full of great stud dogs. But I have preferences, and I have had success, and failures. Some blood does not mix well and other blood just seems to make me look like I know what I am doing. To those who offered me their studs, a sincere thank you. I am very picky and even though one thing may work great I want what I want and am very stubborn about it. So... sincerely, thank you.

Before I go further, I want to thank my friend Jenny Wells. May you rest in peace. A decade ago when I brought Mizpah to America a small group of very passionate people exploded on me. Jenny was the first to reach out and offer me her public support. She was a personal friend to Oom Lucas, so that meant a lot to me. I also want to thank Oom Lood for breeding a line of Boerboels that one can pick out of a crowd at a single glance. Bringing in their blood to Blitzkrieg Boerboels is something that I wasn't sure I would be able to do. I want to thank Yetti Payne and Chereen Von Solms as these studs wouldn't be available to me if it we not for them. And my wife, Kendra Dold for supporting this endeavor whole heartedly. The time, money, and energy that we put forth is at times... too much.

Now on to the details. We have specific breedings planned and we will be retaining heavily from these studs for our own personal use so availability will be limited.

With great anticipation we would like to announce Cabarat Pavarotti, Piet-zyn-Dryft Beeste, and Quo Vadis Commander (Freddy) to Blitzkrieg. I don't think I need to say anything about Pavarotti. If you know, you know and if you don't, you should. Beeste was our foundation stud. Many years ago (when I was going through my divorce) I sent Beeste semen to Yetti, he saved it and sent it back ❤️. And Freddy is from Mizpah Minny. Old, long lived, athletic, healthy blood that our Boerboels so much need.

Big storms and rotting maple trees do not go well together. Blitzkrieg Silas would like to report he is alive, well, and...

Big storms and rotting maple trees do not go well together. Blitzkrieg Silas would like to report he is alive, well, and supervised the clean-up of his living quarters. 2 feet further West... would have been a different outcome.

We're not yet ready for him but a few photos of my old friend... PZD Beeste. 91.2% SABT, Stud Registered,  HD A1/A1 ED 0...

We're not yet ready for him but a few photos of my old friend... PZD Beeste. 91.2% SABT, Stud Registered, HD A1/A1 ED 0/0...


I've been pondering how to express this. I'm not sure what is the proper way. For personal reasons, I will not disclose names but I hope you will be able to follow along. I have been a dog man my entire life. Initially hunting hounds had my heart. They were my boyhood best friends. Then in my early 20's, I met my first Boerboel. All these years later, here we are. It has been a long hard road doing my best to do the right things. Breeding any animal with integrity, with purpose, and at the highest level takes a toll. It is hard. A continuous kind of never ending responsibility that most just never understand. But if you do something long enough you will come full circle. You will reflect. You will find your why. After 2 plus decades breeding boerboels we have watched our beloved dogs be born and we have watched them pass. What I wasn't prepared for or even considered along this road was the passing of our customers. The vast majority of them have became friends. A few years ago a longtime customer passed away unexpectedly. Thankfully a great family took in his Blitzkrieg boerboel and they have kept in touch with us over the years. Last night, I received an email from another customer that has been with us since our very first litter all those years ago. She reached out to tell us her husband had passed and to thank me for giving him the,"greatest gift of his life, his best friend, Blitzkrieg *****". If a Boerboel is your dog, you can look into their eyes and see their heart. They have something other dogs just do not have. That is our why. That is the gift we hope to give everyone of our customers. Until I am so feeble and old that I cannot properly function, I will have a fine Boerboel bitch at my side... and probably one of her daughters coming up close behind her. Thank you to all of those who make this possible. ❤️

They've had a bit of time to get their feet under them. Strength and stability is starting to get good enough that we ca...

They've had a bit of time to get their feet under them. Strength and stability is starting to get good enough that we can start making proper evaluations of their form and movement. Today they were able to meet some new dogs and the lawn mower. A big day for the little fellas Blitzkrieg Boerboels !


The Breeder -A breed will stand or fall according to its breeders - not its loyal fanciers, not its judges and handlers, not its exhibitors and trainers. For the breeder is the only link between the past and the future; only through him can the breed stay alive. Like the sculptor, the painter, the poet, he is driven by creative compulsion. But he, more than any of the others, is caught up in the race against time. The sculptor can put his work away and eventually come back to it; the breeder is a captive of his breed and can never really leave it. Why does a breeder stay a breeder? The answer is, that of all the activities in the dog sport, he alone has the joy of creation and the pride of enduring handiwork! When proud owners bring back a fine animal for him to see years after it was sold by him as a puppy, he notes with a thrill how it has developed in just the way he thought it would. While they are happily telling him what a marvelous creature this is, he is scarcely listening as he stares at the dog; for he is not only seeing what they are, but so much more. With a mounting excitement, he watches that imperious stance, so familiar, that proudly arched neck and the keen steady gaze right out of the past; he does not see just ONE handsome dog standing there before him, but all the wonderful ones which went into the making of this one -dogs which he loved and knew so well...and now sees living again. This is the fascination of the breeder. This is the treasure of eternal youth!

~ Peggy Adamson, Damasyn Dobermans


Am I the only person in the world who looks at "NON" SABBS Appraisal Scores and am left speechless? These people could not look any more incompetent!

4 weeks old... and almost fully weined. First vaccination complete so daily field trips outside now and we will start so...

4 weeks old... and almost fully weined. First vaccination complete so daily field trips outside now and we will start socializing in a few days. 😊


Shawnee, OH





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